  • 澱粉𠔌粒用作食物的草;小麥;水稻;麥;燕麥;玉米;蕎麥;小米。
    grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet.
  • 我要烤面包夾火腿、乳酪、萵苣,塗上些芥茉和美乃滋。
    I'd like ham, cheese and lettuce, and lettuce on toasted rye bread with mustard and mayonnaise.
  • 威士忌酒一種從𠔌類如玉米、麥或大麥等提煉出來含酒精液體,按容量包含約40%至50%的乙醇
    An alcoholic liquor distilled from grain, such as corn, rye, or barley, and containing approximately40 to50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume.
  • 四份麥威士忌,四份礦泉水。
    Four ryes and Four mineral waters please.
  • 貂皮做的圍巾(或裝飾品)。
    a scarf (or trimming) made of sable.
  • 色酸性的花崗岩類玻璃。
    dark acid granitic glass.
  • 亮度一種顔色的範圍,表示它與一係列從很昏暗()到很明亮(耀眼)的無色彩的顔色之間的相似處
    The dimension of a color that represents its similarity to one of a series of achromatic colors ranging from very dim(dark) to very bright(dazzling).
  • 的非彩色顔色;因為吸收了幾乎所有的入射光而衹有很少的顔色或者沒有顔色。
    being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness; having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light.
  • 中間色的屬於或表明一種缺乏色度的顔色的,如灰、或白色的;無色彩的
    Of or indicating a color, such as gray, black, or white, that lacks hue; achromatic.
  • 灰色的屬於或關於一種介於極度色和白色之間的任何亮度的無色差的顔色
    Of or relating to an achromatic color of any lightness between the extremes of black and white.
  • 一種非彩色的顔色,指各種各樣介於色和白色兩個極端之間的淺淡的顔色。
    an achromatic color of any lightness between the extremes of black and white.
  • 柏柏爾人說柏柏爾語的穆斯林民族的一支,居住在撒哈拉西部和中部以及非洲西北的西撒
    A member of a Moslem, Berber-speaking people inhabiting the western and central Sahara and western Sahel of northwest Africa.
  • 色皮膚人種的或者屬於色皮膚人種,特別是起源於次撒哈拉非洲。
    of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan African origin.
  • 人人類一個主要種族的成員,傳統上按身體特徵來區分,比如膚色棕色漸色,常有緊密的捲發,尤指非洲撒哈拉以南地區的人
    A member of a major human racial division traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair, especially one of various peoples of sub-Saharan Africa.
  • 人的有關或與人類的一個主要種族相關的,這一種族傳統上按身體特徵來劃分,如棕到色的皮膚、常有緊密的捲發,包括非洲撒哈拉以南地區的各土著民族。科學上已不再使用
    Of, relating to, or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair and including peoples indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa. No longer in scientific use.
  • 北美洲閃亮的色身體上帶有黃色斑點的蠑螈。
    glossy black North American salamander with yellow spots.
  • 色皮膚上通常有黃色斑點的歐洲蠑螈。
    European salamander having dark skin with usually yellow spots.
  • 身體為斑駁的深褐色或灰色的北美洲普通蠑螈。
    common North American salamander mottled with dull brown or grayish-black.
  • 廣泛分佈的褐色或色北美洲蠑螈,身上有垂直的微黃色斑紋。
    widely distributed brown or black North American salamander with vertical yellowish blotches.
  • 此人一直站在欄桿裏邊,大理石桌子周圍的空檔裏,誰都沒有瞅見他,因為他又長又瘦的身子靠在圓柱上,柱子的直徑完全擋住任何人的視綫;此人高挑個兒,消瘦幹癟,臉色蒼白,頭髮金黃,額頭和腮幫上都有了皺紋,卻還很年輕,目光炯炯,滿臉笑容,身上穿的嗶嘰衣服舊得都磨破了,磨光了。此刻,他走近大理石桌子跟前,嚮那位受苦刑的可憐蟲招招手,那可憐蟲嚇暈了,並沒有發現。
    An individual standing inside the balustrade in the space left clear round the marble table, and whom up till now no one had noticed, so effectually was his tall and spare figure concealed from view by the thickness of the pillar against which he leaned—this person, thin, sallow, light-haired, young still, though furrowed of brow and cheek, with gleaming eye and smiling mouth, clad in black serge threadbare and shiny with age, now approached the marble table and signed to the wretched victim. But the other was too perturbed to notice.
  • 我們又有了一隻小貓,它渾身一團色。
    We have a new kitten and it's as black as the ace of spades.
  • 你把這些土豆放到????水裏,不讓它們變
    You put the potatoes in salted water to keep them from turning black.
  • 桃花色中的幺點,有時被視作終局的徵兆。
    the ace of spades; sometimes taken as a portent of death.
  • 用鉻????硝製過的色小牛革。
    black calfskin leather tanned with chromium salts.
  • 我不習慣於天以後出門。
    I'm not accustomed to going out after dark.
  • 我的眼睛很快適應了暗。
    My eyes soon grew accustomed to the darkness.
  • 我的眼睛對暗慢慢適應了。
    My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the gloom.
  • 我對黑暗已習慣了。
    I am accustomed to the dark.
  • 丹澤爾·華盛頓憑藉影片《訓練日》而贏得最佳演員奬,但是卻是由另一名人影星薩繆爾·傑剋遜替他領奬。
    Denzel Washington won best movie actor for Training Day and Samuel L.Jackson accepted the prize for him.
  • 丹澤爾·華盛頓憑藉影片《訓練日》而贏得最佳演員奬,但是卻是由另一名人影星薩繆爾·傑剋遜替他領奬。
    Denzel Washington won best movie actor for Training Day and Samuel L. Jackson accepted the prize for him.
  • 鍋笑壺;烏鴉笑豬
    The accuser having the same fault as the person he is accusing
  • 他坐起來,感到聖卡塔林納的黢黢的墻壁將他團團圍住了。
    He sat up and felt the dark walls of Santa Caterina close in on him.