  • 卡拉马祖密歇根州西南部城市,位于大急流城南部。1829年该市首次建立殖民地,如今成为制造业中心之。人口80,277
    A city of southwest Michigan south of Grand Rapids. First settled in1829, it is a manufacturing center. Population,80, 277.
  • 是继续有效控制总量,保持供需大体平衡。
    First, to carry out the aggregate supply control continuously and effectively and keep the balance between demand and supply on the whole.
  • 特拉纬斯美国密歇根州西北部城市,位于大急流城北部,大特拉弗斯湾畔。它是个位于旅游区内的商贸中心。人口15,155
    A city of northwest Michigan on Grand Traverse Bay north of Grand Rapids. It is a trade center in a resort area. Population,15, 155.
  • 霍兰美国密西根州西南部城市,位于大瀑布西南部。由荷兰殖民者创于1847年,是制造业中心和夏季避暑胜地。人口30,745
    A city of southwest Michigan southwest of Grand Rapids. Founded in1847 by Dutch settlers, it is a manufacturing center and summer resort. Population,30, 745.
  • 托尼撞毁过快速行驶的汽车,从燃烧的房屋里跳出来过,被下子扔进急流中去过。他说:“特技替身演员需要神明护佑。”
    Tony has crashed fast cars, jumped from burning building, been swept down rapids. "A stunt man," he says, "needs to have a guardian angel."
  • 在程序设计语言中,种由通常附加有标识的且可能具有不同属性的数据对象组成的集合。
    In programming languages, an aggregate that consists of data objects, possibly with different attributes, which usually have identifiers attached to them.
  • “我曾经度把所有的男人都看成强奸犯,”她说。
    “For a while, I thought every man was a rapist,” she says.
  • 真不知道马可斯跟谁站在边。马可斯是曼哈顿最高法院法官。上星期他对个有谋杀前科的强奸犯不但量刑过轻而且鼓励有加。
    You have to wonder whose side Jerome Marks is on. Marks is the Manhattan Supreme Court Justice who last week gave a slap on the wrist and a pat on the head to a rapist whose prior record included a conviction for murder.
  • 黑莓种灌木悬钩子属,通常有带刺茎干,复合叶和小核果的聚生果实
    Any of various shrubs of the genus Rubus, having usually prickly stems, compound leaves, and an aggregate fruit of small drupelets.
  • 矿石种矿物或多种矿物的集合物,从中可采探或提取出在经济上有价值的成分,尤指金属
    A mineral or an aggregate of minerals from which a valuable constituent, especially a metal, can be profitably mined or extracted.
  • 由四月日起,总结余兑换保证适用汇率开始由7.75的水平,每公历日调整点子。
    The convertibility rate for the Aggregate Balance began to move by 1 pip per calendar day from 7.75 with effect from April 1.
  • 自从九九六年十二月即时支付结算系统推行以来,总结余数字实质上已即时公布。
    The Aggregate Balance has been disclosed on a virtually real time basis since December 1996, when the RTGS system was launched.
  • 九九八年六月,金管局也开始每日公布因进行外汇交易而引起总结余变动的预测数字。
    Forecast changes to the Aggregate Balance as a result of foreign exchange transactions have also been published daily since June 1998.
  • 他嗒嗒地拍发了份摩亦斯电码的电报。
    He rapped out a Morse message.
  • 截至九九九年年底,按揭证券公司接获来自30间银行合共2150份申请,涉及贷款总额44亿元。
    At the end of the year, 2 150 applications with an aggregate loan value of $4.4 billion have been received from 30 banks.
  • (程序设计语言中)由同属性的多个数据对象组成的聚集,每数据对象可唯地通过下标来引用。
    An aggregate that consists of data objects, with identical attributes, each of which may be uniquely referenced by subscripting.
  • 他大声发出了连串简短的命令。
    He rapped out a series of curt commands.
  • 个声称通过在桌子上叩击能从死者那里得到信息的人。
    someone who claims to receive messages from the dead in the form of raps on a table.
  • 老板因我不能找出差错而痛骂了我顿。
    The boss rapped me on knuckles for failing to spot the mistake.
  • 与由各个单独部分构成个集合的水果(如黑莓)相关的。
    pertaining to the individual parts making up an aggregate fruit like a blackberry.
  • 次的忽略是在英华学校求学时期,英华是英语源流学校,我在英华的岁月里,似乎从未跟华文老师有沟通。
    Then was English-stream schooling in ACS, during which Ifailed to establish rapport with our Chinese-language teacher.
  • 次的忽略是在英华学校求学时期,我在英华的岁月里,似乎从未跟华文老师有沟通。
    Then was English-stream schooling in ACS, during which I failed to establish rapport with our Chinese-language teacher.
  • 更不会饭馆宴请客人来建立种洽淡事务前的信任感和友好关系。
    much less do they take them out for dinner, while they develop a pre-business sense of trust and rapport.
  • 我想我们的关系很好,但当他装扮不同时,这种关系也不太样。
    But I guess, you know, after a while it's the rapport that we have when he is big momma is a lot of different than when he is Malcolm.
  • 任何悬钩子属类植物的种,结可食的、聚生的果实。
    any prickly shrub of the genus Rubus bearing edible aggregate fruits.
  • 他们的政府通过中立代表试探;很明显他们很想复交。
    Their government is putting out feelers through a neutral delegation; they are clearly anxious for a rapprochement.
  • 伍福特在他「异乡人之恋」书中,曾经这样说过:「很少人能拒受那专心注意所包含的谄媚。
    “Few human beings,” wrote Jack Woodford in Strangers in Love, “few human beings are proof against the implied flattery of rapt attention.” I went even further than giving him rapt attention. I was “hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise.
  • 有些猛禽从不攻击鸟类,另外些也只是偶而为之。
    Some raptor never attack birds, others only occasionally.
  • 信条、歌曲和祷告混在起的全异集合体。
    a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers.
  • 看见那景象就高兴得举起小手。
    He lifted up his little hands in rapture at the sight.
  • 些男孩和女孩正非常高兴地听个有趣的故事。
    In rapture some little boys and girls were listening to an interesting story.
  • “那是个令人欣喜的时刻,”生有3个孩子的k夫人说。回忆起当时的痛苦,她副心醉神迷的样子。
    “It's an ecstatic moment,” said Mrs.K., mother of three, with a look of rapture when she recalled the pain.