  • 一種固體,由正磷反應形成。
    a solid acid formed by reactions of orthophosphoric acid.
  • 機智;尖酸的聲調
    An acid wit; an acid tone of voice.
  • 核酸的人工合成
    synthesis of nucleic acid
  • 脫氧核糖核酸雙蠃旋
    deoxyribonucleic acid double helix
  • 從硫磺衍生而來的
    n acid derived from sulphuric acid.
  • 癸二酸
    sebacic acid, decanedioic acid
  • 我在做一個中和的實驗。
    I am doing an experiment of neutralizing acid.
  • 酸與鹼反應生成????。
    Acids react with bases to form salts.
  • 酸把地毯燒了個洞。
    The acid burnt a hole in the carpet.
  • 由於必須彎下腰來從最下面的抽屜中把東西拿進拿出,她腰背痛了。
    Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer.
  • 我昨天購買的東西太多,把我壓得腰背疼。
    Yesterday I was so loaded with heavy shopping that my back was aching.
  • 我肩酸背痛。
    My shoulders feel stiff and my back ache.
  • 在所有動植物體內都發生的;在綫粒體中發生的、由乙酰化合物氧化代謝生成細胞能量來源的高能磷????化合物的一係列酶促反應過程。
    in all plants and animals: a series of enzymatic reactions in mitochondria involving oxidative metabolism of acetyl compounds to produce high-energy phosphate compounds that are the source of cellular energy.
  • 三種化合物中任意一種(乙酰乙、丙酮和/或β羥基丁),人體的血液和尿中大量含有。
    any of three compounds (acetoacetic acid, acetone, and/or beta-hydroxybutyric acid) found in excess in blood and urine of persons with metabolic disorders.
  • 中國有關部門於1988年10月發文,對醋酐、乙醚、三氯甲烷三類可供製造海洛因等毒品的化學品實行出口管製。
    In October 1988, the relevant government departments issued a document on the control of exports of acetic oxide, ether and chloroform, which can be used for synthesis of heroin and other narcotic drugs.
  • 氯高鐵血紅素一種紅褐色的血紅素晶體氯化物c34h32n4o4fecl,生成於實驗室現血實驗時血紅蛋白和冰狀醋及氯化納的相互反應
    The reddish-brown crystalline chloride of heme, C34H32N4O4FeCl, produced when hemoglobin reacts with glacial acetic acid and sodium chloride in a laboratory test for the presence of blood.
  • 一種無色芬芳易燃易揮發的液態酯,由乙醇和乙製成,用於調味品和香水中,亦作塑料溶劑。
    a fragrant colorless flammable volatile liquid ester made from ethanol and acetic acid; used in flavorings and perfumes and as a solvent for plastics.
  • 醋一種不純的稀釋的溶液,從超過酒精階段的發酵獲得,可用作調味品和保存劑
    An impure dilute solution of acetic acid obtained by fermentation beyond the alcohol stage and used as a condiment and preservative.
  • 乙酰胺乙的晶體胺,ch3conh2,用作溶劑和濕潤劑,並用於油漆和炸藥
    The crystalline amide of acetic acid, CH3CONH2, used as a solvent and wetting agent and in lacquers and explosives.
  • 一種由木頭幹餾出的褐紅色液體,含有乙、甲醇、丙酮、桐油和焦油。
    a red-brown liquid formed in distillation of wood which contains acetic acid, methanol, acetone, wood oils, and tars.
  • 乙酰膽鹼酯酶一種主要分佈於神經末梢的酶,它能通過水解乙酰膽鹼形成醋和膽鹼從而使之失去活性
    An enzyme found chiefly at nerve terminals that inactivates acetylcholine by hydrolyzing it to form acetic acid and choline.
  • 的固體氨化物,無色,用作溶劑及合成有機化合物。
    a colorless solid amide of acetic acid used as a solvent and in the synthesis of organic compounds.
  • 一種無色易揮發的水溶性液態醛,用於生産乙、香水和藥物。
    a colorless volatile water-soluble liquid aldehyde used chiefly in manufacture of acetic acid and perfumes and drugs.
  • 一種乙酯,用於纖維、織物、照相膠捲和清漆中。
    an ester of acetic acid; used in fibers and fabrics; photographic films and varnishes.
  • 藥劑師把20立方釐米醋吸入吸量管中。
    The chemist sucked up 20cc. of acetic acid into a pipette.
  • 使變,使醋化變成或使變成乙或醋
    To convert or become converted to acetic acid or vinegar.
  • 的,醋的醋的或醋的,與醋或醋有關的,産生醋或醋的
    Of, relating to, or producing acetic acid or vinegar.
  • 的,醋的與乙,醋有關或含有乙,醋等成分的
    Of, relating to, or containing acetic acid or vinegar.
  • 稀釋酒精;稀釋溶液;弱乙
    diluted alcohol; a dilute solution; dilute acetic acid.
  • 用氯處理乙而製成的一種強
    a strong acid made by chlorinating acetic acid.
  • 醋劑一種藥物的乙溶液
    An acetic acid solution of a drug.
  • 乙酸????,乙酸酯
    A salt or ester of acetic acid.