  • 后必然发生疾病。
    Disease often follows war.
  • 医生与疾病作斗争。
    Doctors wage war against disease.
  • 一个依赖以往的成绩和无所不能的形象来取选票的政治领导人,只会使选民感到失望。
    If something could disenchant voters, it would be the image of a political leader who is relying on an omnipotent image to woo votes.
  • 最后我厌恶地告诉我的论对手停止讨论
    Finally in disgust I told my debating opponent to bag it.
  • 这种结果,将使民众不能充分认识前线官兵的艰苦奋斗与国与家的关系,而热烈地拥护和慰劳军队,实现大革命时代军民一致的优良传统,来取抗战的最后胜利,反会增加部分民众厌恶军队不愿当兵的观念。
    People may fail to realize that the arduous struggle now being conducted by the officers and men at the front is closely related to the fate of the country and their families, they may fail to carry forward the fine tradition of unity between the army and the people during the days of the Great Revolution, and they may fail to warmly support the army and show gratitude in order to encourage it to win the war of resistance in the end;moreover, some people may become disgusted with the army and be loathed to join it.
  • 尽管一九五○年一月五日美国总统杜鲁门发表声明,表示美国及其他盟国承认一九四五年以来的四年中国对台湾岛行使主权,但是同年六月朝鲜战爆发后,美国政府为了孤立、遏制中国,不仅派军队侵占台湾,而且抛出“台湾地位未定”等谬论,以后又逐步在国际社会策动“双重承认”,企图制造“两个中国”。
    On January 5, 1950, the U.S. President Truman issued a statement, saying that the U.S. and other Allied countries recognized China's exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan Island in the four years since 1945. However, after the start of the Korean War in June 1950, to isolate and contain China the U.S. government not only sent troops to occupy Taiwan, but it also dished out such fallacies as "the status of Taiwan has yet to be determined" and later, step by step, lobbied for "dual recognition" among the international community in order to create "two Chinas.
  • 由战引起的灾难性的经济混乱
    a disastrous economic dislocation caused by war
  • 主张驳回诉讼;据理力反对立即反攻
    Argued for dismissal of the case; argued against an immediate counterattack.
  • 可自由参加的论,比赛每一位席者都可参加一场混乱的打斗、论或竞赛
    A disorderly fight, argument, or competition in which everyone present takes part.
  • 搞好钢铁、汽车、建材等行业发展的规划和调整,防止盲目发展和无序竞
    We should do a good job in planning and readjusting the development of our steel, automobile and building materials industries to prevent blind expansion and disorderly competition.
  • 一个对亚洲人蔑视的称呼(尤其是在越南战时对北方越南士兵的称号。
    a disparaging term for an Asian person (especially for North Vietnamese soldiers in the Vietnam War).
  • 东方人,黄种人用作对在越南战中北越士兵或游击队员的蔑称
    Used as a disparaging term for a North Vietnamese soldier or guerrilla in the Vietnam War.
  • 这次战双方军力强弱悬殊,刘秀只有八九千人,而王莽有四十余万人。
    There was a huge numerical disparity between the two sides, Liu Hsiu's forces totalling 8,000 to 9,000 men as against Wang Mang's 400,000.
  • 如不同顽固派作坚决的斗,并收到确实的成效,就不能抵抗顽固派的压迫,也不能消释中间派的怀疑,进步势力就无从发展。
    Unless we engage in resolute struggle against the die-hards and, moreover, get tangible results, we shall be unable to resist their pressure or dispel the doubts of the middle section. In that case the progressive forces will have no way of expanding.
  • 有这种意见的人,也常说一切应服从战,他们不知道如果取消了经济建设,这就不是服从战,而是削弱战
    Those who think this way often say that everything should be subordinated to the war effort, but they fail to understand that to dispense with economic construction would weaken the war effort rather than subordinate everything to it.
  • 按照情况灵活地分散兵力或集中兵力,是游击战的主要的方法,但是还须懂得灵活地转移(变换)兵力。
    Although the flexible dispersal or concentration of forces according to circumstances is the principal method in guerrilla warfare, we must also know how to shift (or transfer) our forces flexibly.
  • 分散、集中和转移的灵活性,都是游击战具体地表现主动性的东西;死板、呆滞,必至陷入被动地位,遭受不必要的损失。
    Flexibility in dispersal, concentration and shifts of position is a concrete expression of the initiative in guerrilla warfare, whereas rigidness and inertia inevitably lead to passivity and cause unnecessary losses.
  • 游击战本来是分散的,所以成其为普遍的游击战,且在许多任务,例如扰乱、钳制、破坏和做群众工作等,都以分散兵力为原则;
    Because of its dispersed character, guerrilla warfare can spread everywhere, and in many of its tasks, as in harassing, containing and disrupting the enemy and in mass work, its principle is dispersal of forces;
  • 根据游击战的特性,兵力的使用必须按照任务和敌情、地形、居民等条件作灵活的变动,主要的方法是分散使用、集中使用和转移兵力。
    The nature of guerrilla warfare is such that guerrilla forces must be employed flexibly in accordance with the task in hand and with such circumstances as the state of the enemy, the terrain and the local population, and the chief ways of employing the forces are dispersal, concentration and shifting of position.
  • 为此缘故,在全国的数百万正规军中间,至少指定数十万人,分散于所有一切敌占地区,发动和配合民众武装,从事游击战,是完全必要的。
    For this reason, out of the millions of China's regular troops, it is absolutely necessary to assign at least several hundred thousand to disperse through all enemy-occupied areas, arouse the masses to arm themselves, and wage guerrilla warfare in co-ordination with the masses.
  • 可又是因为这场战,致使故宫的文物分处异地。
    But it was also as a result of this long period of upheaval that the treasures have been dispersed.
  • 莫扎特的第一部歌剧遭受到了吹毛求疵的批评,但仍在垂头丧气地取第五次的表演机会。
    the first Mozartian opera to be subjected to this curious treatment ran dispiritedly for five performances.
  • 由于战难民被迫转移。
    the refugees were displaced by the war.
  • 数以百万计的难民由于战而离开家园
    Millions of refugees who were displaced by the war.
  • 在长江流域实行平垸行洪、退田还湖、移民建镇等政策,恢复水面2900平方公里,增加蓄洪容积130亿立方米,其中鄱阳湖、洞庭湖还湖面积分别达到880平方公里和600平方公里,实现了千百年来从围湖造田、与湖地到大规模退田还湖的历史性转变。
    In the Yangtze River valley, we implemented the policies of removing protective embankments to facilitate floodwater discharge, restoring reclaimed farmland to lakes and relocating the displaced people in newly built towns. As a result, 2,900 square kilometers of water surface were restored, increasing the river's floodwater storage capacity by 13 billion cubic meters. Specifically, 880 square kilometers were restored to the Poyang Lake and 600 square kilometers to the Dongting Lake. This represented a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.
  • 这是图案的中心圈。图案的四角是一些神祗们由于一些狂妄自大的凡人竟敢与他们竞而生气的情景。
    Such was the central circle; and in the four corners were represented incidents illustrating the displeasure of the gods at such presumptuous mortals as had dared to contend with them.
  • 有大声执和战斗倾向的。
    disposed to loud disagreements and fighting.
  • 喜好吵、斗的性格。
    a disposition to fight.
  • 好斗好战,尤指猛烈斗的性情或明显倾向
    A disposition or apparent disposition to fight, especially fiercely.
  • 世界上过多的雄心勃勃之士,都在奋力拼搏,取在美国实现他们的抱负。
    A disproportionate share of the ambitious people of the world are fighting for a chance to use their ambitions in the United States.
  • 他声称创造了新纪录,那可大有议.
    He made some very disputable claims about his record.
  • 论者,辩士进行辩或辩论的人,尤指在公共场合;辩论者
    A person engaged in a controversy or debate, especially in public; a disputant.