  • 最近几天来,美国当局已经将与伊拉克情报部门有牵的一些人驱逐出境。
    In recent days, American authorities have expelled from the country certain individuals with ties to Iraqi intelligence services.
  • 无价值,无意义人类生存在一个无意义或非理性世界的情况或状态下,在那里人类的生活既无目的又无意义。主要与the
    The condition or state in which human beings exist in a meaningless, irrational universe wherein people's lives have no purpose or meaning. Used chiefly with the.
  • 续的没有中断或不规则变化地延伸直线或曲线的,或与之有关的
    Of or relating to a line or curve that extends without a break or irregularity.
  • 那时候,我们喝的水都不够,更不用说用水浇地了。
    At that time we didn't have enough water to drink, let alone water to irrigate the land.
  • 图表上所画的一条结同温各点的等值线。
    an isogram connecting points having the same temperature at a given time.
  • 是一种接在某一时刻某事同时发生的点的等值线。
    an isogram connecting points at which something occurs or arrives at the same time.
  • 几天,他们过着貌合神离的生活。
    For several days they lead a formal, isolated existence.
  • 铀的同位素,原子质量数为,能进行持续的锁反应。
    a uranium isotope with mass number 235; capable of sustaining chain reactions.
  • 这个计划,同我们於今年一月成功推出的「港元债券发行计划」,将会成为按揭证券公司在港元债券市场筹集资金的两个主要渠道。
    This Programme, together with the Note Issuance Programme we successfully launched in January this year, will serve as the two main vehicles of the HKMC in raising funds in the Hong Kong dollar debt market.
  • 位于西半球的一个大洲,通过巴拿马地峡与北美洲相
    a continent in the western hemisphere connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama.
  • 西半球的一个大洲,通过巴拿马地峡与南美洲相
    a continent (the third largest) in the western hemisphere connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama.
  • 半岛一块突入水域且以地峡和大陆相的陆地
    A piece of land that projects into a body of water and is connected with the mainland by an isthmus.
  • 同时,有许多物品的生产需要生产者续不断地照管,对于所有这些物品来说,这种定期的市场就必须很长时间才能举行一次,因而要么很早就必须准备物品以满足消费者的需要,要么消费者的需要在很长时间内便得不到满足,以致在社会的财力物力还未允许开设店铺以前,就普遍由行商来满足这种需要了。
    while, for all articles the production of which requires continuous attention from the producers, these periodical markets must beheld at such considerable intervals, and the wants of the consumers must either be provided for so long beforehand, or must remain so long unsupplied, that even before the resources of society admitted of the establishment of shops, the supply of these wants fell universally into the hands of itinerant dealers: the pedlar, who might appear once a month, being preferred to the fair, which only returned once or twice a year.
  • 攻击技术涉及到左直拳、左刺拳、左钩拳、右上钩拳、右交叉拳以及组合拳,如1-2击的组合拳。
    Punching involves quite a few skills, such as the straight left, the left jab, the left hook, the right uppercut, the right cross as well as the combination punching like the one-two.
  • 最厚的夹克也不足以御寒。
    Not even the thickest jacket was enough to keep out the cold.
  • 雅格布发现自己在第3局中以16比20落后,但他接下得过且过6分,结束了战斗。
    Jacob found himself down.20 to 16 in the third but he scored the next six points to close the game.
  • 同一月份部分货物一次装船。
    Ship one lot together january portion.
  • 标枪比赛规则比大多数人认为的重复杂得多,具体得多,就鞋底的厚度也有一定有限制。
    The rules for javelin are more complex and specific than most people think. For example,the shoes of the thrower are limited to a certain range of thickness.
  • 接着工作台的装置;带有两个夹子把工件适当地固定住。
    a device attached to a workbench; has two jaws to hold workpiece firmly in place.
  • 狭小的学院;经过了一串偏远的小城镇。
    a jerkwater college; passed a series of poky little one-horse towns.
  • 新泽西州的bayonne处有一座接新泽西和staten岛的钢拱桥。
    a steel arch bridge connecting New Jersey and Staten Island at Bayonne, New Jersey.
  • 美国英雄是不法之徒,就像狂野的西部枪手杰西·詹姆斯,或者是像萨姆·沃尔顿那样的企业家和沃尔—玛特锁型超级市场的创办者。
    Americans' heroes are outlaws, like wild west gunfighter Jesse James, or entrepreneurs, like Sam Walton, founder of the Wal-Mart chain of superstores.
  • 老人和驴子跑带颠地向市场行进。
    The old man and his ass jogged along to the fair.
  • 用啮合扣固定或接。
    fasten or join with a joggle.
  • 我们的农场沿河毗
    Our farms join along the river.
  • 新公路把那两个城市接起来。
    The new highway has joined the two cities.
  • 一条小路同几条公路相
    A minor road connects the highways.
  • 打个结,把这两根绳子上。
    Tie a knot to join those two pieces of rope.
  • 这条马路把两个村庄给接起来了。
    This road joins the two villages.
  • 这块材料上有个接点。
    There's a join in this piece of material.
  • 形成对;连接
    To form pairs; join.
  • 用粘合剂凝固或接。
    bind or join with cement.