  • 谁替原告出庭?
    Who appeared for the plaintiff?
  • 我们选派担任主席呢?
    Who shall we appoint (as) chairperson?
  • 在这次车祸中,很难分清这两个驾驶员该承担什么过失。
    It was difficult to apportion the blame for the accident between the two drivers.
  • 那些彩色玻璃窗,我们的祖先曾目不暇接,叹为观止,踌躇于大拱门圆花窗与半圆形后殿尖拱窗之间,又是把这些“色彩强烈”的玻璃窗换上了冷冰冰的白玻璃呢?
    And who put the cold, white panes in the place of those windows," high in color, "which caused the astonished eyes of our fathers to hesitate between the rose of the grand portal and the arches of the apse?
  • 是最伟大的当代诗人?
    Who is the most apt poet?
  • 春暖昼长,不想去中央公园度周末?那是我们这里与桃花源最相近似的地方。那里我们可以忘记紧张繁忙的生活,在悠闲中,或者最好不过,在一切都静止的环境里享受人生。
    With spring come warm weather, longer days and the impulse to spend our weekends in Central park. It's the closest thing we have to an Arcadian wilderness – a place where we can forget about life in the fast lane and enjoy life in the slow lane or, better yet, no lane at all.
  • 我们的各级领导机关,都管了很多不该管、管不好、管不了的事,这些事只要有一定的规章,放在下面,放在企业、事业、社会单位,让他们真正按民主集中制自行处理,本来可以很好办,但是统统拿到党政领导机关、拿到中央部门来,就很难办。也没有这样的神通,能够办这么繁重而生疏的事情。
    Our leading organs at various levels have taken charge of many matters which they should not and cannot handle, or cannot handle efficiently. These matters could have been easily handled by the enterprises, institutions and communities at the grass-roots level, provided we had proper rules and regulations and they acted according to the principles of democratic centralism. Difficulties have arisen from the custom of referring all these things to the leading organs and central departments of the Party and government: no one is so versatile that he can take on any number of complex and unfamiliar jobs.
  • 在赈济宴会上她坐在公爵旁边,这使她沾沾自喜——都会认为她也是一位贵族!
    She sat next to the Duke at the charity dinner, and it's turned her head-anyone would think she was an aristocrat herself!
  • 我再也不想为吉姆工作了。如果他要给我一份工作,我会告诉他想找就找,只是不要找我。
    I never want to work for Jim again. If he offers me a job I'll tell him to stick up his arse.
  • 谁给阿森纳队守球门?
    Who is keeping goal/is in goal (ie is goalkeeper) for Arsenal?
  • 我们已经能够靠了自流井把不毛之地变成膏壤,地质也许还有什么未知力量在潜伏中有待发现,又能断言呢?
    We already possess, in the artesian well, the means of converting unfertile wastes into rich corn fields; and what unknown forces may not yet be hidden in the interior of the earth?
  • 也无法解释他的译文显示出的笨拙。
    No one can explain the artlessness show in his translation.
  • 第一个乘气球升空的人是
    Who was the first man to make an ascent in a balloon?
  • 这个侦探试图查明都有参加了聚会。
    The detective was trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party.
  • 警察想设法查明参加了聚会。
    The police are trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party.
  • 没人知道那个剧本是写的,但一般都认为是我写的。
    No one knows who wrote that play, but it is often ascribed to me.
  • “你是谁?”她问。
    "Who are you?" she asked.
  • 以前也没想到这一点,使我感到惊讶。
    It astonish me that no one have think of this before.
  • 我感到惊讶的是你们都不喜欢那个剧.
    I find it quite astonishing that none of you liked the play.
  • 我感到惊讶的是你们都不喜欢那个剧
    I find it quite astonishing that none of you likes the play
  • 谁是当班医生?
    Who is the physician in attendance?
  • 在小阁楼上翻动东西?
    Who is that poking about in the attic?
  • 也明白,统制、镇压,是和“唤起民众”的原则相违背的。
    Everybody knows that autocracy and suppression run counter to the principle of "arousing the masses of the people".
  • 约翰和我都不会接到奖赏。
    Neither John nor I am to receive the award.
  • 都不知道说什么时,陷入了尴尬的沉默。
    There was an awkward silence, when no one knew what to say.
  • 因为肯向一个喋喋多言的人自白呢?
    for who will open himself to a blab or a babbler?
  • 谁是那影片的赞助人?
    Who is backing the film?
  • 该项目有资助?或该项目的资助出自何方?
    Who is providing the backing for the project?
  • 该项目有资助?或该项目的资助出自何方?
    Who is providing the backing for the project or where do the backing for the project come from?
  • 他向后看是在跟着他。
    He looked backwards to see who was following him.
  • 警方不解凶手是谁.
    Police are baffled as to the identity of the killer.
  • 把我的火柴拿去了?
    Who has bagged my matches?