  • 辛苦一天之後,看看电视有时算是很美的遣.
    TV can is a welcome distraction after a hard day's work.
  • 听到那则息我非常伤心。
    I am much distressed to hear the news.
  • 得悉迪克逊先生去世的息我很觉悲伤。
    I was most distressed to learn(that) Mr Dixon had passed away.
  • 得悉迪克逊先生去世的息我很觉悲伤。
    I am most distressed to learn (that) Mr. Dixon has passed away.
  • 听到我们十分爱戴的姑妈快要去世的息,我们感到非常难过。
    We were very distressed to hear that our favorite aunt was at death's door.
  • 如果费者们,尤其是那些收入有限的费者们,怀疑传统食品而只购买更昂贵的绿色食品,那就值得担忧了。
    So there is real cause for concern if consumers particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.
  • 有些商人仍然认为学校里的教授们脑筋糊涂,思想激进;有些教育界人士则把商人看作惟利是图之辈,目前这种相互不信任由于相互需求已经基本失了。
    While there are a few businessmen who still regard college professors as fuzzy-minded and lilcely to be radical, and a few educators who still look on businessmen as mere money-grabbers, the mutual distrust has generally disappeared in the mutual need.
  • 我听到了一些坏息,这使我很不安。
    I have heard some bad news which has disturbed me very much.
  • 她听到你生病的息时感到很不安。
    She was disturbed to hear of your illness.
  • 这确实是一个使他们感到不安的息。
    This was disturbing news to them indeed.
  • 学生们设法除这些恼人的噪音。
    The students managed to screen out the disturbing noises.
  • 我们没有听到他的息深感不安。
    It is very disturbing that we haven't heard from him.
  • 息非但没有令她不安,反而产生了一种奇怪的镇定效果。
    Instead of disturbing her, the news have a strangely calm effect.
  • 第三,给你一个满意的物质环境,除干扰性噪音,创造一个温馨的环境。
    3.Give yourself an physical environment. drown out disturbing noise and create a soothing background.
  • 他们解决了争端,除了不团结的局面。
    They settled their dispute and blew away disunity.
  • 我们必须除一切不团结的现象。
    We must do away with all manifestations of disunity.
  • 它在人民中混淆是非界限,造成极涣散、离心离德的情绪,腐蚀人们的灵魂和意志,助长形形色色的个人主义思想泛滥,助长一部分人当中怀疑以至否定社会主义和党的领导的思潮。
    It blurs the distinction between right and wrong, leads to passivity, laxity and disunity, corrupts the mind and erodes the will. It encourages the spread of all kinds of individualism and causes people to doubt or even to reject socialism and the Party's leadership.
  • 他突然跑进一条小巷失了。
    He dived into an alley.
  • 游击队员突然钻进密林,很快就失了。
    The guerrillas dived into the thick forest and soon disappeared.
  • 对中国另一名跳水选手谭良德来说就没有什么好息了。
    And there is bad news for another Chinese diver, Tan Liangde.
  • 伦敦为各种人提供许多遣。
    London offers lots diversions for every type of person.
  • 消遣,娱乐
    An amusement; a diversion.
  • 魔术师为了娱乐或者遣而变魔术的人
    One who performs magic for entertainment or diversion.
  • 他常唱歌消遣。
    He often diverts himself in singing.
  • 增加发展费用的息,只不过是想转移对最初财政预算错误估计的注意力。
    The information about increased development costs was merely a red herring to divert attention from the fact that the initial budget was wrongly estimated.
  • 下雨时,孩子们在室内下棋作遣。
    While it was raining out, the children diverted themselves by playing chess.
  • 我无法除那个念头。
    I cannot divest myself of the idea.
  • 他无法除自己的疑心,总觉得妻子不忠。
    He can not divest himself of the suspicion that his wife is unfaithful.
  • 防处现正建造两艘灭火轮、两艘潜水快艇及一艘潜水支援船。
    The department is building two fireboats, two high-speed diving boats and one diving support vessel.
  • 三月上旬,前委因湘南特委的要求而取,改组为师委(何挺颖为书记),变成单管军中党的机关,对地方党不能过问。
    In early March, upon the request of the Southern Hunan Special Committee, the Front Committee was abolished and reorganized as the Divisional Party Committee (with Ho Ting-ying as secretary), which thus became a body in charge of Party organizations in the army only and without authority over the local Party organizations.
  • 你是什么时候得知玛丽离婚的息的?
    When did you learn of Mary 's divorce?
  • 但是现在确有个别干部子弟泄露经济情报,卷入了情报网,出卖息,出卖文件。
    However, some of the children have divulged economic information, become involved in intelligence networks or sold information and documents.