  • 很少的量或很短的时
    a small amount or duration.
  • 电能单位当电流为安培电阻为欧姆通电时为秒时所做的功。
    a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second.
  • 科学家采用的完整的度量衡单位制;基本单位有长度(米)质量(公斤)时(秒)电流(安培)温度(开氏温度)物质的量(摩尔)发光强度(新烛光)。
    a complete metric system of units of measurement for scientists; fundamental quantities are length (meter) and mass (kilogram) and time (second) and electric current (ampere) and temperature (kelvin) and amount of matter (mole) and luminous intensity (candela).
  • 伏特电势和电动势的国际系统单位,等于当两点电力为一瓦特时一根导线传导一安培稳定电流两点的电势之差
    The International System unit of electric potential and electromotive force, equal to the difference of electric potential between two points on a conducting wire carrying a constant current of one ampere when the power dissipated between the points is one watt.
  • 一种闪石族矿物,通常为绿色至黑色之,由含钙、钠、镁、铁的硅酸盐组成。
    a green to black mineral of the amphibole group; consists of silicates of calcium and sodium and magnesium and iron.
  • 我们有充足的时间。
    We have ample time.
  • (指建筑物和房)有大量的空
    (of buildings and rooms) having ample space.
  • 一个有充足阳光通过落地窗的房
    A room that provides ample sunlight through French windows.
  • 这样她就有充裕的时准备一日三餐饭。
    This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day.
  • 他肩负着联系;他在扩音器和放大器之没有联系。
    he soldered the connection; he didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers.
  • 频率响应极宽的一类放大器,可以无畸变地放大前沿上升时短的脉冲。
    An amplifier with very wide frequency response which can amplify pulses without distortion of the short rise time of the leading edge.
  • 倾刻海上刮起了大风暴。
    In no minute did the sea run amuck.
  • 一些运动员服用合成代谢类固醇来短时的增加肌肉的力量。
    some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily.
  • 预期的叙述对某事的年代错误的描述,如存在于其适当的或历史的时之前,如在殖民前的美国中
    The anachronistic representation of something as existing before its proper or historical time, as in the precolonial United States.
  • 进行肛门性交的人(特别是两个男同性恋者之的肛交)。
    someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male).
  • 利用规定量化隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。
    Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal, with steps between specified levels.
  • 一种可以在模拟计算机和数字计算机之快速、实时地进行数据转换的系统。
    A system that performs fast,real time data conversions between analog and digital computers.
  • 一种功能部件,其输出模拟变量是输入模拟变量相对于时的积分。对某些积分器而言,积分变量可以不是时
    A functional unit whose output analog variable is the integral of an input analog variable with respect to time. For some integrators, the variable of integration may be other than time.
  • 因此,idc预测在1996~2000年期,甚至可能在以后一段时内,模拟式modem技术将是最主要的访问技术。
    As a result, IDC predicts that analog modem technology will remain the primary access technology throughout the forecast period (1996-2000) and probably for some time beyond.
  • 在一段时内,很有可能是模拟和数字modem、isdn、有线电视modem和dsl并存,为争得某些专门的应用而竞争,并把其它的挡在外面。
    In all probability, analog and digital modems, ISDN, cable modems, and DSL, will be sharing the networking scene for some time, competing for some niche applications, and solidly entrenched in others.
  • 在交互系统中,用户与计算机之进行一系列询问和回答,就如同两人之进行的会话。
    In an interactive system, a series of interrelated inquiries and responses be- tween the user and the computer analogous to a conversation between two people.
  • 在交互系统中,用户与计算机之进行一系列询问和回答,就如同两人之进行的会话。
    In an interactive system, a series of interrelated inquiries and responses is tween the user and the computer analogous to a conversation between two people.
  • 这件民事诉讼案和那件不同,因此在它们之找不到相似之处。
    This civil case is not on all fours with the other one, so no analogy can be drawn between them.
  • 仍按前面相同的比喻,pci-x是一条64车道的高速公路,其最高限速为每小时133英里,与pci相比,在给定的时内,能运送大约10倍的流量。
    Using the same analogy as before, a PCI-X bus would be a 64-lane highway, with a speed limit of 133 mph, capable of carrying roughly 10 times the traffic in a given time frame compared with PCI.
  • 随着时的推移,他们应允诺开发更广更深的分析能力。
    Over time, they should commit to developing a broader and deeper analytical capacity.
  • 根据已有的应用程序,即便逆向开发可能需要一些人工调整,它也能让你减少用于分析和理解应用程序所需的时
    Even though reverse engineering may require some manual adjustment, depending on the existing applications, it still lets you reduce the time needed to analyze and understand your applications.
  • 前英国首相撒切尔夫人说:“在执政期,我阅读和分析李光耀的每一篇演讲。
    Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher says: "In office, I read and analyzed his every speech.
  • 这些系列之的区别通常通过查看与这些系列相关的栅门的特性来分析。
    The differences between the families are usually analyzed by looking at the characteristics of the basic gate associated with the family.
  • 我应卡内基先生的请求,做这20年研究工作期,分析过不下数百位士绅名援,他们多半承认,巨额的财富皆是借助卡内基的秘诀才得以累聚,其中有:
    While I was performing the twenty year task of research, which I had undertaken at Mr. Carnegie's request, I analyzed hundreds of well known men, many of whom admitted that they had accumulated their vast fortunes through the aid of the Carnegie secret; among these men were:
  • 贸易统计小组只负责调查分析中美双方公布的贸易统计之的差异,双方的贸易统计方法并没有进行相应的调整,美方对华贸易逆差高估的格局至今也没有实质性的改变。
    The trade statistics expert group was only in charge of investigating and analyzing the difference between the trade statistics published by China and the United States.The trade statistics methods adopted by the two sides have not been correspondingly adjusted, and the US side's over-estimation of its trade deficit against China has not since changed substantially.
  • 贸易统计小组只负责调查分析中美双方公布的贸易统计之的差异,双方的贸易统计方法并没有进行相应的调整,美方对华贸易逆差高估的格局至今也没有实质性的改变。
    The trade statistics expert group was only in charge of investigating and analyzing the difference between the trade statistics published by China and the United States. The trade statistics methods adopted by the two sides have not been correspondingly adjusted, and the US side's over-estimation of its trade deficit against China has not since changed substantially.
  • 中期细胞核的有丝分裂和减数分裂阶段,发生于前期之后和后期之前,在此期内染色体在中期板平面上定向排列
    The stage of mitosis and meiosis, following prophase and preceding anaphase, during which the chromosomes are aligned along the metaphase plate.