  • 编史工作学术性历史研和历史再现的原则、理由或方法
    The principles, theories, or methodology of scholarly historical research and presentation.
  • 心理学研究方法
    research methods in psychology
  • 情报研究方法
    methods of information analysis and synthesis
  • 故作风雅极端讲或过分文雅的实例
    An instance of extreme meticulousness or overrefinement.
  • 造作在语言、品味或风格方面的极端讲或过分文雅
    Extreme meticulousness or overrefinement, as in language, taste, or style.
  • 诗体学诗歌的韵律结构的研
    The study of the metrical structure of verse.
  • 韵律学在诗歌中运用韵律结构或研诗歌里的韵律结构;韵律学
    The use or study of metrical structures in verse; prosody.
  • 生物危害一种生物制剂,如传染性细菌或对人类构成威胁的一疾病,尤指在生物学研或实验中的
    A biological agent, such as an infectious microorganism, or a condition that constitutes a threat to human beings, especially in biological research or experimentation.
  • 显微镜把细菌放大,使人们得以看见并研它。
    A microscope magnifies bacteria so that they can be seen and studied.
  • 显微镜上用来放标本以进行研的一个小玻璃镜片。
    a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination.
  • (指在显微镜下研的标本)没有用试剂或者染料处理。
    (of a specimen for study under a microscope) not treated with a reagent or dye.
  • 在显微镜下,光线聚集在我们要研的物体上。
    The beam of light is focused on the object under the microscope that is to be studied.
  • 不用显微镜对身体与身体部分结构的研
    the study of the structure of the body and its parts without the use of a microscope.
  • 对生物器官与组织的精微结构的研
    the study of microscopic structures of tissues and organs.
  • 生物学中研动植物组织的精微结构的分支。
    the branch of biology that studies the microscopic structure of animal or plant tissues.
  • 碳纳管是由日本nec公司的电子显微镜专家sumiolijima在1991年发现的,当时他在研合成富氏碳分子(由纯碳原子组成的铁丝笼状结构的分子)工艺过程中沉积的残余物。
    Carbon nanotubes were discovered by electron microscopist Sumio Lijima at NEC Corp. in Japan in 1991, when he was investigating the residue deposited during a process that synthesized fullerenes (a molecular form of pure carbon noted for its cagelike structures).
  • 她最近的工作,在电子显微镜学上开创了一个新的研领域。
    Her recent work in electron microscopy stimulated a new line of research.
  • 当去年比尔·乔伊,一位重要的研太阳微观结构的科学家在“wired”这本杂志中提出自己对可以无限成倍增加的纳米机器人的担忧时,德莱克斯勒的纳米技术又引起了公众的注意。
    Drexierian nanotechnology drew renewed publicity last year when a morose Bill Joy, the chief scientist of Sun Microsystems, wonrried in the magazine Wired about the implications of nanorobots that could multiply uncontrollably.
  • 对于中世纪的学术研
    Scholarly study of the Middle Ages.
  • 他们精心挑选了20所英国小学(分别位于泰恩·威尔、诺森伯兰、兰开夏、格罗斯特、西米德兰等地),将其中4岁至9岁的几百名小学生作为研对象。
    They worked with hundreds of primary school pupils aged four to nine at 20 carefully selected schools in Tyne and Wear, Northumberland, Lancashire, Gloucestershire and the West Midlands.
  • 行政长官在一九九八年《施政报告》中,宣布成立一所应用科技研院,以支援中游研发展工作。
    The Chief Executive announced in his 1998 Policy Address the establishment of an Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) to support midstream research and development.
  • 为启动西部开发,加快中西部地区经济发展,西部开发办、国家计委在积极制定西部地区中长期开发规划的同时,通过认真研提出了2000年西部地区新开工的“十大工程”。
    While actively working on the formulation of midterm and long-term plans for Western China Development, the Western China Development Office and the State Development Planning Commission have identified after thorough research and investigation "Ten Key Projects" to be started in the year 2000 in western China areas so that Western China Development can be started and the economy of western China can be developed rapidly.
  • 科学家研过鱼类远距离回游的现象。
    Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances.
  • 科学家研过江中的鱼类远距离回游的现象。
    Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river.
  • 微量化学研极小数量物质的化学,通常研对象质量小于一毫克或体积小于一毫升
    Chemistry that deals with minute quantities of materials, frequently less than one milligram in mass or one milliliter in volume.
  • 刘博士的研是为了帮助不孕妇女,而桑原的研是为了帮助容易流产或早产的妇女。
    While Liu's work is aimed at helping those having difficulty conceiving, Kuwabara's is designed to help women who suffer miscarriages or very premature births.
  • 他们开始查他的不端行为。
    They started to probe into his misconduct.
  • 过了,那三种善状况可能属于处理失当。
    We have, and they seem to be three cases of mishandling.
  • 不过在重新划分选区之后,若有三个月时间让所有有意参与竞选的人有时间研及准备,才不会被误解为“怕输”。
    But to avoid being misunderstood as “kiasu”, the ruling party should give people who are keen to join the political fray three months to study the changes and make preparations.
  • 螨学,蜱螨学研螨和蜱的学科
    The study of mites and ticks.
  • 在一九九四年,政府及一私营机构分别成立环保基金,总额达一亿元,以资助有利香港环境的教育、研及社区行动计划与活动,提高市民大众的环保意识,并推广环保工作。
    The government and a private organization launched parallel 'green' funds, totalling $100 million in 1994, to fund educational, research and community action projects and activities which will benefit the environment of Hong Kong, increase public environmental awareness and mobilise the community to act for the environment.
  • 根据奥康纳·罗德威尔博士的研,当大象吼叫、摆出攻击的架势或者跺脚的时候,它们能将信号通过地面传送到远至50公里的地方。
    Elephants, according to Dr O'Connell-Rodwell, can transmit signals through the ground this way for distances of as much as 50km when they trumpet, make mock charges or stomp their feet.