Chinese English Sentence:
  • 谈话的内转到了运动方面.
    The conversation gravitated to sport.
  • 他父亲认为上大学的惟一理由是可以找到易赚大钱的工作。
    His father believes that the only reason for going to university is to be able to get on the gravy train.
  • 他父亲认为上学的惟一好处是可以找到易赚大钱的工作。
    His father believes that the only good reason for going to university is to be able to get on the gravy train.
  • 外交政策一向由秃顶的、老成的白人把把持,他们是不下像康迪·赖斯这样的人的。
    “ Foreign policy is dominated by bald,graying white men and they're not used to someone like Condi Rice.
  • 在不久的将来人造卫星将会跟踪牧场上羊群的活动习性,以便能够更加合理地规划牧场,而这就是让动物们更加"快乐"的计划中的一项内
    Satellites will shortly swing into action to track sheep grazing habits as part of a project to design farms that make animals happier.
  • 还有,我必须提醒你,暂时不要吃油腻的食物,二、三天内只能吃易消化的食品,如煮得嫩嫩的鸡蛋、燕麦粥、牛奶和烤面包。
    Now then, I must warn you against greasy food for a while. For two or three days eat only soft food such as soft boiled eggs, oatmeal, milk and toast bread.
  • 显赫将要人置于险地;小人物倒易远离祸害。
    The greatness of the chief men place them in danger, but the small folk escape notice in easy safety.
  • 借50美元给你!你以为我就这么易上当吗?
    Lend you50 dollars! Do you see any green in my eye?
  • 落实《北京市城市市环境卫生条例》、《北京市城市绿化条例》等有关规定,进一步明确有关单位责任范围,定期开展检查和巡查。
    Beijing Municipal Provision on Environmental Sanitation, Beijing Municipal Provision on Greening and other stipulations will be strictly enforced to further clarify the responsibility of relevant authorities and make regular check-up and inspections.
  • 当她前去迎接他时,脸上布满笑
    When she ran to greet him her face was wreathed in smiles.
  • 但我擦擦眼泪,强挤出笑,要让自己在女儿面前露出喜悦之情。
    But I made myself smile so I could greet my little daughter with a Pretense of happiness.
  • 南美洲象鹤的大型草原栖息的群居鸟,羽毛黑亮,叫声洪亮高远;易饲养。
    large gregarious forest-dwelling cranelike bird of South America having glossy black plumage and a loud prolonged cry; easily domesticated.
  • 全国基本建设投资新增的主要生产能力有:原煤开采351万吨/年,大中型发电机组量1690万千瓦,变电设备4726万千伏安,其中城乡电网改造779万千伏安,原油开采1378万吨/年,天然气开采24亿立方米/年,新建铁路主线正线交付运营里程900公里,增建铁路第二线交付运营里程596公里,电气化铁路主线正线交付运营里程995公里,新建高速公路1487公里,新(扩)建万吨级港口码头年吞吐量1400万吨,长途光缆3万皮长公里,新建数字微波线路1万公里。
    The newly-increased annual production capacity in 1998 through capital construction projects included: 3.51 million tons of coal mining, 16.9 million kilowatts of power generation by large and medium-sized generators, 47.26 million kilovolt-amperes of power transformer equipment (including 7.79 million kilovolt-amperes of updated power grid in urban and rural areas), 13.78 million tons of oil extraction, and 2.4 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The year 1998 also saw the operation of 900 kilometers of new trunk railways, 596 kilometers of double-track railways, 995 kilometers of electrified railways, 1,478 kilometers of newly constructed express highways, 14.0 million tons of cargo-handling capacity of coastal harbors, 30,000 kilometers of long distance optical-fiber cable and 10,000 kilometers of newly constructed microwave digital telecommunication lines.
  • 他的脸上布满愁容
    Grief was mapped on his face.
  • 有折磨凶杀内的恐怖小故事
    A grim little tale of torture and murder
  • 想到这里,他的脸上不禁浮现出一种可怕的笑,他内心深处既伤感而又快活。
    The thought of it caused a grim smile to appear and joy to his heart.
  • 我知道她是在开玩笑,因为她的脸上堆满笑
    I knew she was joking because she had a big grin on her face.
  • 不久后他却抱着一大堆书面带笑地回来了,"我不会让一个疯女人和一条狗把我赶出家门,"他说。
    Later he returned with an armful of books and grin, " I'm not letting a crazy woman and a dog drive me out of my home," he said.
  • 滚花金属物体表面或边缘上的一系列小峰或凹槽,如指旋螺钉,使更易握紧
    One of a series of small ridges or grooves on the surface or edge of a metal object, such as a thumbscrew, to aid in gripping.
  • 两家杂货店,一家综合商店就是当地商业的全部内了。
    Two grocery shops and the general store are the sum total of local commerce.
  • 举凡在1900年以前在美国做过某些事的人,都很易被拍成电影……以他是先驱人士为其理由。
    Anybody who did anything in America up to1900 was liable to be made into a film... on the grounds of being a pioneer.
  • 别花这麽多--钱不是易挣的。
    Don't spend so much money doesn't grow on trees, you know.
  • 例如,保卫核武器工厂的设备应具有极高的精确度(不惜一切代价),并且系统用户应愿意忍某些不方便。
    For example, a device guarding a nuclear weapons plant should have extremely high accuracy -- at virtually any cost -- and users of the system should be willing to tolerate some inconvenience.
  • 它起源于英国,本是用来形在根西与泽西海峡岛设立的基金。但今时今日,许多这类基金其实都不再是岸外,而多是内陆的。
    While it was originally a term used from the UK to describe funds set up in the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey, these days the vast majority of such funds are not actually offshore at all, but very much land-locked.
  • 二、西部开发规划的指导思想和工作内
    II. The guiding principles and working content for development plan in the west
  • 人道主义不能忍这种罪行。
    Humanity cannot tolerate that guilt.
  • 易受骗的易被人欺骗或欺辱的
    Easily duped or deceived; gullible.
  • 他非常易上当,你可以卖给他任何东西。
    He's so gullible you could sell him anything.
  • 易受骗并且易利用的人。
    a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of.
  • 火药筒一种用于装火药或弹丸的器或箱子
    A container or case for carrying gunpowder or shot.
  • 吹的凛冽;暴风的,用于形风。
    blow hard; be gusty, as of wind.
  • 毫无内容;毫无价值
    Have no guts in sth.