  • 收税员受到指控,罪是向几个店主勒索钱财。
    The tax collector has been charged with extorting money from several shopkeepers.
  • 根据罗织的罪名被捕
    Arrested on a trumped-up charge
  • 他的罪名是什么?
    What is he charged with?
  • 囚犯对被控罪再三否认。
    The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him.
  • 以主持人的魅力而闻的一个电视新闻节目
    A television news program famed for the charisma of its anchors.
  • 他是八世纪的一位大主教和两代英王的大臣,以慈善行为和建造教堂而闻
    He was an eighth-century bishop, chancellor to two Eng1ish kings, and famous for charitable deeds and building churches.
  • 帕里什,塞莱斯蒂娅·苏姗娜1853-1918美国教育家,因其对增加妇女受大学教育的机会和提高质量所作出的努力而闻
    American philanthropist who founded(1795) the Philadelphia House of Industry, the first charitable institution for women in the United States.
  • 盖斯凯尔,伊丽莎白·克莱·史蒂文斯1810-1865英国作家,因其夏洛蒂·勃朗特的一生(1857年)和描述英格兰工人19世纪的反抗运动的小说而闻
    British writer noted for her Life of Charlotte Bront?1857) and her novels depicting the oppression of workers in19th-century England.
  • 在1970年4月4日深夜,苏联士兵在一座没有记号的坟墓周围搭建了一个帐篷。三克格勃军官挖出了装着希特勒等人尸骨的弹药箱。
    In the middle of the night of April 4,1970. Soviet soldiers erected a tent over the unmarked grave and three KGB officers dug up the ammunition boxes containing the charred skeletons.
  • 伊丹荷兰西部一城镇,位于爱塞美尔湖畔。1357年获准建市,拥有著的奶酪市场。人口24,019
    A town of western Netherlands on the Ijsselmeer. Chartered in1357, it has a famous cheese market. Population,24, 019.
  • 普福尔茨海姆德国西南部一城市,位于斯图加特西北偏西。1195年特许建立,它拥有著的珠宝业和钟表制造工业。人口104,023
    A city of southwest Germany west-northwest of Stuttgart. Chartered c.1195, it has a noted jewelry and watchmaking industry. Population,104, 023.
  • 克拉根福奥地利南部一城市,位于格拉茨西南。1279年在地图上标出。现在是制造业中心和著的滑雪场。人口87,321
    A city of southern Austria southwest of Graz. It was chartered in1279 and is today a manufacturing center and noted ski resort. Population,87, 321.
  • 陆瓦尔登荷兰北部的一个城市,位于艾瑟尔湖东北。1435年被租赁,16世纪到18世纪期间以其金器和银器的制造而闻。人口85,435
    A city of northern Netherlands northeast of the Ijsselmeer. Chartered in1435, it was noted for its manufacture of gold and silver articles from the16th to the18th century. Population,85, 435.
  • 警察正在追捕小偷。
    The policeman is chasing the thief.
  • 她新来乍到,对镇上这群孩子赶走老师的声尚无所闻。
    New in town,she hadn't heard of their reputation for chasing off teachers.
  • 现在已进入第三个千年期,仍然还有这样的婚礼:新娘头戴面纱,被当作个人物品由一个男人(父亲)交给另一个男人(丈夫),仪式则由第三个男人主持,他问:“是哪一位你交托这女子?哪一位接受?”
    It is the third millennium, but a b ride wearing a veil is still passed as a chattel between two men, her father and her husband, in a ervice conducted by another man who asks ‘who givest this wo an and who takest this woman?’
  • 其中声卓著者,略举数例,便有升阳微系统的创始人之一文诺·考斯拉、雅虎的创始人杨致远,以及新加坡的沈望傅。
    They include such illustrious names as Vinod Khosla who co-founded Sun Microsystems, Jerry Yang of Yahoo fame and Singaporean Sim Wong Hoo, to name a few.
  • 最终有了这样的观点,他们应该向投资者证明他们的商业模式是可行的。一些知的互联网公司-----最著的美国在线(aol)和雅虎公司就是赢利的。
    Eventually, the thinking went, they would show investors that their business models worked, while some prominent Internet companies - most notably America Online (AOL) and Yahoo (YHOO) - are profitable.
  • 其中声卓著者,略举数例,便有升阳微系统的创始人之一文诺·考斯拉、雅虎的创始人杨致远,以及新加坡的沈望傅。
    Prominent among them are Indians and Chinese, and not a few Singaporeans. They include such illustrious names as Vinod Khosla who co-founded Sun Microsystems, Jerry Yang of Yahoo fame and Singaporean Sim Wong Hoo, to name a few.
  • 以啁啾声著的鸟类。
    songbirds having a chattering call.
  • 鸣禽以啁啾声著的鸟类,如石?鸟属或巨?鸟属
    Any of several birds known for their chattering call, as of the genera Saxicola or Icteria.
  • 格子纵列在国际象棋棋盘或西洋跳棋盘上一列垂直排列或在两游戏者之间的方格
    Any of the rows of squares that run vertically or between players on a playing board in chess or checkers.
  • 欢呼着的观众深深地被彼得里的痛苦所吸引。当第二选手美国的约翰尼·海斯冲进体育场的时候,几乎没有什么人注意到彼得里已经被宣布为获胜者。
    Caught up in the drama of Pietri's agony,the cheering crowd hardly noticed that he was declared the winner just as second place runner,Johnny Hayes of the U.S.,entered the stadium.
  • 一位因非凡的烹调技术而扬的厨师。
    a chef famous for his great skill.
  • 纳济莫娃,安拉1879-1945俄国裔的美国女演员,因作为伊普森,柴可夫斯基,欧尼尔著作的表演者而闻
    Russian-born American actress noted as an interpreter of the works of Ibsen, Chekhov, and O'Neill.
  • 咨询公司麦肯锡纽约公司向切尔西·克林顿发出了年薪10万美金的工作邀请。切尔西立即因此成为今年毕业生艳羡的焦点。
    Chelsea Clinton is the envy of this year's graduate trainees after being offered a $100,000 -a-year job with McKinsey, the New York management consultancy.
  • 那个著的化学家赢得了诺贝尔奖。
    The famous chemist won the Nobel Prize.
  • 死者生前是著的化学家。
    The deceased was a well-known chemist.
  • 人重要的或引人注意的人
    A prominent or notable person.
  • 在演员表上收到突出次的表演者。
    a performer who receives prominent billing.
  • 该时代著名的人物
    A prominent figure during this period.
  • 使…闻,使…杰出或著
    To make well-known, prominent, or famous.