  • 一个戴著假面具扮演老妇的人加入了他们的行
    A mask, in the character of an old woman, joined them.
  • 让我们先来看一下“火车车员”的智囊团模式:车长之所以能够使火车开往目的地的惟一原因,就是其他车员认同并且尊重车长的职权。
    For a model of mastermind alliance at work,consider a train crew.The conductor(you) can take the train to its destination only because all the other members of the train crew recognize and respect his(your) authority.
  • 我们党的马克思宁主义的修养,现在已较过去有了一些进步,但是还很不普遍,很不深入。
    Our Party's mastery of Marxism-Leninism is now rather better than it used to be, but is still far from being extensive or deep.
  • 比武一系持矛的比武;马上比武
    A series of tilting matches; a tournament.
  • 第五十在一系中排于第50的序数
    The ordinal number matching the number50 in a series.
  • 第九十在数中与数字90相配的序数词
    The ordinal number matching the number90 in a series.
  • 第一万亿,第一兆可数数中与一万亿相对应的序数
    The ordinal number matching the number one trillion in a series.
  • 第八在一中对应于8的序数
    The ordinal number matching the number eight in a series.
  • 第五在系中排在第五的序数
    The ordinal number matching the number five in a series.
  • 第四一序数词,一数中的第四个
    The ordinal number matching the number four in a series.
  • 第九在数中与数字9相配的序数词
    The ordinal number matching the number nine in a series.
  • 第一一个系中的相配数字一的序数
    The ordinal number matching the number one in a series.
  • 第十亿个在一序数中处第十亿个的序数词
    The ordinal number matching the number one billion in a series.
  • 他的数学分数在班上是名前茅的。
    His mark in math is second to none in the class.
  • 工程师必须能出描述各种物理系统的方程式,并利用这些方程供用数学方法来预测这些系统的性能。
    Engineers must be able to write equations describing physical systems and use these equations to mathematically predict the performance of these systems.
  • 转置矩阵通过使一个给定的矩阵的行和互换而形成的矩阵
    A matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix.
  • 元素的一种物理排,例如二进制位模式、点矩阵模式、存储模式。
    A physical arrangement of elements;("a bit pattern";"a dot-matrix pattern";"a storage pattern").
  • 其中不少地方的自然保护区、古玛雅人遗址和殖民时期城市已经被联合国教科文组织入世界文化遗产。
    Many of the region's nature reserves, ancient Maya settlements and colonial cities have been declared world cultural heritage sites by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
  • 在美国,下生日具有特别意义:
    In America,the following birthdays are especially meaningful:
  • 他的思想的动作将更为灵活;其排将更有秩序;他可以看出来把这些思想变成言语的时候它们是什么模样;他终于变得比以往的他聪明,而要达到这种情形,一小时的谈话比一天的沉思为效更巨——这些都是没有疑义的。
    He tosseth his thoughts more easily; He marshalleth them more orderly, he seeth how they look when they are turned into words: finally, he waxeth wiser than himself; And that more by an hour's iscourse, than by a day's meditation.
  • 一系列秘密会议
    A series of closed-door meetings.
  • 他参加了一系的委员会会议。
    He had attended a series of committee meetings.
  • 竖石纪念物一种史前遗留下来的纪念碑,主要存在于不颠群岛及法国北部,由单块高而直的巨石构成
    A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith.
  • 在有丝分裂及减数分裂时染色体沿纺锤体排
    chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis.
  • 美国、以色和巴西是种族融合和社会文化同化的融炉。
    The United States, Isreal, and Brazil are great melting pots.
  • 1998年,她的回忆录《个人历史》创下最畅销书榜上名第一的佳绩,并获得普利策奖。
    In 1998,her memoir,“Personal History,”was a No.1 best seller and won the Pulitzer Prize.
  • 1960年9月,达赖集团在尼泊尔木斯塘重新组建了“四水六岗卫教军”,在中国边境进行了长达十年之久的军事袭扰活动,其首任总指挥恩珠仓·公布扎西在其回忆录《四水六岗》中写道,“组织了一系向中国哨所的进攻”,“有时,一二百人的西藏游击队的活动深入中国占领区达一百英里”。
    In September 1960, the Dalai clique re-organized the "religion guards of the four rivers and six ranges" in Mustang, Nepal, which carried on military harassment activities along the Chinese border for ten years. Its first commander-in-chief Anzhugcang Goinbo Zhaxi wrote in his memoirs Four Rivers and Six Ranges that "a series of attacks were organized on Chinese outposts" and "sometimes, 100 or 200 Tibetan guerrillas went as far as 100 miles into the area occupied by the Chinese."
  • "他记住了那一系日期,但却忽略了与其有关的主要事实。"
    "He memorized the list of dates, but neglected the main facts corresponding to them."
  • 1.享用豆制品食用豆制品——新鲜的大豆、坚果、豆奶或者豆制汉堡包和最常见的豆腐——可降低患心脏病、骨质疏松症、乳腺癌和前腺癌的风险性,并缓解更年期的各种症状。
    1.Enjoy Soy Eating soy-- fresh soybeans,nuts, soy milk or soy burgers, and perhaps the most famous form, tofu can reduce the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and breast and prostate cancers and may relieve the symptoms of menopause.
  • 举一个一个地数;
    To mention one by one; enumerate.
  • mercer公司的高级研究员斯莱金·帕拉卡特迪尔说:"尽管世界各个城市的生活水平较去年稍有提高,但是名前茅的城市和排名最后的那些城市之间的差距还是很大。"
    "Though the world's living standards have risen slightly since last year, the gap between cities at the top and the bottom of the table is still large," said Slagin Parakatil, senior researcher at Mercer.
  • 由系统中等待服务的项目构成的行或表,例如等待执行的任务或在报文路由选择系统中等待发送的报文。
    A line or list formed by items in a system waiting for service; for example, tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted in a message routing system.