  • 挑剔不必要地寻找错误;提琐碎的反对意见
    To find fault unnecessarily; raise trivial objections.
  • 李光耀政治思维的特点,是他有一整套全球战略思想,从全局去看问题,因而看得深、看得准、看得远,不像香港政界人士眼光短浅,纠缠于具体烦事之中,脱身不来,因而往往是只看树木,不见森林。
    His political thinking is characterised with a strategic vision that enables him to grasp issues from a global perspective. He can perceive the very essence of a situation which is hidden deep but has far-reaching consequences.By contrast, politicians of Hong Kong are so much involved in trivialities that they often fail to see the wood for the trees.
  • 李光耀政治思维的特点,是他有一整套全球战略思想,从全局去看问题,因而看得深、看得准、看得远,不像香港政界人士眼光短浅,纠缠于具体烦事之中,脱身不来,因而往往是只看树木,不见森林。
    His political thinking is characterised with a strategic vision that enables him to grasp issues from a global perspective. He can perceive the very essence of a situation which is hidden deep but has far-reaching consequences. By contrast, politicians of Hong Kong are so much involved in trivialities that they often fail to see the wood for the trees.
  • 所有的果汁都踩榨来了吗?
    Has all the juice been trodden out?
  • 羊在草地上踏了一条小径。
    The sheep trod a path through the grass.
  • 看来那小伙子对她还真是感兴趣。晚上他要来邀她去,整个下午玛丽都沉浸在幸福之中。
    So the young man really was interested after all. He was calling for her that evening. All afternoon Mary trod on air.
  • 我们大家成群地进室内。
    We all trooped into the room.
  • 我们大家成群地进室内。
    We all trooped into the room.
  • 我对他的工作提不满意见,他便破口大骂。
    He swore like a trooper when I complained about his work.
  • 部队已经撤危险地带。
    The troops have been withdrawn from the danger area.
  • 部队已经撤危险地带。
    The troops have been withdrawn from the danger area.
  • 称他为篮球史上最棒的球员,没有人再会提多大的异议:他获得过5枚冠军戒指;5个最优秀选手的奖杯;保持了10次得分第一的记录。是的,他的得分比任何人都多。
    Call him the very best basketball player who ever lived, and no one puts up much of a fuss anymore: Five championship rings, five MVP trophies, a record ten scoring titles--yeah, he's got more game than anybody.
  • 别提集邮的事,否则约翰准会把他全部的收藏都拿来向大家炫耀。
    Don't mention anything about stamp collecting, or John is sure to trot out his entire collection for everyone to examine.
  • 我的汽车发动机毛病了。
    My car's got engine trouble.
  • 我的汽车发动机毛病了。
    My car's got engine trouble.
  • 那些大城市里随时都可能会突然现麻烦事。
    Trouble may flare up in the big cities at any time. (喻)
  • 那些大城市里随时都可能会突然现麻烦事。
    Trouble may flare up in the big cities at any time. (喻)
  • 那个女子出事了!
    That woman's in trouble!
  • 那个女子出事了!
    That woman's in trouble!
  • 汽车出了毛病
    Had trouble with the car.
  • 汽车出了毛病
    Had trouble with the car.
  • 肯德尔的脸上露了难色。
    Kendal's face was troubled.
  • 肯德尔的脸上露了难色。
    Kendal's face was troubled.
  • 乱世出怪事。
    Strange things come to pass I troubled times.
  • 乱世出怪事。
    Strange things come to pass I troubled times.
  • 他在俄亥俄州长大,没有念完中学——“我又成了一个名的大捣蛋鬼,”他说——所以,尽管他非常喜欢舞蹈,他却两次被艺术学校开除。
    Growing up in Ohio, he never finished high school-I got to be known as a big troublemaker, he said- and although he loved dancing he was kicked out of two arts academies.
  • (用户会看到一个消息,表明已经手工使该apdso退服务)。这样会在对ds0进行故障检修时,防止恢复该小区。
    (You see a message that the AP DSO was removed from service manually.) This is to prevent the cell from being restored while DS0 troubleshooting is in progress.
  • 使ap退服务ap、ap-ds1、rcs、ap-ds0用户为了日常性的维护,想要在某个过程或在故障检修期间将ap及其被管理对象从active状态变为out-of-service-manual(oos-man)状态。
    Remove AP from serviceAP, AP-DS1, RCS, AP-DS0User wants to move an AP and it's managed object from the ACTIVE state to OUT-OF-SERVICE-MANUAL (OOS-MAN) during a procedure, for routine maintenance, or during troubleshooting.
  • 他终于设法修好了老毛病的发动机,然后上路了。
    He finally managed to shake down the troublesome motor and get on his way.
  • 她激动起来,把她的心事都讲来了。
    She warmed up and revealed what was troubling her mind.
  • 剧团正在巡回演出。
    The troupe is now on the road.
  • 后来他从裤子口袋里掏五板新的金币仔细端详。
    Then be fished up five new sovereigns from his trouser pocket and examined them.