  • 链条的分开的下端
    The free end of a chain.
  • 表挂在一根链条上。
    The watch hooked onto a chain.
  • 用绳子,链,或绳索束缚。
    bind with a rope, chain, or cord.
  • 哦!链条锈得咬住了。
    Oh! The chain is rusted and stuck.
  • 表挂在一根链条上。
    The watch hooks on to a chain.
  • 把许多项目连接起来形成一链。
    The linking of items to form a chain.
  • 把狗用链条拴在树上
    Chained the dog to a tree.
  • 纵狗逗熊把狗放在被链拴住的熊面前的一种训练
    The practice of setting dogs on a chained bear.
  • 现在该用链把狗拴住过夜了。
    It's time the dogs were chained up for the night.
  •    第六十五全国人民代表大会常务委员会由下列人员组成:委员长,副委员长若干人,秘书长,委员若干人。
    Article 65. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is composed of the following: The Chairman; The Vice-Chairmen; The Secretary-General; and Members.
  •    第一百零三县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会由主任、副主任若干人和委员若干人组成,对本级人民代表大会负责并报告工作。
    Article 103. The standing committee of a local people's congress at and above the county level is composed of a chairman, vice-chairmen and members, and is responsible, and reports on its work, to the people's congress at the corresponding level.
  • 缟玛瑙一种带有纹和多种颜色的玉髓,它被用来作饰物的宝石,常用于浮雕和凹雕
    A chalcedony that occurs in bands of different colors and is used as a gemstone, especially in cameos and intaglios.
  • 我们在各战线上正在取得更多的胜利。
    We have been chalking up more victories on all fronts.
  • 他用话激我跳过那小溪。
    He challenged me to jump across the stream.
  • 世界上多少人被张伯伦及其伙伴的甜蜜演说所蒙蔽,而不知道他们笑里藏刀的可怕,而不知道在张伯伦、达拉第决心拒绝苏联,决心进行帝国主义战争的时候,苏德才订立了互不侵犯约;
    Quite a number of people throughout the world have been fooled by the honeyed words of Chamberlain and his partners, failing to see the murderous intent behind their smiles, or to understand that the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty was concluded only after Chamberlain and Daladier had made up their minds to reject the Soviet Union and bring about the imperialist war.
  • 当今年春夏波兰问题紧张、世界大战一触即发的时候,不管张伯伦、达拉第如何没有诚意,苏联还是同英法进行了四个多月的谈判,企图订立一个英法苏互助约,制止大战的爆发。
    When Poland became the burning question in the spring and summer of this year and it was touch-and-go whether world war would break out, the Soviet Union negotiated with Britain and France for over four months, despite Chamberlain's and Daladier's complete lack of sincerity, in an endeavour to conclude a treaty of mutual assistance to prevent the outbreak of war.
  • 改变办公室的混乱状况,使之有些
    Reduce the chaos in one's office to some form of order
  • 这里有十年内乱遗留下来的消极东西,也有在新的历史件下产生和发展起来的消极东西。
    Some negative things have been left over from the ten years of domestic chaos, and others have appeared and grown under the new historical conditions.
  • 这样一环套一环,不久,在富人和穷人之间就有了一可怕的鸿沟,混乱就会爆发。
    Soon, there will be such a horrifying gap between the rich and the poor that chaos will break out and another great civilization will collapse.
  • 在俄罗斯nld这一项目的必要的充分的件是(a)喧嚣的政治体制(b)崩溃的经济(c)多达10万人的失业的核武器技术人员,数以百吨的超量的核武器物资以及大约30000个“loosenukes”。
    The necessary and sufficient conditions for NLD in Russia were the (a) chaotic political system, (b) collapsing economy, (c) as many as 100,000 unemployed nuclear weapons technologists, hundreds of tons of excess nuclear weapons materials, and about 30,000 fairly "loose nukes."
  • 一般亚洲人想必对麦当劳的巨无霸非常熟悉,但他们恐怕从未听说过炒¤这道美味佳肴。
    The average Asian probably knows much about a Big Mac but has no idea what char kuay teow is.
  • 气候包括温度、降雨量及风等的气象件,在某一特别地带占主导
    The meteorological conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region.
  • 鹨一种分布较广的鹨属鸣鸟,特征是长有棕色上羽和纹胸羽
    Any of various widely distributed songbirds of the genus Anthus, characteristically having brownish upper plumage and a streaked breast.
  • 蜥蜴一种属于蜥蜴类目的爬行动物,特征是有带鳞狭长的身体、可移动的眼睑、四腿和渐细的尾巴
    Any of numerous reptiles of the suborder Sauria or Lacertilia, characteristically having a scaly elongated body, movable eyelids, four legs, and a tapering tail.
  • 于是,他就用一件炭灰色细纹的套装配上衬衫和领带。
    So he wore his tuxedo shirt and tie with a pinstriped charcoal-gray suit.
  • 鱼类统营处是根据《海鱼(统营)例》成立的法定机构,在七个批发市场提供有秩序的统销服务,收入来自售鱼收益的佣金。
    The Fish Marketing Organisation is a statutory body established under the Marine Fish (Marketing) Ordinance. It provides orderly marketing services at its seven wholesale markets. Revenue comes from charging commission on the proceeds of sales.
  • 耍蛇人小心翼翼地伸手去摸他筐子里的那蛇。
    The snake charmer reached out gingerly to touch the snake in his basket.
  • 希腊传说中地狱里的一河,charon将带着死者的灵魂经过这里。
    (Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which Charon carried dead souls.
  • 希腊神话中地狱里的一河流,传说死人会被带去那里。
    (Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which the souls of the dead were carried by Charon.
  • 显示主要的气象、水文和航海件的一种图表。
    a chart for a navigator showing the prevailing meteorological and hydrographic and navigational conditions.
  • 他在图上画了一线。
    He drew a line on the chart; The substance produced characteristic lines on the spectroscope.
  • 款文件中的款,例如一个议案或者是一个章节
    A clause of a document, such as a bill or charter.