  • 他們以傳統方式席儀式。
    They worship in the traditional manner.
  • 如果一次讀數不正常,則該測試儀便對患者發警報,要其用傳統方式重新加以核查。
    If a reading is abnormal, the watch alerts the patient to recheck it traditionally.
  • 控訴時的另一個考慮是對被告的同情,人們總是可以使販賣毒品者作為壞人現。
    Another consideration in prosecution is the sympathy generated by the defendant. Narcotics traffickers can always be made to appear as bad people.
  • 孩子們成功地在兩小時以內演完了那悲劇。
    The children succeeded in playing out the tragedy within two hours.
  • 孩子們成功地在兩小時以內演完了那悲劇。
    The children succeeded in playing out the tragedy within two hours.
  • 一種傢畜被驅趕賣的小徑。
    a trail over which cattle were driven to market.
  • 日本煙草公司的一位官員說,如果這樣的拖車受歡迎,他們將推更多的同類産品。
    If the trailer gains popularity Japan Tobacco may introduce more of them, a JT official said.
  • 還有一位消息人士於2002年夏天報告,伊拉剋已經製造安裝於公路拖車和火車車廂上的可移動生物製劑生産係統。
    A third source, also in a position to know, reported in summer 2002 that Iraq had manufactured mobile production systems mounted on road trailer units and on rail cars.
  • 就在我等了快一天的時候,一個想法突然現在我的腦海中。如果衹是吊起我的挂車把它直接放在船上不動裏面的貨物,那就會容易得多。
    The though occurred to me, as I waited around that day, that it would be easier to lift my trailer up and, without any of its contehts being touched, put on the ship.
  • 鐵路工程師設計這一編碼係統的目的是為了通過給火車發預光警告防止經常發生的致命火車相撞事故。
    The goal of the railroad engineers in crafting this code was to prevent often fatal train collisions, by giving the trains advance warning.
  • 自1985年以來,軍隊先後派20餘萬名官兵協助學校組織學生的軍事訓練,訓練在校學生3000多萬人。
    Since 1985, more than 200,000 officers and men have helped these institutions and schools organize military training for students, and more than 30 million students have been trained.
  • 我們對每一位受訓人員的實際支要高得多。
    Our actual expenses for each trainee are much higher.
  • 我們對每一位受訓人員的實際支要高得多。
    Our actual expenses for each trainee is much higher.
  • 那些接受培訓的人倒應該嚮工程師學習一些東西,工程師們懂得,他們應在某一日期前拿可能的最佳方案。
    Those trainees could have learned something from engineers,who are taught to produce the best possible solution by a certain date.
  • 教練員將必須是能使這支足球隊踢得很色的精力充沛和富有才幹的人。
    The trainer will have to be a ball of fire to get this football team to play well.
  • 他搶先拔手槍,將叛徒擊斃。
    He beat the traitor to the draw and shot him dead.
  • 她被叛徒出賣了。
    She was betrayed by the traitor.
  • 那個叛徒賣了同志。
    The traitor gave away his comrades.
  • 他們正在設法找叛徒。
    They are seeking to unkennel the traitor.
  • 他被叛徒賣,被捕了。
    He was sold out by a traitor and arrested.
  • 我們决心不惜一切代價找這個叛徒。
    We are determined to find the traitor at all costs.
  • 一九三五年他父親在上海被叛徒賣。
    His father had been sold out at Shanghai by a traitor in 1935.
  • 叛徒把自己的國傢賣給敵軍。
    The traitor sold his country down the river to the enemy army.
  • 那個叛徒因賣了他的許多同志而受到懲罰。
    The traitor was punished for having sold many of his comrades down the river.
  • 因為,如果民族資産階級是同地主買辦一模一樣,以賣國賊的猙獰面孔現,爭取領導權的任務就大可取消,至少也可以減輕了。
    For if the national bourgeoisie were exactly the same as the landlords and compradors and had the same vile and traitorous visage, there would be little or no problem of contending with it for leadership.
  • 宣傳隊的負責同志也要捨得讓幹部去發展。
    Tram leaders, on their part, should be willing to let their cadres improve themselves at other posts.
  • 流浪漢終於吞吞吐吐地講自己的故事。
    At last the tramp faltered out his story.
  • 你曾經碰到過倒黴的日子嗎?孩子們把你廚房的地板踩髒了……洗衣機毛病了,門鈴叮鈴叮鈴地沒完沒了。
    Have you ever had one of "those" days? The kids tramp over your clean kitchen floor…the washing machine goes wrong and the door-bell never stops ringing.
  • 幫我踩葡萄汁做酒。
    Help me to trample out the grapes for the wine.
  • 他們踩了一條狹窄的小路。
    They have trampled out a narrow path.
  • 使…進入恍惚狀況;使
    To put into a trance; entrance.
  • 這個婦女稱能同死者對話,她會陰魂附身,並且會發奇怪的聲響。
    The woman claimed to be able to speak with the dead, and would go into a trance and make strange noises.