  • 生命起源很有意义。
    It is meaningful to study the origin of life.
  • 物理学家们正在研对环境危害少的发电新方法,与此同时,许多发电厂也在实现现代化以减少污染物质的释放量。
    Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity with less damage to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material.
  • 他从事于医学的研
    He was engaged in medical research.
  • 中世纪的绘画不属於他的研范围.
    Medieval painting is not his province.
  • 他在为他的研沉思。
    He is meditating in his study.
  • 要研怎样把会议开好。
    We must study how to run meetings successfully.
  • 在一个研院或学术团体被选为接受荣誉资格的人。
    someone elected to honorary membership in an academy.
  • 他研犯罪心理有多年经验.
    He has many years' experience of the criminal mentality.
  • 虽然家猫不懂语言,但是一项研说明,这种和人类共同生活了几千年的动物已经能够用它们的叫声和人类很好地交流了。
    While domestic cats may not know language, a study suggests the animals, which have lived alongside people for thousands of years, have adapted their "meows" to befter communicate with humans.
  • 当人们开始(尽管是以不完善的方式)探事物的本质,开始从基本事实而不是从日常谈话的方式和语句来探事物的前提时,他们便会看出重商学说的真正性质。
    and the Mercantile Theory could not fail to be seen in its true character when men began, even in an imperfect manner,to explore into the foundations of things, and seek their premises from elementary facts, and not from the forms and phrases of common discourse.
  • mercer公司的高级研员斯莱金·帕拉卡特迪尔说:"尽管世界各个城市的生活水平较去年稍有提高,但是名列前茅的城市和排名最后的那些城市之间的差距还是很大。"
    "Though the world's living standards have risen slightly since last year, the gap between cities at the top and the bottom of the table is still large," said Slagin Parakatil, senior researcher at Mercer.
  • 竟杂质会出现在什么地方?
    Where's the mess, exactly?
  • 中国冶金科学研究
    metallurgical research in China
  • 长沙矿冶研究院
    Changsha Mining and Metallurgical Research Institute
  • 北京有色冶金设计研总院
    Beijing Centranl Engineering and Research Institute of Nonferrous metallurgical Industries
  • 冶金工业部钢铁研总院
    Central Iron and Steel Research Institute,Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
  • 冶金工业部建筑研总院
    Central Research Institute of Building and Construction, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
  • 北京矿冶研究总院
    Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
  • 中国科学院上海冶金研
    Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, Academy of Iciences of China
  • 我指的是研或研主题,如生物学或是冶金学的。
    I mean, study or research subjects......biology, metallurgy?
  • 奥维德罗马诗人,以其对爱的研,尤其是爱的艺术(公元前1年)和变形记(公元8年)而闻名
    Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love(c.1 b.c.) and Metamorphoses(c. a.d.8).
  • 对于存在的本质的哲学研
    the metaphysical study of the nature of being and existence.
  • 对宇宙的起源和本质的哲学研
    the metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe.
  • 让哲学家们从事他们的形而上的研,探索出我们是否也是被邀请的宾客吧;那个近情的人却趁菜肴还没有冷的时候,狼吞虎咽起来。
    Let the philosophers carry on their metaphysical researches and try to find out whether we are among the invited guests, but the sensible man will eat up the food before it gets cold.
  • 本体论对自然存在的研,属于形而上学理论的分支
    The branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being.
  • 心灵学形而上学的一支,研灵魂心灵生命和心灵与身体功能之间的关系
    The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body.
  • 超然科学法国怪诞学派关于一种哲学或科学概念,致力于研超然于形而上学的存在物,倾向于模仿现代的科学方法和理论,常用毫无意义的语言来表达思想
    The French absurdist concept of a philosophy or science dedicated to studying what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics, intended as a parody of the methods and theories of modern science and often expressed in nonsensical language.
  • 行星学天文学的一个分支,研太阳系中的行星、卫星和流星
    The branch of astronomy that deals with the planets, satellites, and meteors of the solar system.
  • 者们知道至少少量能形成膜的化合物是在宇宙中形成的:从1969年坠落在澳大利亚的陨石中提取的富碳化合物在水分解时会自然地释放出小泡泡来。
    And investigators knew that at least small amounts of compounds that can give rise to membranes are created in space: carbon-rich compounds extracted from a meteorite that fell in Australia in 1969 spontaneously formed vesicles when the compounds were dissolved in water.
  • 气候学对气候及其引起的现象进行的气象研
    The meteorological study of climates and their phenomena.
  • 去年美国国家航空和航天局宇宙研所的气候学家詹姆斯·汉森和他的同事们倡导了另一种减少开支的方法:把过失从二氧化碳身上转嫁到其它加热物质上,如甲烷。这些物质威力更强,对局部空气质量的威胁更大,而对经济活动则不那么紧要。
    Last year climatologist James E.Hansen of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and his colleagues championed another way to cut costs: shift the onus from carbon dioxide to other heat trappers, such as methane, that are more potent, more threatening to local air quality and less cnicial to economic activity.
  • 关于研某些学科的方法的。
    relating to the methodology of some discipline.