Chinese English Sentence:
  • 弹腔、药室武器的弹腔,如步枪的弹腔或左轮手枪的旋转弹腔,装子弹以备射击
    A compartment in a firearm, as in the breech of a rifle or the cylinder of a revolver, that holds the cartridge in readiness for firing.
  • 部繁殖或发展;产生
    To breed or develop within; engender.
  • 虽然公园位于市区,但却是成功的繁殖中心。
    Despite its urban environment, it is a successful breeding centre.
  • 地方酒法的放宽使得一些餐馆可以在店自行酿造啤酒,几乎所有城市都找各种各样的理由有了至少一家“酿造酒吧”。
    Loosening of local alcohol laws has al-lowed some restaurants to brew their own beers on the premises, and nearly every city with any pretensions has at least one 'brewpub'.
  • 北京天津打下以后,这个团结立即解散,变为四派部激烈斗争的局面,蒋桂两派且在酝酿战争中。
    [3] As soon as these cities were captured, this alliance broke up, giving way to bitter struggle among the four cliques, and now a war is brewing between the Chiang and the Kwangsi cliques.
  • 早在1998年,英国伦敦瑞丁大学研究控制论(对信息传递和控制的研究,尤其涉及人及动物大脑与机器及电子装置的差异)的教授布雷恩·沃里克就曾经将一枚芯片植入自己的胳膊,他进行这项实验的目的是为了测试自己的电脑能否在楼无线跟踪他的行迹。
    Back in 1998, Brian Warwick, a professor of cybernetics at Reading University in London, implanted a chip into his arm as an experiment to see if Warwick's computer could wirelessly track his whereabouts with the university's building.
  • 为了不破坏草地、湿地等自然环境,设计中大量采用了以桥代路的方法,仅在西藏自治区境就为此专门设置了累计13公里的桥梁。
    To prevent damage to grasslands and wetlands, the planners designed many special bridges. The total length of bridges built for this railway line in Tibet alone would reach 13 km.
  • 自80年代中叶,美国被财经界似乎漫无止境的丑闻所泛滥。这个时代最具代表性的人物有莱文,皮箱盛满靠幕消息赚来的现款;“烂债券”亿万富翁米尔肯,他的诡计拖垮了德莱克塞尔;以及萨洛蒙兄弟公司的头头古特弗雷因德,对他公司职员违规买卖国库公债视若无睹。堕落的行为日积月累,难道美国商业道德已经破产了吗?
    Since the mid-80's, the nation has been swept by a seemingly endless wave of scandals from the world of finance. Defining the era are figures like Dennis Levine, with his briefcase full of insidertrading cash, Michael R.Milken, the junk bond billionaire whose machinations led to the demise of Drexel Burnham Lambert, and John H.Gutfreund, the head of Salomon Brothers Inc., who turned a blind eye on wayward Treasury bond traders. The cumulative weight of all this turpitude raises the question of whether American business has suffered a moral collapse.
  • 乔基裤衣的商标名,尤指男性三角裤
    A trademark used for underwear, especially men's briefs.
  • 比基尼裤到臀部但不到腰部的短
    Brief underpants that reach to the hips rather than to the waist.
  • 他脱去衣服只穿着裤。
    He stripped himself to his briefs.
  • 消防队在接到电话的几分钟就到达了现场。
    The fire brigade arrived on the scene within minutes of being called.
  • 消防队在接到报警后几分钟就赶到了现场。
    The fire brigade were on the scene within minutes of being called.
  • 容活泼的、新闻很多的杂志
    A bright, newsy magazine
  • 我们需要在房间里摆上一些室盆栽植物就能使它的格调明快起来。
    We could do with one or two houseplants in this room to brighten it up.
  • 凯蒂的脸充满了柔和与愉快的表情,显示她心平静。
    Katie's face is full of the soft brightness which indicates a peaceful heart.
  • 太阳的亮度在几十亿年甚至更久都不会有大幅度的变化。
    The Sun's brightness should not change greatly for a thousand million years or more.
  • 新几亚地区多种羽毛颜色鲜艳的鸟。
    any of numerous brilliantly colored plumed birds of the New Guinea area.
  • 只有最无耻的国民党军阀,才会在他们自己统治的区域弄到差不多民穷财尽的地步,还会天天造谣,说红色区域如何破坏不堪。
    Only the Kuomintang warlords who have brought the areas under their own rule to the brink of bankruptcy have the utter shamelessness to spread the rumour, day in day out, that the Red areas are in a state of total collapse.
  • 日本不能占领全中国,然而在它一切力所能及的地区,它将不遗余力地镇压中国的反抗,直至日本的外条件使日本帝国主义发生了进入坟墓的直接危机之前,它是不会停止这种镇压的。
    Japan cannot occupy the whole of China, but she will spare no effort to suppress China's resistance in all the areas she can reach, and will not stop until internal and external developments push Japanese imperialism to the brink of the grave.
  •  对未划定为禁止使用高污染燃料区域的大、中城市市区的其他民用炉灶,限期改用固硫型煤或者使用其他清洁能源。
    Other users of domestic cooking ranges in urban areas of large or medium-sized cities not designated as areas prohibited from the consumption of coal shall use sulfur-fixed briquette of coal as fuel or other clean energy. They shall do so within a prescribed time limit so as to gradually eliminate the direct use of raw coal as fuel.
  • 美国东部和加拿大东南部的中型至高大的落叶树,外层树皮黑色,层黄色,用于制革;叶宽大,五裂片,有刚毛。
    medium to large deciduous timber tree of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada having dark outer bark and yellow inner bark used for tanning; broad 5-lobed leaves are bristle-tipped.
  • 你根本不可能在一个小时驱车从伦敦到达布里斯托尔。
    Fat chance you have of driving from London to Bristol in under an hour.
  • 你毫无可能在一个小时驱车从伦敦到达布里斯托尔。
    You've no earthly chance of driving form London to Bristol in under an hour.
  • 你毫无可能在一个小时驱车从伦敦抵达布里斯托尔。
    You haven't a ghost of a chance of driving from London to Bristol in under an hour.
  • 这只21岁的大猩猩名叫罗米纳,生活在英国西部布里斯托尔动物园的西部低地地区。这只不幸的大猩猩自出生的时候就因患有先天性白障而生活在黑暗之中。
    Romina, a 21-year-old Western lowland gorilla at Bristol Zoo Gardens, west England, had congenital cataracts in both eyes.
  • 英国的内政部
    The British Home Office.
  • 首相在电视广播中公布了阁的工作目标.
    The Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast.
  • 作为容包含进来;播送或宣扬。
    include as the content; broadcast or publicize.
  • 要切实保障党员的民主权利,拓宽党民主渠道,加强党员对党事务的了解和参与。
    We should take effective measures to ensure Party members their democratic rights, broaden channels for inner-Party democracy and increase their knowledge of and involvement in Party affairs.
  • 我们反对把阶级斗争扩大化,不认为党有一个资产阶级,也不认为在社会主义制度下,在确已消灭了剥削阶级和剥削条件之后还会产生一个资产阶级或其他剥削阶级。
    We are opposed to broadening the scope of class struggle.We do not believe that there is a bourgeoisie within the Party, nor do we believe that under the socialist system a bourgeoisie or any other exploiting class will re-emerge after exploiting classes and the conditions of exploitation have really been eliminated.
  • 比奇,埃米·马希·切尼1867-1944美国钢琴家和作曲家,以其歌曲和室音乐最为著名,她的降e大调弥撒曲是第一个由波士顿交响乐团演奏的女人的作品
    American editor and inventor who built a demonstration pneumatic subway under Broadway in New York City in1870.