  • 伊梅爾特:我想分利用數字化的力量並改革公司的運營方式。
    Immelt: I want to take the power of digitization and transform the way the company is run.
  • 當我們運用體知思維方式,而不是抽象的推理,我們就會瞭解到,思維其實是一個滿變化的過程。
    When we take embodied thinking rather than abstract reasoning as a goal for our mind, then we understand that thinking is a transformative act.
  • translator'sworkbench的新32位版本tm比以前更快,而且它們可以擴得更大。
    Tms of the new 32 bit version of translator's workbench is faster than ever before, and they can become even larger.
  • translator'sworkbench的新32位版本tm比以前更快,而且它們可以擴得更大
    TM of the new 32 - bit version of Translator 's Workbench are faster than ever before, and they can become even larger
  • 我們需要華文教學人員,通曉華文的公務員、商務人員、翻譯人員、華文新聞從業者、文化藝術工作者,以及通曉華文的從政者、外交人才等等,更何況我們必須有分的準備,以應付下世紀亞洲經濟發展的需要。
    We need Chinese- language educators, as well as civil servants, businessmen, translators, journalists, artists, politicians and diplomats who are proficient in the Chinese language. Moreover, we must prepare ourselves to meet the needs of Asia's economic development in the next century.
  •  人們可從中獲取兩點:首先,母語不是英語的人在用英語說到民族和種族時必須謹慎,因為在這一領域英語滿着陷阱。
    One can draw two lessons: First, non-native speakers should use caution when speaking about ethnicity or race in English, as the English language is rife with linguistic traps in this area.
  • 廣泛地、精力沛地旅行地人。
    someone who travels widely and energetically.
  • 那個出納員其量是對俱樂部的錢有點大意,但大多數人卻認為他為人不誠實。
    The treasurer had at best been careless with the club's money, but most people thought he had been dishonest.
  • 沒有足夠的填料填溝渠。
    there was not enough fill for the trench.
  • 人生充滿着磨難。
    Life is full of trials.
  • 人生充滿着磨難。
    Life is full of trials.
  • 那是一段滿苦難的時期。
    It was a time of great tribulation.
  • 他的一生充滿苦難。
    His life was full of tribulations.
  • 水量小過河流的自然水流,常常當河流的支流。
    a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river).
  • 這場競賽始於1981年,當時ms-dos使用幾種軟件“圈套”,冒硬件完成了某些功能。
    This race started in 1981 when MS-DOS used several software "trickeries" to fake the hardware into exploiting certain features.
  • 他補說:"從艾倫·謝菲爾的經歷來看,這個僅15分鐘的旅行需花費至少10萬美元,而對於其他即將經歷這些的人來說,他們可以有機會體驗失重的感覺,可以從高處俯瞰這個地球。"
    He added, "We are saying these trips will cost a minimum of $100,000 for a 15-minute trip, which was the amount of time the first American in space, Alan Shepard, had and for that you get to feel space weightlessness and see the world from up there."
  • 我內心滿了勝利的喜悅---這種心情與其說是因為徵服了蛇,倒不如說是因為徵服了衹是在片刻之前使我毛骨悚然的環境。
    I felt triumphant --not so much over the snake as over circumstances that only moments before had overwhelmed me.
  • 他將在那天晚上去看她。為此,整個下午,她的內心都滿了喜悅。
    He was calling for her that evening . all afternoon she trod on air.
  • 大而褐色的眼睛,真實而滿了信任-諾德霍&霍爾。
    great brown eye, true and trustful- Nordhoff & Hall.
  • 勇新對英特網上的“天使”滿信心,當他開始給他們打電話聯絡的時候,就放棄了正在攻讀的博士學位,乘飛機返回了中國。
    Trusting completely in his Internet "angels," as he had begun calling them, Yongxin gave up his pending scholarship and flew back to China.
  • 這次選舉成績斐然,投票率打破歷來的紀錄,反映了香港人的公民意識不斷提高,也顯示他們支持「一國兩製」,對實現「港人治港」、「高度自治」滿信心。
    The record turnout of voters reflects the community s increasing civic awareness and strong support for the principle of "One Country, Two Systems", as well as its confidence that we can realise the concept of "Hong Kong people running Hong Kong" with "a high degree of autonomy".
  • 馬剋·吐溫曾說,衹憑一句贊美的話他就可以實地活上兩個月。
    Mark Twain once said he could go for two months on a good compliment.
  • 在邊緣地區,這個原理的證據力必須得到驗證。當法院認可由公認的科學原理或發現中推論出來的專傢證據時,推論的來源必須是經分確定、並在其所屬專門領域獲得廣泛接受的。
    Somewhere in the twilight zone the evidential force of the principle must be recognized, and while courts will go a long way in admitting expert testimony deduced from well-recognized scientific principle or discovery, the thing from which the deduction is made must be sufficiently established to have gained general acceptance in the particular field in which it belongs.
  • 在我老公到之前我暫時當裁判。
    I'll be the umpire until my husband arrives.
  • 在我老公到之前我暫時當裁判。
    I'll is the umpire until my husband arrives.
  • 仍然無法適應滿壓力的生活
    Is still unaccustomed to a life of stress.
  • 如果可能選擇的話,我認為這些旅行就是我有可能並願意選擇的一種生活的調劑。在這種旅行生活中,所有的事都是確定而簡單的(不是不睏難而是不復雜),完成任務是明確無誤的,其回報不僅是分的而且是明顯的。
    I think of these trips as my alternate life, what I would choose if such a choice were possible, in which all tasks are well defined and simple (not as opposed to difficult but as opposed to complicated), their completion unambiguous and their rewards not just ample but palpable.
  • 他還補說,在辯論中,候選人不能夠像在製作本黨競選廣告那樣包裝自己,而必須迅速對事先毫無準備的問題和批評做出回答。
    A candidate cannot package himself in debates the way he can in party advertisements but must be quick on his feet to respond to unanticipated questions and criticisms,he adds.
  • 1997年6月,我在新達城舉行的國際思維研討會上發表演說之後,和彭妮有過一面之緣。我和她交談的時間不長,卻對她的印象很深刻。我覺得她在冷靜沉着、滿自信之餘,卻能保持着其謙遜的一面。
    My only face-to-face encounter with her, a brief conversation after my presentation at the International Conference on Thinking at the Singapore Convention Hall in June 1997, gave me the distinct impression that she was self-possessed and self-confident in a calm and unassuming way.
  • 大量事實分說明,西藏的人權事業在不斷進步。
    A host of facts show clearly that human rights in Tibet are making unceasing
  • 大量事實分說明,西藏的人權事業在不斷進步,中央政府和西藏地方各級政府為保障和促進西藏地區人權事業的發展作出了巨大的努力,西藏人民今天享有的人權是舊西藏無法比擬的。
    A host of facts show clearly that human rights in Tibet are making unceasing progress. The Central Government and the local governments at all levels in the Tibet Autonomous Region have made great efforts to safeguard and promote the progress of human rights in Tibet. The situation as regards human rights in old Tibet bears no comparison with the situation in Tibet today.
  • 人生滿了無法預測的事。
    Life is full of uncertainty.