  •  第二颁发银牌、证书及奖金6000人民币。
    2nd Place Silver Medal, Certificate and RMB ¥ 6000.00
  •  第三颁发铜牌、证书及奖金3000人民币。
    3rd Place Bronze Medal, Certificate and RMB ¥ 3000.00
  •  第一颁发金牌、证书及奖金10000人民币。
    1st Place Gold Medal, Certificate and RMB ¥ 10000.00
  • 此外,也为231救护人员开办了18项复修及重新考核的课程。
    It also ran 18 refresher and re-certification courses for 231ambulance personnel.
  • 对象签与数字证明相似,但它没有用户验证,而是把数字签放进软件。
    Object signing is similar to digital certification, but instead of verifying users, it puts a digital signature on software.
  •  (四)最后报表一式三份:
    6.4 The Final Entry Forms must be prepared and certified in triplicate:
  • 该监狱于一九九七年八月四日投入服务,认可收容额为208。尽管监狱挤迫对资源方面造成相当压力,惩教署仍能继续有效地实施各项计划。
    It became operational on August 4, 1997, with a certified accommodation of 208.Despite overcrowding which stretched resources, the CSD continued to implement its programmes effectively.
  • 二零零一年年底,香港有18931注册专业会计师,当中有2997公开执业的执业会计师或注册核数师,他们有权处理法定的核数工作。
    Hong Kong had 18931 registered professional accountants at the end of 2001. Of these, 2997 were certified public accountants (CPAs) or public accountants, who are in public practice and entitled to perform statutory audits.
  • 截至年底,香港有16163注册专业会计师,当中有2709是公开执业的执业会计师或注册核数师,有权处理法定的核数工作。
    Hong Kong had 16 163 registered professional accountants at the end of 1999. Of these, 2 709 were certified public accountants (CPAs) or public accountants (PAs) who are in public practice and entitled to perform statutory audits.
  • 经法律授权能够署作证和证明文件的有效性,并且能够做宣誓证词的人。
    someone legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document's validity and to take depositions.
  • 他们还应签作证明,并将封印後的单送至合众国政府所在地交与参议院议长。
    which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate.
  • 选举人应在选票上写明被选为总统之人的姓,并在另一选票上写明被选为副总统之人的姓。选举人应将所有被选为总统之人和所有被选为副总统之人,分别开列单,写明每人所得票数;他们应在该单上签作证,并将封印後的单送至合众国政府所在地,交与参议院议长。
    they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;
  • 恩贾梅纳,拉米堡乍德的首府和最大城市,位于国家的东南部沙里河畔。1990年被法国建立,1973年重新命,人口,303,000
    The capital and largest city of Chad, in the southwest part of the country on the Shari River. Founded by the French in1900, it was renamed in1973. Population,303, 000.
  • 他是名誉主席。
    He's the honorary chairman.
  • 现任国家副主席、19全国人大常委会副委员长中的8副委员长,都是民主党派人士。
    The present vice-president of the state and eight out of the nineteen vice-chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee are members of democratic parties.
  • 正式候选人尤其是两村主任候选人要向村民公布治村方案,允许选民当场提问,也允许候选人之间相互提问,以利于选民差额挑眩
    Candidates, especially those for chairmen and vice-chairmen of villagers committees, shall announce their administration plans and answer questions raised by the voters or other candidates on the spot. This practice helps the voters to make their own choices in the multi-candidate election.
  • 除了390民选议员外,还有27当然议员(由新界乡事委员会主席出任)和102委任议员。
    In addition to the 390 elected members, there are 27 ex officio members (i.e. Rural Committee chairmen in the New Territories) and 102 appointed members, making a total of 519 District Council members.
  • 警监会是一个由行政长官委任的独立组织,成员包括一主席、3副主席和不少于8其他委员,并且由申诉专员或其代表出任当然委员。
    The IPCC is an independent committee whose members are appointed by the Chief Executive. It comprises a chairman, three vice-chairmen and not fewer than eight other members, with the Ombudsman, or his representative, serving as an ex-officio member.
  • 中国人民政治协商会议西藏委员会于1959年成立以来,广泛吸收藏族和其他民族及宗教界人士参加,现有数百民族、宗教界人士担任委员,拉鲁·次旺多吉、唐麦·贡觉白姆等旧西藏政府时期的贵族均担任了自治区政协副主席。
    Since its founding in 1959, the CPPCC Tibetan Committee has recruited large numbers of people of the Tibetan and other ethnic minorities, as well as religious figures. Now several hundred ethnic-minority people and religious figures are members of the CPPCC Tibet Committee. Even some people who were nobles of the old Tibetan government, such as Lhalu Tsewang Dorje and Domed Konchok Palmo, are currently vice-chairmen of the Tibet Autonomous Region's Political Consultative Conference.
  • 中国国务院成立了妇女儿童工作委员会,该委员会由有关的政府职能部门和社会团体的负责人组成,由政府一国务委员担任主任。
    The State Council of China has set up the Work Committee for Women and Children, which consists of responsible persons from the concerned government departments and mass organizations, and a state councilor who serves as chairperson.
  • 建国以来,曾有一位女性担任过国家副主席、誉主席,有两位女性担任过国务院副总理,两位女性担任过国务委员。
    Since the founding of the People's Republic, one woman had served one term as vice-chairperson and later honorary president of the country, two women have served as vice-premiers of the State Council, and two have been state councilors.
  • 他把他们的字记在黑板上。
    He chalked up their names on a board.
  • 索尔兹伯里英格兰南部一城市,位于南安普敦西北,在石林所在地的一个白垩高原索尔兹伯里平原的边缘,城市建于1220年并围绕着它著的大教堂发展。人口35,700
    A municipal borough of southern England northwest of Southampton on the edge of Salisbury Plain, a chalky plateau that is the site of Stonehenge. The city was chartered in1220 and developed around its noted cathedral. Population,35, 700.
  • 楚克尔曼,宾查斯生于1948以色列小提琴家,尤以其室内乐表演而闻
    Israeli violinist noted particularly for his performance of chamber music.
  • 我苦想冥想了整整一天,结果记不起那家伙的字。
    I've cudgeled my brains all day and I still can't remember that chap's name.
  • 西斯廷教堂的壁画举世闻.
    The frescos in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous.
  • ‘奔向天堂’是北卡罗来纳一查用尔希尔大学里的一个无伴奏合唱团,在1996—1997学年开始时,这个团需要增加几男中音和男低音团员。
    Heels to Heaven, an a cappella group at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, needed to add a few baritones and basses as the 1996-97 school year opened.
  • 牧师试着去于那罪犯改邪归正。
    The chaplain tried toreform the criminal.
  • 例如:国会就有一公职牧师,负责在会期开始时主持祈祷。
    Congress, for example, has an official chaplain who opens the session with prayer.
  • 卓别林的字会使人在脑海中勾勒出一个身材矮小、蓄着一撇小胡子的流浪汉的形象。
    The name of Chaplin conjures up the image of a little tramp with a brush mustache.
  • 查尔斯·卓别林由于使人发笑而使自成了
    Charile Chaplin made a name for himself because of making you laugh.
  • 由于某种特殊性格而导致的坏声。
    notoriety for some particular characteristic.