| - 這需要人民群衆做出巨大努力。
This requires tremendous effort on the part of the people. - 亞洲從這個過程中獲益良多,特別是亞洲的經濟增長,主要由出口帶動。
Asia has benefited tremendously from the process, especially when the region's growth has been largely export led. - 在一陣輕微的地震中,一大塊岩石突然從地下露出地面。
During the earth tremor a large piece of rock chopped out of the ground. - “她的模樣變得好厲害,我幾乎認不出她來了。”我激動地說。我為什麽激動,等會兒您就明白了。
'It strikes me she is very much changed, for I didn't recognize her, ' I said with a tremor which you will understand in a moment. - “她的模樣變得好厲害,我幾乎認不出她來了。”我激動地說。我為什麽激動,等會兒您就明白了。
'It strikes me she is very much changed, for I didn't recognize her, ' I said with a tremor which you will understand in a moment. - 囀鳴,抖音顫抖的或波動的聲音,如某些鳥發出的叫聲,囀鳴
A fluttering or tremulous sound, as that made by certain birds; a warble. - 犁溝犁在地面劃出的窄而淺的長溝
A long, narrow, shallow trench made in the ground by a plow. - 彈藥耗盡後,我方戰士們寧死不屈,紛紛跳出戰壕,跟敵人剌刀。
Our fighters died game when they sprang out of the trench to fight the enemy with their bayonets after their ammunition had run out. - 你做出這種决定,是在侵犯當地人的權利。
By making this decision, you are trespassing upon the rights of the local people. - 大街兩旁的梧桐樹已長出葉子。
The plane tress lining in the main street are already in leaf. - 審判因陪審團不能作出一致的决定而懸而不决。
The trial ended with a hung jury. - 審判因陪審團不能作出一致的决定而懸而不决。
The trial ended with a hung jury. - 分成三角形或給出一個三角型。
divide into triangles or give a triangular form to. - 全國人民都高度贊揚這些科學家所作出的卓越貢獻。
The whole country pays tribute to these scientists for their outstanding contributions. - 我們必須稱頌那些為使這個國傢成為自由之邦而出力的人。
We must give tribute to all those who help make this a free country. - 1009年,占領於闐地區的喀喇汗王朝派出使臣嚮北宋(公元960年—1127年)進獻方物。
In 1009, after occupying Yutian, Karahan sent envoys with tribute to the emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). - 當騙子;做出欺騙人的行為。
play the shark; act with trickery. - 血從傷口裏一滴一滴地流出來。
Blood trickled from the wound. - 消息泄漏出來。
Information trickled out. - 管子裏淌出來的衹是小小的細流。
Only a trickle of water came out of the pipe. - 他感覺到血從裂開的頭皮粘粘地流了出來,滴到了他的前額上。
he felt the blood move stickily from his split scalp and trickle down his forehead. - 水災區漸漸傳出了有關死亡人數的消息。
News has begun to trickle out of the flooded area about the number of dead. - 他讓水從瓶子裏細流出來。
He trickled the water out of the bottles. - 他重重地摔在地上。鮮血從他嘴裏一滴一滴地流出來。
He struck the ground heavily. Blood was trickling from his mouth. - 甚至蓋上了蓋子,仍有水滴出來。
Even after the lid was put on, some water still trickled out. - 當前在經濟改革中出現了一些歪門邪道。
During the current economic reform some tricky practices have appeared. - 股票價格突然下跌給政府出了一個難題
The sudden drop in share price had set the government a tricky problem - 對工程類課程來說,這還說得通,但我所教的課程——寫作課,卻難以按時按量造出文筆嫻熟的21歲作傢,寫作課要想達到職業觀念強的學生所渴望達到的教學成果真是難上加難。
This could make sense for an engineering course,but in my field,creative writing,which rarely churns out polished 21 year old writers, it is trickier to provide the results that the career? minded student craves. - 有的則有些特別,祖籍、出生地、成長地、成傢地、工作地各有不同,跨城市、跨省份、跨國傢,被問到“你是哪裏人?”的時候,背後選項越多,選擇某一答案的考量就頗有意思了。
But it is trickier for a person whose ancestral home, birthplace, the place he grew up, got married and worked in are not the same - in different cities, provinces and even countries. There is a lot more that he can choose to say in response to the simple "Where are you from? "query. Why and what he decides to say may reveal a lot about him. - (ii)就總幹事擬訂的本聯盟計劃草案和二年預算嚮大會提出建議;
(ii) submit proposals to the Assembly in respect of the draft program and triennial budget of the Union prepared by the Director General; - 他設法迫使我出牌。
He tried to force my hand. - 他不十分出色,卻是個勤勤懇懇的人.
He's not very good but he's a real trier.