  • 系列急速的轻拍声。
    a series of rapid tapping sounds.
  • 快速测量的种经纬仪。
    a theodolite designed for rapid measurements.
  • 由某物急速运动而产生的种持续的颤动的声音。
    sound of something in rapid motion.
  • 对大括号,当圆括号和方括号已经用过时用于表示加总或标出个数量组
    , used to indicate aggregation or to clarify the grouping of quantities when parentheses and square brackets have already been used.
  • 血管壁产生的种前列腺素,是血管神经,阻止血小板的集合
    A prostaglandin produced in the walls of blood vessels that acts as a vasodilator and inhibits platelet aggregation.
  • 中关村“区五园”科技园区继续高速发展。
    Zhongguancun High-Tech Park maintained rapid growth.
  • 劈劈啪啪声,卜卜声系列快速的、连续的轻拍声
    A rapid series of light, tapping sounds.
  • 大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是股潮流
    The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time
  • 这部电影展示了这医学领域里的迅速变化。
    The film show the rapidity of the change in this area of medicine.
  • 系列快速短而大的声音。
    a rapid series of short loud sounds.
  • 在公司内部,这种文化正改变着人们对快捷工作方式的认知。每个人都必须快捷地工作。
    It’s changing the perceptions within a company about the rapidity with which everybody has to move.
  • 迅速建成的仅供时急用的桥。
    a temporary bridge designed for rapid construction.
  • 电影组连续的照片被投影到屏幕上并以极快的速度依次放映使之产生连续性和动态的视觉
    A sequence of photographs projected onto a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity.
  • 微团亚微观分子团,如胶粒系统中的小液滴
    A submicroscopic aggregation of molecules, as a droplet in a colloidal system.
  • 迅速地喝或吞咽大口食物(含液体)。
    drinking large mouthfuls rapidly.
  • 个国家军用飞机的集合。
    the aggregation of a country's military aircraft.
  • 大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是股潮流。
    The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.
  • 种由些相似设备(如转换器、指示灯等)组合而成的聚合体,这些设备相互连接、协同使用。
    An aggregation of similar devices, such as transformers or lamps, connected to each other and used cooperatively.
  • 种快速书写的方法。
    a method of writing rapidly.
  • 错误直在快速增多。
    Mistakes have been multiplying rapidly.
  • 围绕个主轴急速旋转的。
    rotating rapidly about an axis.
  • 个事业飞黄腾达的人。
    someone whose career progresses rapidly.
  • 原生质,形成种聚集的羊毛状的絮。
    form into an aggregated flocculent mass, as of protoplasms.
  • 捐款合计达万美元。
    The donation aggregated to $10, 000.
  • 捐款合计达万美元。
    The donation aggregated to$10,000.
  • 因此,在三月三十日至四月五日期间,金管局根据兑换保证售出部分美元,总结余在四月八日下跌至25亿港元。
    As a result, some US dollars were sold under the Convertibility Undertaking during March 31 to April 5 and the Aggregate Balance fell to $2.5 billion on April 8.
  • 马里恩美国衣阿华州中部东部城市,是塞达拉皮兹的个居民郊区。人口20,403
    A city of east-central Iowa, a residential suburb of Cedar Rapids. Population,20, 403.
  • 怀俄明市美国密歇根中西部城市,是大拉皮兹的制造业郊区。人口63,891
    A city of west-central Michigan, a manufacturing suburb of Grand Rapids. Population,63, 891.
  • 期14岁学生的测试是在1992年进行的。考试结果不像第阶段7岁考试那样仅通知父母,而是正式张榜公布。
    The first tests for 14-year-olds took place in 1992 and the results, unlike those for the first Key Stage, were published in aggregate form.
  • 他所掌握的知识就像百科全书那样丰富。用个字或句话,用几句灵敏机智的对答,他就洞穿了对方的要害。
    He had an encyclopedic command of the field of knowledge, and by a word or a phase, by delicate rapier thrust, he punctured them.
  • 絮状物小颗粒的小而松软的块或聚合物,象悬浮着或从溶液中沉淀出的簇羊毛状物
    A small, loosely held mass or aggregate of fine particles, resembling a tuft of wool and suspended in or precipitated from a solution.
  • 我讨厌生命,憎恨死亡,两者过程中也没有件事让我感兴趣。-chrisrapier
    I hate life, I hate death and everything in between just doesn't interest me. - Chris Rapier