  • 受某种平静的自然法则的支配,这个过程不会引起混乱,无须付努力,没有任何反作用。
    The thing is accomplished without trouble, without effort,without reaction,--following a natural and tranquil law.
  • 加登城美国纽约东南部的一座村庄,为于长岛西部。罗斯福·菲尔德,是查尔斯a·林德伯格1927年穿越大西洋飞行的发点。人口21,686
    A village of southeast New York on western Long Island. Roosevelt Field, the starting point for Charles A. Lindbergh's1927 transatlantic flight, is in the village. Population,21, 686.
  • 她才貌出众.
    She far transcends the others in beauty and intelligence.
  • 超过;胜出
    To be transcendent; excel.
  • 我们自己的音乐旋律。
    That's transcendent to our own.
  • 超越、先验、杰的性质或状态
    The quality or state of being transcendental.
  • 录音带的文字记录被作为证据在法庭上示。
    A transcript of the tape is presented as evidence in court.
  • 调审令,调取案卷令状上级法院为了复审而向下级法院提的调取案卷命令
    A writ from a higher court to a lower one requesting a transcript of the proceedings of a case for review.
  • 用音标写的他们谈话的内容
    A phonetic transcription of what they said
  • 扩展器在某一给定范围的输入电压内产生较大输电压的转换器
    A transducer designed for a given range of input voltages that produces a larger range of output voltages.
  • 她把她的衣服从一间屋子里拿来放到了另一间屋子。
    She transferred her clothes from one room to another.
  • 第六十三条 农民集体所有的土地的使用权不得让、转让或者租用于非农业建设;但是,符合土地利用总体规划并依法取得建设用地的企业,因破产、兼并等情形致使土地使用权依法发生转移的除外。
    Article 63 The land use right of peasant collectives shall not be leased, transferred or rented for non-agricultural construction, except in the case of legal transfer of the land that conforms to the general plan for the utilization of land and legally obtained by enterprises due to bankruptcy or acquisition.
  • 他把钱从箱子里拿来放到他的口袋里。
    He transferred the money from the box to his pocket.
  • 将数据传送到磁盘文件,或从磁盘文件中取数据的过程。
    The process of transferring data to and from a disk file.
  • 中国政府一贯坚决反对任何国家向台湾售任何种类的武器装备或提供生产武器的技术。
    The Chinese Government has always firmly opposed any country selling any type of arms or transferring production technology of the same to Taiwan.
  • 一种存取方法,只有当用户程序提请求时,才能实现通过输入输通道的数据传输。
    A method of access in which data transfers through input/output channels are made only as and when called for in a user program.
  • ,以机械加工通过研磨机而整形或制造
    To transform or process mechanically in a mill.
  • 从暗面中可以产生积极的能量,改变生活。
    Out of the dark side comes positive energy, energy that can transform your life.
  • 科技可以改变你公司售的产品、运作方式以及应对未来的方式。
    Technology can transform what your company sells, how it operates, and how it prepares for the future.
  • 由于接受外科手术而需要输血的病人,也常常由于他人的过错而付生命的代价。
    The surgery patient who needs blood transfusions also often pays with his life for someone else's mistakes.
  • 我们对于私人经济,只要不于政府法律范围之外,不但不加阻止,而且加以提倡和奖励。
    As regards the private sector of the economy, we shall not hamper it, indeed we shall promote and encourage it, so long as it does not transgress the legal limits set by our government.
  • “俱乐部秘书对她的格行为感到有点惊讶,走到我跟前说,‘我想这是头一回有女士到那里,当然啦,不能说这是头一回有女王到那里。’
    “ The secretary of the club came over to me, slightly shocked at her transgression,and said ‘ I think that's the first time a lady has been in there, but of course you can't say it's the first time a queen has'.
  • 血液中暂时现细菌。
    transient presence of bacteria (or other microorganisms) in the blood.
  • 具有一个输通道和一个或多个输入通道的一种器件,除开关瞬间外,其输通道的状态完全由输入通道的状态决定。
    A device having one output channel and one or more input channels, such that the output channel state is completely determined by the input channel states, except during switching transients.
  • 晶体管技术使得快速、小巧并且廉价的计算机在20世纪50年代和60年代期间被制造来。
    Transistor technology allowed faster, smaller and less expensive computers to be built throughout the 1950's and 1960's.
  • 我们希望香港在过渡时期内,不要现以下几种情况。
    But we hope that certain things will not occur in Hong Kong during the transition.
  • 当我翻译这类作品时,一方面,要翻译表面的意思,另一方面,我还要尽力把表面之下的涵义挖掘来。
    So when I translate such kind of play, I am translating the language on the surface on one hand, I am trying to develop and tell people some meaning under the meanings.
  • 当我翻译这类作品时,一方面,要翻译表面的意思,另一方面,我还要尽力把表面之下的涵义挖掘来。
    So when I translate such kind of play, I am translating the language on the surface on one hand, I am trying to develop and tell people some meaning under the meanings.
  • 她主动提要翻译它。
    She volunteered to translate it.
  • 她主动提要翻译它。
    She volunteered to translate it.
  • 我几不能把我的想法用言词表达来。
    I could hardly translate my thoughts into words.
  • 我几不能把我的想法用言词表达来。
    I could hardly translate my thoughts into words.