  • 位于亚洲南部的一个帝国,由居鲁士大帝在元前世纪建立,灭亡于元前世纪亚历山大大帝时代。
    an empire in S Asia created by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC.
  • 伊苏斯小亚细亚东南部的一个古代城镇,位于现在土耳其的伊斯肯德仑港附近,元前333年,亚历山大大帝在这里击败了波斯的大流士三世
    An ancient town of southeast Asia Minor near modern-day Iskenderun, Turkey. Alexander the Great defeated Darius III of Persia here in333 b.c.
  • 阿塞拜疆伊朗西北部地区,在元前8世纪前米提亚人拓殖,并在亚历山大大帝死后成为一个独立王国
    A region of northwest Iran. It was settled by the Medes before the eighth century b.c. and was a separate kingdom after the death of Alexander the Great.
  • 有些人认为我在扩大会议上的举动会遭致上司的训斥,但是结果大大出乎他们的预料:亚历山大先生任命我为关部主任。
    Some thought I was to be called on the carpet for my behaviour at the enlarged meeting. But all the prophets were confounded. Mr Alexander offered me the appointment of the head of the Public Relations.
  • 元前356—323年)的马其顿王国国王;希腊、埃及和波斯的征服者;亚历山大的奠基人。
    (356-323 BC) king of Macedon; conqueror of Greece and Egypt and Persia; founder of Alexandria.
  • 六位身着泳装的姑娘在埃及地中海城市亚历山大滨海路上招摇过市,滨海路上车辆排起了长龙,引起了严重交通阻塞。据周日出版的埃及alwafd报报道,当时这些穿着泳装的姑娘们正沿滨江大道行走,而开车人纷纷减慢车速,伸长了脖子大饱眼福。
    Six scantily-clad girls caused a massive tail-back on the beach-side road in Egypt's Mediterranean city of Alexandria as drivers slowed down to gawp as they strolled along in their bathing costumes, Al Wafd newspaper reported Sunday.
  • 直到一个小时后,亚历山大迈阿密沙滩旁考尼驰滨江路上的交通秩序才得以恢复正常。不过该报道没有详细描述在当时那种酷热难当的天气里,那些姑娘到底穿的是比基尼泳装还是上下身相连的泳装。
    Traffic on the Corniche by Miami beach in Alexandria only got back to normal an hour later, according to the paper which did not specify if they were wearing bikinis or one-piece costumes in the sweltering heat.
  • 希罗亚历山大时期的科学家,发明了许多水动力机和蒸汽动力机并想出了测定三角形面积的
    Alexandrian scientist who invented many water-driven and steam-driven machines and devised a formula for determining the area of a triangle.
  • 每天吃过中饭,艾尔弗雷德总是带着醉意回到办室。
    Every day, after lunch, Alfred would come back to the office half shot.
  • 一双像我一样的眼睛,众福祉的警觉的守望者——阿尔佛雷德·坦尼森。
    to an eye like mine, a lidless watcher of the public weal- Alfred Tennyson.
  • 希波古代非洲西北部的一座城市,在今天阿尔及利亚东北部,安纳巴以南圣奥古斯丁在元396年到430年任该城的大主教
    An ancient city of northwest Africa in present-day northeast Algeria south of Annaba. Saint Augustine was its bishop from a.d.396 to430.
  • 然而,开钥匙必须更长,因不对称算法中的数学是不同的。
    Public keys, however, must be larger, because the mathematics in an asymmetric algorithm are different.
  • 为aes选择算法的过程是以其开性和透明度称著。
    The process of selecting the algorithm for AES has been notable for its openness and transparency.
  • 用rsa开钥匙算法的较安全钥匙长度从768位到2,048位不等。
    Key sizes for good security using the RSA public-key algorithm range from 768 bits to 2,048 bits.
  • 有些工具,如rightpoint软件司的工具,具有一种算法完成一种类型的搜索。
    Some, like Right Point Software Inc.'s, have one algorithm that does one type of search.
  • 那只外星来的宇宙飞船在园上空盘旋了一会儿之后就不见了。
    After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, it vanished.
  • 被允许居住一个国家但不是该国民的外国人
    Alien who have permission to live in a country without have citizenship
  • 外来品种的动植物传人,像早期的“consequences”期刊详细讨论过的那样,是一个长期认的问题。
    Introductions and invasions of alien species of plants and animals is a long-recognized problem, as detailed in an earlier issue of CONSEQUENCES.
  • 有些人大肆鼓吹西方的所谓“现代派”思潮,开宣扬文学艺术的最高目的就是“表现自我”,或者宣传抽象的人性论、人道主义,认为所谓社会主义条件下人的异化应当成为创作的主题,个别的作品还宣传色情。
    Others loudly praise the "modern" schools of thought of the West, declaring that the supreme goal of literature and art is "self-expression", propagating the notions of abstract human nature and humanism and maintaining that man's alienation under socialist conditions should be the theme of creative works. A few produce pornography.
  • 共汽车未停稳时,乘客万勿下车。
    Passengers should never alight from a moving bus.
  • 共汽车开动时,试图下车是危险的。
    When the bus is in motion, it is dangerous to attempt to alight.
  • 国际奥委会主席夏克·罗吉向五万五千名观众说:“我们为你们的平竞争精神和兄弟情谊而感动。让这火焰长久不灭。在你们的国家宣传奥运梦想。你们才是传播运会价值的是真正使者。”
    "We were thrilled by your spirit of fair play and brotherhood," International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge told the crowd of 55,000. "Keep this flame alight. Promote the Olympic dream in your countries You are the true ambassadors of the Olympic values"
  • 我们的司必须与他们的司合作。
    Our company should align ourselves with theirs.
  • 公路线形设计
    design of the align ment of highway
  • 迈克尔o阿姆斯壮的运营理念:“一项事业要取得成功,就必须以它的客户为中心并且提供高质量地服务。司所有的投资、资源和运营都必须紧紧围绕一个明确的战略目标,这个目标能够提供客户所需要的产品和服务--并且还必须是以客户希望的方式进行的。
    Business philosophy: "For any business to succeed, it has to be focused on the customer and on delivering share-owner value by aligning all its investments, resources, and operations around a clearly defined strategy that gives customers the products and services they need and want--in the way they want.
  • 楚兵渡河以后,还未排列成阵,宋国官员又请求出击。宋襄又说:不可,因为君子不攻击不成阵势的队伍。
    When the Chu troops had crossed the river but had not yet completed their battle alignment, the officer again proposed an immediate attack, and once again the Duke said, "No, a gentleman should never attack an army which has not yet completed its battle alignment."
  • 各国的情况千差万别,人民的觉悟有高有低,国内阶级关系的状况、阶级力量的对比又很不一样,用固定的式去硬套怎么行呢?
    Conditions vary greatly from country to country, the level of political awareness varies from people to people, and the class relations and the alignment of class forces in one country are vastly different from those in another. How can a fixed formula be applied mechanically despite all these differences?
  • 这两座办楼在外形上相似。
    The two office buildings are alike in appearance.
  • 这两座办楼的大小和形状都一样。
    The two office buildings look alike in size and shape.
  • 在民事事项中,规定法律援助的范围是:请求给付赡养费、抚育费、抚养费、抚恤金、救济金的法律事项;除责任事故外,因受伤害请求赔偿的法律事项。
    The scope of legal aid for civil matters is stipulated as follows: legal matters in connection with claims for alimony, nurturing fee, fostering fee, pension and relief fund and civil matters in connection with claims for compensation for injury while on duty except for accidents due to negligence.
  • 快点儿啊!你要赶不上共汽车了。
    Look alive! You'll miss the bus.
  • 总的说来,这种批评听起来还算
    All in all, the criticism seemed fair.