  • 这种劳动可以说是间接生产性的,而耕作者及棉纺工的劳动是直接生产性的。
    Such labour may be said to be productive indirectly or mediately, in opposition to the labour of the ploughman and the cotton-spinner, which are productive immediately.
  • 在战争爆发以后的一切组织和斗争,是直接或间接地配合战争的,例如北伐战争时期,革命军后方的一切组织和斗争是直接地配合战争的,北洋军阀统治区域内的一切组织和斗争是间接地配合战争的。
    After war breaks out, all organization and struggle are co-ordinated with the war either directly or indirectly, as, for instance in the period of the Northern Expedition when all organization and struggle in the rear areas of the revolutionary army were co-ordinated with the war directly, and those in the Northern warlord areas were co-ordinated with the war indirectly.
  • 第二届立法会议员将於二零零零年选出,任期四年,届时由直选产生的议席数目,会增至二十四个。到了二零零四年,我们会进行第三届立法会选举,届时由直选产生的议席数目,会增至三十个,馀下半数议席由间接选举产生。
    The second legislature, to be elected for a four-year term in the year 2000, will have 24 directly-elected seats while the third legislature from 2004 will have 30, directly elected seats, the other 50% being indirectly elected.
  • 脱离人民的无纪律状态,改变为建设在自觉原上的秋毫无犯的纪律;
    to change the indiscipline which alienates the army from the people into conscious discipline which forbids the slightest violation of the people's interests;
  • 除非你能成为某人或某团体不可或缺的人物,否你的所得将永远无法超过一般的水平。
    You will never command more than average compensation until you become indispensable to somebody or some group.
  • 分开来看,你会不得要领。若看整体,过去记录毫无疑问地说明[这些经济指标]提供了今年股票市场的关键。
    Taken separately, they might lead you astray; together, though, the record indisputably shows they provide you with the key to the year's stock market.
  • 二三十年前,米娅会因为典型的美国价值观如民主独立而最终放弃王位.但与之相反,2001年的米娅抓住了这个机会.一个中产阶级的女孩能有机会获得如此大的权利和影响,甚至能让世界都听她的,还有比这更妙的事情吗?
    Two or three decades ago, Mia would surely have ended the story by refusing her royal opportunity in the name of American values like democracy and individualism. By contrast, the Mia of 2001 decides to grab the job. How else could a middle-class girl get enough influence and power to make the world listen to her ideas?
  • (纸牌)游戏书关于纸牌游戏和其他室内游戏规的参考书
    A reference book of rules for card games and other indoor games.
  • 奈史密斯博士原先制定的13条规为这项最受世人欢迎的室内体育项目奠定了基础。
    Dr. Naismith's original 13 rules were the foundation of what is now the most-watched indoor sport in the world.
  • 如果大人喝了酒,吃了安眠药或疲惫不堪,不应同婴儿睡在一张床上。
    Grown-ups shouldn't sleep with their babies if they have been drinking, have been taking sleep inducing drugs such as some cold medicines, or are exhausted.
  • 用于数据开采的其它流行技术包括决策树、规归纳、数据可视化和最近邻域分析等。
    The other popular technologies for data mining include decision trees, rule induction, data visualization and nearest-neighbor analysis.
  • 我们惊讶地获悉,一个歌唱家可以轻而易举地在一个晚上赚九千美元,而一位辛勤的农民挣这笔钱需要100年时间。
    We are surprised to learn that a singer easily made 9 thousand dollars one night, which will take 100 years for an industrious peasant to earn.
  • 其它是按软件包实现的,这些软件包在应用层程序中对包进行过滤,这是一种效率不高的方法,需要多个数据拷贝、代价高的延迟和上下开关以及提供低吞吐量。
    Others are implemented as software packages that filter the packets in application-layer processes, an inefficient approach that requires multiple data copies, expensive delays and context switches, and delivers lower throughput.
  • 这是各国政府都必须面对的问题,如何在国家原和国家利益之间作出取舍。
    There is an inescapable tension faced by all governmentsin reconciling their commitment to principles and the interests of the state.
  • 这是各国政府都必须面对的问题,如何在国家原和国家利益之间作出取舍。
    This is an inescapable tension faced by all governments in reconciling their commitment to principles and the interests of the state.
  • 也应该如此嘛,否非犯错误不可。
    Of course it should, otherwise mistakes will be inevitable.
  • 马尔萨斯,托马斯・罗伯特1766-1834英国经济学家,著有人口论(1798年),认为人口的增长比食物供应的增长要快,除非对人口的增长采用道德的约束或战争、饥荒和瘟疫加以抑制,否会导致不可避免的灾难后果
    British economist who wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population(1798), arguing that population tends to increase faster than food supply, with inevitably disastrous results, unless the increase in population is checked by moral restraints or by war, famine, and disease.
  • 绝对有效的解毒药;确实的规
    An infallible antidote; an infallible rule.
  • 演绎推理从一般的原推断出;演绎推理
    To infer from a general principle; reason deductively.
  • 中受推理机测试的条件部分,若前提为真,采取规结论所规定的相应动作。
    The condition portion of a rule that is tested by the inference engine. If the premise is found to be true, the corresponding action specified in the rule conclusion is taken.
  • 但是在目前,双方的优劣都不是绝对的而是相对的。
    But at present superiority or inferiority is not absolute on either side, but is relative.
  • (八○)主动是和战争力量的优势不能分离的,而被动和战争力量的劣势分不开。
    80. Initiative is inseparable from superiority in capacity to wage war, while passivity is inseparable from inferiority in capacity to wage war.
  • 又如台儿庄胜利的前夜,这时当地孤立的日军经过苦战之后,已处于绝对的劣势,我军造成了绝对的优势,结果敌败我胜,这是战役结局存在着绝对的优势和劣势之例。
    Again, on the eve of the Chinese victory at Taierhchuang, the isolated Japanese forces there were reduced after bitter fighting to absolute inferiority while our forces achieved absolute superiority, so that the enemy was defeated and we were victorious; This is an example of absolute superiority and inferiority towards the end of a campaign.
  • 对家庭传统的背叛;背叛革命原
    Infidelity to the family tradition; infidelity to the principles of the revolution.
  • 虽然这四个人早已是朋友,但勾心斗角一定会出现,而猜一猜谁会在暗斗中占上风已经成了华盛顿的一项游戏。
    Though all four are friends, it has already become a Washington parlor game to guess who will prevail in the inevitable infighting.
  • 因此必须确定,革命两面政策是深入到敌人(主要是敌占区和伪军伪组织)内部的进攻政策,它所包括的范围是很广泛的,包括着革命两面派的建立,两面派的争取,一切可能力量的利用,而其主要目标是革命两面派的建立与发展,以便依靠他们去团结与组织一切可能的力量,进行对敌斗争,保护人民利益,在敌占区和敌伪组织内部积蓄力量,以待时机,配合反攻或反正。
    Therefore, we must make it clear that the dual revolutionary policy is an offensive policy designed to infiltrate the enemy (mainly the enemy-occupied areas and the puppet troops and organizations). This policy involves many aspects of work, such as the fostering of revolutionary double-dealers, the winning over of ordinary double-dealers and the utilization of all forces possible, with the chief aim being to foster and expand our group of revolutionary double-dealers so that we can rely on them to unite and organize all possible forces to struggle against the enemy, safeguard the people's interests, build up our strength in enemy-occupied areas and within the enemy and puppet organizations, and wait for the opportunity to support our counter-attacks or win over the enemy.
  • 那些被一种超越他们自己的至高无上的义务约束的人们必定要使自己的意志服从于这个法,这个法是不以他们的意志为转移的。
    This law is not subject to the will of those, who by an obligation above them, and infinitely superior, are bound to submit their will to that law.
  • 词形变化的规形成词形变化的种类,如名词屈折变化、动词屈折变化
    A pattern of forming paradigms, such as noun inflection or verb inflection.
  • (语法)指有不规变形的动词。
    (grammar) of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection.
  • (语法)用来指有规变化的动词。
    (grammar) used of verbs having standard (or regular) inflection.
  • "keep"与"see"这两个动词的词形变化是不规
    the verb " keep " and " see " are irregular in their inflection
  • "keep"与"see"这两个动词的词形变化是不规的。
    The verb " keep " and " see " is irregular in their inflection.