  • 有半球状冠,黄色、喇叭状;产自从加利福尼亚到哥伦比亚沿海的沙丘。
    plant having hemispherical heads of yellow trumpet-shaped flowers; found in coastal dunes from California to British Columbia.
  • 一种倒伏的草本植物,深粉红色至白色;产自哥伦比亚至加利福尼亚海岸的沙丘上。
    prostrate herb having heads of deep pink to white flowers; found in coastal dunes from British Columbia to Baja California.
  • 墨西哥和加利福尼亚西南部的一种烛木,具有高大的圆柱状树干和带有蜂蜜香味的乳黄色
    candlewood of Mexico and southwestern California having tall columnar stems and bearing honey-scented creamy yellow flowers.
  • 所以一天晚上,我们上网了75美圆注册了"gamers.com"这个域名(laomao:真有眼光!那时候我听说过internet,可是只能上上业余的bbs,知道那种bbs吗?就是私人自己用一台电脑一根电话线办的,用户每天只能上10-30分钟不等,虽然和现在的网络不能比,可是那种乐趣是我这辈子也忘记不了的了,我现在的硬盘上还保留着几十m的灌水记录)。
    So one night,we logged onto the Internet,registered "gamers.com"for 75bucks,and off we went.
  • 每次洗头海伦都要很长时间来梳通头发上的结子。
    Helen had to spend a long time combing out the knots every time she washed her hair.
  • 那学生在图书馆里了许多小时搜集她所要的论据。
    The student spent many hours in the library combing out facts she wanted.
  • 海伦了很长时间在镜子前仔细梳理她的长发。
    Helen spent a long time in front of the mirror, combing out her long hair.
  • 吉姆在图书馆里了许多小时从旧杂志中搜集他所要的资料。
    Jim spent many hours in the library combing out the facts he wanted in the old magazines.
  • 玛丽在图书馆了很多小时从旧书中寻找她所要的资料。
    Mary spent many hours in the library combing through old books looking for the facts that she wanted.
  • 以下为行政长官董建华今日(星期三)在大会堂纪念园举行为保卫香港而捐躯人士官方纪念仪式上发表的演词全文:
    Following is the remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at the official ceremony at the City Hall Memorial Garden this (Wednesday) morning to commemorate those who died in the defence of Hong Kong in the war years between 1941 and 1945:
  • 另一些人把这部电影看做是美国人喜欢费大量金钱以获取成功的惊人写照。
    Others saw the film as a terrifying commentary on the American tendency to Purchase success with obscene amounts of money.
  • 他们对于用电视播映比赛的吸引力太缺乏信心,以致于他们感到必须要用一个说得天乱坠的讲解员来做实况广播,以便招揽观众。
    They're so lacking in confidence in the attraction of the games they televise that feel they have to hype up with some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to watch them.
  • 在商业上因为它们的引人注目的条纹并长有羽状叶子和有圆锥序的的热带乔木的大的属。
    large genus of tropical trees having pinnate leaves and paniculate flowers and cultivated commercially for their dramatically grained and colored timbers.
  • 我想把一些蓝和粉红搀在一起。
    I think I'll commingle some of these blue flowers with the pink ones.
  • 坛里肆虐的孩子们
    Children committing mayhem in the flower beds.
  • 主要由组成的科的集合,有基础或自由中柱胎座和三核粉(在开植物中,二核粉比较普遍);有14个科。
    a group of families of mostly flowers having basal or free-central placentation and trinucleate pollen (binucleate pollen is commoner in flowering plants); contains 14 families including: Caryophyllaceae (carnations and pinks); Aizoaceae; Amaranthaceae; Batidaceae; Chenopodiaceae; Cactaceae (order Opuntiales); Nyctaginaceae; Phytolaccaceae; corresponds approximately to order Caryophyllales; sometimes classified as a superorder.
  • 又是谁胆敢给这道笨重而乏味的木头门安上门框,并且在毕斯科内特的蔓藤饰旁边给那道独扇门刻上了路易十五时代的图案?
    who has dared to frame therein that commonplace and heavy door of carved wood, la Louis XV., beside the arabesques of Biscornette?
  • 生之享受包括许多东西:我们自己的享受,家庭生活的享受,树、、云、弯曲的河流、瀑布和大自然形形色色的享受,此外又有诗歌、艺术、沉思、友情、谈话、读书的享受,后者这些享受都是心灵交通的不同表现。
    THE enjoyment of life covers many things: the enjoyment of ourselves, of home life, of trees, flowers, clouds, winding rivers and falling cataracts and the myriad things in Nature, and then the enjoyment of poetry, art, contemplation, friendship, conversation, and reading, which are all some form or other of the communion of spirits.
  • 每个人都应该些时间在社区服务上。
    Everyone should invest some time in community service.
  • 20元就能在这里买一张月票。
    For 20 dollars you can pick up a commuter's pass here.
  • 欧洲夹竹桃一种有毒的欧亚长青灌木(欧洲夹竹桃夹竹桃属),有白色、玫瑰色或紫色的芳香朵,轮生体叶和含有许多具毛丛种子的长的小囊
    A poisonous Eurasian evergreen shrub(Nerium oleander) having fragrant white, rose, or purple flowers, whorled leaves, and long follicles containing numerous comose seeds.
  • 紧密的土壤;捆得很紧的束。
    compact soil; compact clusters of flowers.
  • 紧密的花束
    Compact clusters of flowers.
  • 白色的未开的紧致头部。
    compact head of white undeveloped flowers.
  • 团伞序密集而无柄的聚伞
    A compact, cymose cluster of flowers.
  • 我们今天用小型挖土机所干的活,若是用镐和铲子,十几个人得四个月才能完成。
    It would have taken a dozen men with picks and shovels four months to do what we've done today, with this comparatively small earth-moving machine.
  • 诗人在他诗歌中把他的情人比作玫瑰
    The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poems.
  • 公司了一大笔钱赔偿受伤的工人。
    Compensation of injured workers has cost the company a lot.
  • 公司了一大笔钱赔偿受伤的工人
    Compensation of injure workers has cost the company a lot
  • 公司了一大笔钱赔偿受伤的工人
    Compensation of injure worker have cost the company a lot
  • 他说得天乱坠,引起年青少女的错觉。
    he has delusions of competence.
  • 夏天的园,百争艳。
    In summer, flowers are competing in splendor in the garden.