  • 一个员由于其管理不善而被责难。
    an official under fire for mismanagement.
  • 因管理不善而遭指责的
    An official who was under fire for mismanagement.
  • 指控说这个节目的制作者们要么有意地歪曲了节目的性质,要么就是在制作过程中愚蠢地改变了节目的目的——或者两种情况都有。当然,指控是否成立,还要看法的裁决。
    The charge is that the producers of the programme either deliberately misrepresented its nature, or foolishly slid into changing its purpose during production--or both. Of course, it is a matter of judgement whether the charge is made to stick.
  • 一个方使团被派去解决争端。
    An official mission was sent to settle the dispute.
  • 让我们听听这段对话的一些节选,两个军正在以无线电通话,试图可以正确沟通。
    POWELL: Let's review a few selected items of this conversation.Two officers talking to each other on the radio want to make sure that nothing is misunderstood:
  • 专门调查员舞弊情况的政府员公正地调查了关于滥用权力的投诉。
    The ombudsman investigates complaints about misuse of authority without fear or favour.
  • 说没有任何理由可以把那个母亲残忍虐待孩子的罪责减轻。
    The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the mother had treated her child.
  • 说没有任何理由可以把那个继母残忍虐待女孩的罪责减轻。
    The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the stepmother had treated the girl.
  • 我们都向指挥诉了苦,他也完全同意我们的意见。
    We all had a moan to the commander about it, and he in run was in full agreement.
  • 的屡屡干预是对正义的践踏。
    The judge's frequent interventions made a mockery of justice.
  • 肾管许多脊椎动物,比如软体动物和蚯蚓的管状排泄器
    A tubular excretory organ in many invertebrates, such as mollusks and earthworms.
  • 地方行政长法国、西班牙或葡萄牙封建王朝的行政
    An administrative official serving a French, Spanish, or Portuguese monarch.
  • 统帅中世纪时的高级员,通常在君主不在的时候担任军事统帅
    A medieval officer of high rank, usually serving as military commander in the absence of a monarch.
  • 污吏,实为其党徒;磨擦专家,皆属其部下。
    In effect, the corrupt officials are part of the Wang Ching-wei gang and all the friction-mongers are its underlings.
  • 1247年,西藏宗教界领袖萨迦班智达·贡嘎坚赞同蒙古皇子阔端在凉州(今中国甘肃武威)议定了西藏归顺的条件,其中包括呈献图册,交纳贡物,接受派设治。
    In 1247 Sagya Pandit Gonggar Gyamcan, religious leader of Tibet, met the Mongol Prince Gotan at Liangzhou (present-day Wuwei of Gansu, China) and decided on terms for Tibetan submission to the Mongols, including presentation of map and census books, payment of tributes, and the acceptance of rule by appointed officials.
  • 教务长,院长尤指私立学校中的学生班长或
    A student monitor or officer, especially in a private school.
  • 原西藏地方政府的制是僧俗双轨制,行政机构中既有俗,也有僧,僧大于俗,某些机构只有僧而不设俗
    The official system of the former Tibetan local government was a dual one of monk and lay officials. In the administrative organs, there were both monk and lay officials, with the former higher than the latter in rank. But there were monk officials in some organizations.
  • 这一切都与旧西藏只有少数僧和贵族的子弟享有受教育的权利,儿童入学率不足2%等情形,形成了鲜明的对照。
    These facts are in strong contrast to the situation in Tibet before peaceful liberation, when only a small number of monk officials and children of the nobility had the privilege of studying and less than two percent of the school-age children went to school。
  • 这一切都与旧西藏只有少数僧和贵族的子弟享有受教育的权利,儿童入学率不足2%,广大农奴和奴隶被剥夺了受教育的权利等情形,形成了鲜明的对照。
    These facts are in strong contrast to the situation in Tibet before peaceful liberation, when only a small number of monk officials and children of the nobility had the privilege of studying and less than two percent of the school-age children went to school; education was denied to the masses of serfs and slaves.
  • 在这些人士当中,有不少是原西藏地方政府的爱国僧俗员和宗教界上层人士,如昌都地区大活佛、现任全国政协副主席、西藏自治区人大常委会副主任帕巴拉·格列朗杰,原西藏大贵族、地方政府噶伦、现西藏政协副主席拉鲁·次旺多杰等。
    Many of them were patriotic monk and secular officials of the former local government of Tibet and upper-class religious figures. They include Pagbalha Geleg Namgyai, the Great Living Buddha of Qamdo Prefecture, who is now vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region; and Lhalu Cewang Doje, a former Tibetan noble man and a Galoin of the Tibetan local government, who is currently vice-chairman of the CPPCC Tibetan Committee.
  • 判定微软的行为属于垄断。
    The judge ruled that Microsoft had behaved in a monopolistic way.
  • 对凶手说他是一个穷凶极恶的人。
    The judge told the murderer that he was a monster.
  • 所有与教育沾边的人的劳动,不仅仅是学校教师、家庭教师、教授,而且还有政府员(就其成功地改善了人民的素质来说)、道德家、传教士(就其有益方面来说)、医生(就其有助于维护生命和体脑功效来说)、体育教师和各种行当、科学和艺术的教师,以及学习者向他们求教的劳动,任何人在整个一生中为求知或培养自己或他人体力或脑力才能所花费的全部劳动,都属于这一类。
    To this class belongs the labour of all concerned in education; not only schoolmasters, tutors, and professors, but governments, so far as they aim successfully at the improvement of the people; moralists, and clergymen, as far as productive of benefit; the labour of physicians, as far as instrumental in preserving life and physical or mental efficiency; of the teachers of bodily exercises, and of the various trades, sciences, and arts, together with the labour of the learners in acquiring them; and all labour bestowed by any persons, throughout life, in improving the knowledge or cultivating the bodily or mental faculties of themselves or others.
  • 监察古罗马负责人口调查、监察人民行为和社会风尚的两名员之一
    One of two officials in ancient Rome responsible for taking the public census and supervising public behavior and morals.
  • 维齐尔穆斯林政府高,尤指前土耳其帝国
    A high officer in a Moslem government, especially in the Ottoman Empire.
  • 执行将信任以书信方式传达给业务员,能促使他们创下破纪录的业绩;
    The exective who writes of faith in and commitment to his salespeople can motivate them to break records;
  • 委员会已就顾问报告的结果,在一九九九年十月向行政长提交建议。其中一项建议是成立金融服务业人力资源咨询委员会作为常设机制,以鼓励所有有关机构或人士加强沟通,协调业内人力资源培训计划的供求情况,为整体发展带来长远的裨益。
    On the basis of the findings of that study, the Steering Committee submitted its recommendations to the Chief Executive in October, and proposed, among others, that an Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector be established to provide an ongoing mechanism to match the demand for and supply of human resources development programmes in the financial services sector, and to co-ordinate and motivate sector-wide support to human resources development in pursuit of the longer term benefits of the sector.
  • 可以动的用来飞翔的器(一对中的一个)。
    a movable organ for flying (one of a pair).
  • 警官,我想报案。
    I want to report a mugging, officer.
  • 增生,增殖通过迅速产生新的组织、器、细胞或产生物而生长或增多
    To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring.
  • 在古埃及,达贵人的木乃伊,皮肤上多要上色,颈腔要填圆,眼窝里还要装上人造眼球。
    In Ancient Egypt the mummy of a nobleman would probably have its skin colored, its neck filled out and man– made eyes fixed in the eye sockets.
  • 巴黎府尹是王室大臣而不是市府吏,所以统管一切。
    over all ruled the provost of Paris, a royal not a municipal official.