Chinese English Sentence:
  • 填海工程共分五期,其中三期已经完成,包中环填海计划第一期、中环填海计划第二期和湾仔填海计划第一期。
    Three of the five reclamation phases have been completed — Central Reclamation Phase I, Central Reclamation Phase II and Wan Chai Reclamation Phase I.
  • 光或与光有关的物理现象。
    a physical phenomenon related to or involving light.
  • 邮政业务发展迅速,已包邮递、报刊发行、集邮和储蓄、汇兑四大类业务,还开办了广告信函、商品邮购、礼仪服务、电子信函、邮政音像、代办保险等新型业务。
    The range of postal services has been expanded, covering the four categories of mail, distribution of newspapers and journals, philately and postal savings and postal remittance, and providing recently new services such as advertisement letters, mail-order, protocol service, E-mail, postal audio and video and insurance by proxy.
  • 特伦奇,理查德·切尼维克斯1807-1886英国诗人和语言学家,著作包词语研究和英国的过去和现在(1855年)
    British poet and philologist whose works include On the Study of Words(1851) and English Past and Present(1855).
  • 导(维)管植物任何种类的维管植物,包种子植物和蕨类植物,具有木质部和韧皮部导管系统
    Any of various vascular plants, including seed plants and ferns, having a conducting system of xylem and phloem.
  • 聚氯乙烯一种普通热塑树脂,广泛用于产品加工,包雨衣,花园浇水用的胶皮管,留声唱片,和地板砖
    A common thermoplastic resin, used in a wide variety of manufactured products, including rainwear, garden hoses, phonograph records, and floor tiles.
  • 肥料包烘肥以及氮、磷和钾化合物等任何大量的自然或合成原料,撒于土壤上或翻入土壤中以增加其供给植物生长的能力
    Any of a large number of natural and synthetic materials, including manure and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds, spread on or worked into soil to increase its capacity to support plant growth.
  • 在ibm的3800印刷子系统中,一种镀有光电导体的中空圆筒。印刷时鼓连续旋转,带着光电导体通过不同的位置。鼓还包光电导体电源和提升卷轴。
    In the3800 Printing Subsystem, a hollow cylinder around which the photo- conductor is wrapped. The drum continuously rotates during printing and carries the photoconductor part the various stations in the printing process. The drum also contains the photoconductor supply and takeup spools.
  • 这时候,所有的人,包这个家里的其他成员、警察、记者和专门负责摄像的人都从房里退出来了。
    Everybody had drifted back out of the house tighter family, police, reporters and photographer.
  • 该科近期添置了非常精密的仪器,包一台电脑化的数码微距影象摄录器,大大改善了向法庭提供的服务。
    The bureau's recent acquisition of very sophisticated equipment, including a computerised system for the capture of digital image photomicrographs, has significantly improved the service which can be provided to courts.
  • 苔藓植物苔藓植物门的植物,需要光合作用的多为陆生的非维管束植物的一支,包苔藓、地钱和金鱼藻
    A plant of the Bryophyta, a division of photosynthetic, chiefly terrestrial, nonvascular plants, including the mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.
  • 完善包健身组织、健身设施、健身指导、宣传教育、竞赛活动和体质测试在内的全民健身服务体系。
    Improve and perfect the service system for national physical fitness, including health-building organizations, health-building facilities, health-building guidance, publicity and education, competition and physique monitoring and testing.
  • 我们会继续鼓励香港文化多元化发展,但亦需要加强对中国优秀传统价值观的尊重和认识,包孝顺父母,重视家庭,谦逊厚道,自强不息。
    We will continue to encourage diversity in our society, but we must also reaffirm and respect the fine traditional Chinese values, including filial piety, love for the family, modesty and integrity, and the desire for continuous improvement.
  • 梭鱼,康马氏鲛一种凶猛,大多为魣属的热带海生鱼,类似梭鱼,有带尖牙的突出的下颚,包一些可食种类
    Any of various fierce, mostly tropical marine fishes of the genus Sphyraena that resemble pike, have a projecting lower jaw with fanglike teeth, and include some edible species.
  • 哈佛建立于第一批欧洲移民踏上美洲大陆来到普利茅斯的十六年后,一开始它只有九名学生、一名硕士生。现在包在校本科生与其他学生在内共有一万八千多人,有十所研究院与专业学院,在哈佛的分校中,还有一万三千名学生在哈佛分校选修了一门或多门课程。
    Founded l6 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth,the University has grown from 9 students with a single master to an enrollment of more than l8,000 degree candidates,including undergraduates,and students in 10 graduate and professional schools. An additional l3,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses at the Harvard Extension School.
  • 领港事务谘询委员会的成员包港口使用者和航运界的广泛代表。
    He achieves this through the assistance of the Pilotage Advisory Committee, the membership of which covers a wide spectrum of port users and shipping interests.
  • 领港事务咨询委员会就所有关于领航服务和运作的事宜向海事处处长提供意见,成员包港口使用者和航运界的广泛代表。
    It advises the Director of Marine on all matters concerning pilotage services and operations. The committee membership covers a wide spectrum of port users and shipping interests.
  • 高级房舱船上包水手和长官住处的结构
    A structure on a river steamboat containing the pilothouse and the officers' quarters.
  • 豆荚状胡椒任何一种有豆荚状果实的此类植物,大小、形状和辛辣程度不等,味道较温和的包花椒和西班牙辣椒,较刺激的有樱桃椒
    The podlike fruit of any of these plants, varying in size, shape, and degree of pungency, with the milder types including the bell pepper and pimiento, and the more pungent types including the cherry pepper.
  • 黄眼草目中产于美洲热带的科包几种经济类作物(如菠萝)。
    a family of tropical American plants of order Xyridales including several (as the pineapple) of economic importance.
  • 密螺旋体任一种密螺旋体属螺旋体的群体,包那些引起梅毒、品他病和雅司病的各种螺旋体
    Any of a group of spirochetes of the genus Treponema, including those that cause syphilis, pinta, and yaws.
  • 主要键盘和管子通常包最有力的管子的管风琴的大部分部件
    A division of most pipe organs, usually containing the most powerful ranks of pipes.
  • 在pl/1语言中,将一种或多种属性或者将一个层号用到带号的名字表中。
    In PL/1, the application of one or more attributes or of a level number to a parenthesized list of names.
  • 真哺乳亚纲的关于或属于哺乳动物真兽亚纲的一个下纲,包有胎盘哺乳动物
    Of or belonging to the infraclass Eutheria, a division of mammals to which all the placental mammals belong.
  • 在技术上被称为"氧气疗法",它们旨在替代的只是担负运送氧气的红细胞,并非血液的全部包其他成分如血浆、血小板和抗感染的白细胞。
    Known technically as"oxygen therapeutics, " they aim to replace only oxygen-bearing red cells rather than whole blood with its additional plasma, platelets and infection-fighting white cells.
  • 危险是如此之大,以致格林劝告他的同事——包马洛在内——赶快停止写剧。
    So great was the danger that Greene advised his colleagues, Marlowe among them, to abandon playwrights profession.
  • 前一次三中全会重点在农村改革这一次三中全会则要转到城市改革,包工业、商业和其他行业的改革,可以说是全面的改革。
    The first Third Plenary Session focused on rural reform, whereas this Third Plenary Session will focus on urban reform, including the reform of industry, commerce and other sectors.
  • (常用复数)包游行和演说的庆典。
    (usually plural) a ceremony that involves processions and speeches.
  • 他的作品包诗歌和一部小说。
    His writings include poetry and a novel.
  • 欧洲中北部的以前的一个王国,包现在的德国北部和波兰北部。
    a former kingdom in north-central Europe including present-day northern Germany and northern Poland.
  • 切斯特顿,吉尔伯特·基思1874-1936英国作家和批评家,信仰罗马天主教,政治观点保守。他的著作包散文,一系列以布朗神父为主角的侦探小说以及几卷评论及辩论文集
    British writer and critic known for his Roman Catholicism and his conservative political views. His works include essays, a series of detective novels featuring Father Brown, and volumes of criticism and polemics.
  •  大别山这场斗争,主要是我们政策对头,包军事政策。
    The success of our struggle in the Dabie Mountains was mainly due to our correct policies, including our military policy.