  • 我们十分希望贵公司能尽快租到一集装箱货船。
    We do hope you can charter a container ship as soon as possible.
  • 《联合国宪章》规定,办事人员之雇用及其服务件之决定,应以“求达效率、才干、及忠诚之最高标准为首要考虑”。
    The UN Charter says that the essential criteria for recruitment shall be "the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity".
  • 联合国的全体会员国根据《宪章》这一国际约都有义务支付一部分预算。
    All States of the UN are obligated by the Charter – an international treaty – to pay a portion of the budget.
  • 把那狗赶出花园去。
    Chase that dog out of the garden.
  • 突然她沿着那路跑掉了,就像有野兽在追她似的。
    Suddenly she tore off down the road as if a wild animal was chasing her!
  • 这个巨大的地穴是由地下水通过岩石裂痕所冲出的一隧道而形成的。
    This immense chasm has been formed by an underground stream which has tunnelled a course through a flaw in the rocks.
  • 它修长的折式车篷和两种色调的内部装饰下,隐藏着是一个可对驾驶做出灵敏反应的底盘,其中融合了一个完全独立的悬架和齿齿轮式转向装置,它们可应付起伏不平的路面和高速公路转弯的各种情况。
    Its longish hood and two-tone interior cloak a responsive chassis that incorporates a fully independent suspension and rack-and-pinion steering, tuned to handle everything from rough pavement to highway curves.
  • 这是利用一个交叉点开关实现的,对4插槽或16插槽的底架而言,该开关分别以4×4或16×16的矩阵形式,拥有每块卡的一无阻塞通道。
    This is achieved with a crosspoint switch that has a nonblocking path for each card in either a 4-by-4 or 16-by-16 matrix for a four- or 16-slot chassis, respectively.
  • 我们应该制定一些步骤与件,确保提倡族群语言及培养文化精英不会导致种族沙文主义的出现。
    Measures and conditions need to be set to ensure that the promotion of an ethnic language and cultivation of a cultural elite do not lead to ethnic chauvinism.
  • 对于学者们表示高兴看到会场没有人提出具沙文色彩的问题,郭教授随意地在他面前的一叠字上轻轻地敲了几下,并坦率地承认沙文主义的观点还是有的,只是被他“过滤”了。
    Contrary to the expert panelists' praises of a lack of chauvinistic views at the forum, he pointed out unreservedly that there were such views, but they had been "filtered" out.
  • 你要遵循一规则,在到期之前,必须还回图书,否则你就会被罚款。如果你丢失的话,我的孩子们经常丢书,你必须买一本新的还给图书馆。
    You have to return in a certain time period they will tell you at the checkout. And if you don't, you'll pay the penalty and if you lose it, which my children do sometimes, you have to replace it and buy them a new book or video.
  • 南北疆数字微波工程,西安经兰州、乌鲁木齐、伊宁到霍尔果斯口岸的四群干线光缆;乌鲁木齐经吐鲁番、库尔勒、若羌从茫崖出疆的第二出疆光缆,亚欧光缆;
    Digital microwave communications link the southern and northern parts of the region, and optical cable trunk lines link Urumqi with Xi’an, Lanzhou, Yining, Korgas checkpoint, Turpan, Korla, Ruoqiang and Mangya.
  • 健康是智慧的件,欢乐的标志。
    Health is the condition of wisdom, and the sign of cheerfulness.
  • 我要一份芝士汉堡和炸薯
    I'd like to have one cheeseburger and fried potato, please.
  • 比尔:我不馋,我不喜欢炸土豆,我想尝尝他们的腊肉奶酪汉堡包。
    Not me. I don't care for fries. I think I'll try their bacon cheeseburger.
  • 我们正餐天天吃面,吃得我都发腻了。
    We've had noodles for dinner day in and day out, till I'm cheesed off with them.
  • 第三 十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地是我国的基本国策。
    Article 3 To cherish and give a rational use to the land as well as to give a true protection to the cultivated land are seen as a basic principle of land use in the country.
  • 切斯特英国中西部市镇,位于利物浦东南偏南处迪河上。罗马人曾在此筑堡守卫流入威尔士的这河流,并将些地称为迪瓦。切斯特以其街、沿着主要街道的两排商店和房屋而著名。人口58,100
    A borough of west-central England on the Dee River south-southeast of Liverpool. The Romans built a fort here to defend the river crossing into Wales and named the settlement Deva. Chester is known for its Rows, a double tier of shops and houses along its main streets. Population,58, 100.
  • 羽冠上有栗黄色纹的灰蓝色北美翠鸟。
    grayish-blue North American kingfisher with a chestnut band on its chest.
  • 在这一点上,没有什么地方能比国王林荫大道更为突出。国王林荫大道是一宽广的象征成功的大街,一小运河将其分为两部分。在小运河的妆点下,林荫大道更显魅力,路两旁有120棵栗树荫蔽。
    Nowhere is this more evident than on the Konigsallee, a broad triumphal avenue divided by a pretty ornamental canal and shaded by 120 chestnut trees.
  • 1860年由理查德·科布登和米歇尔·谢瓦利埃签订的《英法约》成了此后许多约的范本。
    The Anglo-French Treaty negotiated in 1860 by Richard Cobden and Michel Chevalier became the model for many subsequent agreements.
  • 新娘穿著一浅灰色薄绸睡衣,显得更加迷人。
    The bride, in a light gray chiffon gown, is more charming.
  • 恙螨寄生在昆虫、人和其它脊椎动物上的恙螨科的形小且有六腿的螨幼虫。被恙螨叮咬后会出现疹块,并通常伴有奇痒
    Any of various small, six-legged larvae of mites of the family Trombiculidae, parasitic on insects, humans, and other vertebrates. The chigger's bite produces a wheal that is usually accompanied by severe itching.
  • 而在广大农、牧民群众中主要是开展生育知识的宣传教育,提倡优生优育,改善妇幼保健件,为自愿节育者提供避孕药具和节育技术服务;
    Among the broad masses of farmers and herdsmen, the government has mainly educated them in childbearing knowledge, advocated healthier birth and child-rearing practices, improved health care for women and children, and provided contraceptives and birth control technical services to those who volunteer to practise birth control.
  • 在计划生育起步较早的中国城镇,由于经济、文化、教育、卫生和社会保障等各方面的件相对较好,因此,人们比较乐于接受小家庭模式,绝大多数育龄夫妇都响应政府的号召,自愿只生育一个孩子。
    In China's cities and towns where family planning was introduced earlier and the economic, cultural, educational, public health and social security conditions are better, the overwhelming majority of couples of childbearing age who are pleased with a small family have responded to the government's call and volunteered to have only one child.
  • 智利的一种常绿乔木,枝有叶,用做盖屋顶的材料。
    Chilean evergreen whose leafy boughs are used for thatching.
  • 我们以能比我们的竞争对手早一周交货的件成交。
    We were able to chinch the deal by offering to deliver the goods a week earlier than our competitors.
  • 她吃了一个汉堡包和一份炸薯
    She have a hamburger and a portion of chip.
  • 炸玉米粉圆饼玉米粉圆饼或炸脆了的玉米粉饼
    A tortilla or tortilla chip deep-fried until crisp.
  • 您想佐煮土豆还是油炸土豆
    Do you want boiled potato or chip with your steak?
  • 现在(软炸)鱼加(炸)土豆越来越贵了。
    Fish and chips is getting very expensive now.
  • 我给你要了鸡蛋和炸土豆
    I've ordered you egg and chips/egg and chips for you.