  • 甚至在人类对所研究的最高学科的探索中,也能发现比较普通的素质是最有用的----如常识、专心、勤奋和锲而不舍。
    In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful--such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance.
  • 过程包含多精巧而复杂的细节。
    marked by elaborately complex detail.
  • 由600家公司组成的omg联合体已制订了多个高级协议标准,给予对象技术供应商粗略的指导原则,帮助了如next公司、sunsoft公司和netscape公司向前推进符合corba的分布计算技术。
    The 600-company OMG consortium has established a number of high-level protocol standards giving object technology vendors rough guidelines that have helped companies such as Next Computer Inc., SunSoft Inc., and Netscape Communications Corp. to push forward CORBA-compliant distributed computing technology.
  • 源码型病毒是入侵程序,它们在程序被编译之前插入到如用pascal编写的源程序中。
    Source code viruses are intrusive programs and they are also inserted into a source program such as those written in Pascal prior to the program being complied.
  • 源码型病毒是入侵程序,它们在程序被编译之前插入到如用pascal编写的源程序中,它们是最少见的病毒程序,因为它们不仅编写困难,而且与其他类型的病毒相比,受它们破坏的主程序数目也有限。
    Source code viruses are intrusive programs and they are also inserted into a source program such as those written in Pascal prior to the program being complied. There are the least-common viruses because they are not only hard to write,but also have a limited number of hosts compared to the other types.
  • 因而我们开创了一门寓教于乐的课程,不只包括口语和听力理解,还有如唱歌、跳舞、看电影、做游戏等有趣的活动,以加深我们的学生对美国文化的了解。
    Therefore we created an “ edutaining” (educational and entertaining) curriculum that includes not only lessons on spoken English and listening comprehension but also fun activities such as singing,dancing,movies,and games,to enhance our students' knowledge of American culture.
  • 今天的中国领导人都矢志把这个构想付实行。
    Today's Chinese leaders are committed to making the concept work.
  • 康科德城美国马萨塞州东部一城镇,位于波士顿西北偏西的康科德河沿岸。1775年4月19日,这里曾发生过一次独立战争的早期战斗。19世纪该城曾成为科技与文化中心。人口17,076
    A town of eastern Massachusetts on the Concord River west-northwest of Boston. An early battle of the Revolutionary War was fought here on April19,1775. In the19th century the town was noted as an intellectual and literary center. Population,17, 076.
  • 南部重建时期1865年至1877年的这一段时期,其时南部邦联州由联邦政府控制,1877年它们才被允许重入联邦
    The period(1865-1877) during which the states of the Confederacy were controlled by the federal government before being readmitted to the Union.
  • 如 believe和 receive 这样的词在拼写上容易混淆。C-! 该死!
    Words like“ believe” and “receive” are a source of confusion in spelling.
  • 由于七号信令比如isdn的基础速率接口等用户网络接口协议更具智能功能,所以七号信令有助减轻因特网上的拥挤。
    Because SS7 has more intelligent capabilities than User-Network Interface protocols such as ISDN Primary Rate Interface, SS7 can help ease congestion across the Internet.
  • “从最简单的层次来看,美籍发明家中,国外移民占有显著的地位,而且移民在新兴的高风险行业的企业家和技师中的地位也是突出的,如19世纪早期的纺织工业,中期的投资金融业和20世纪初的电影工业,海厄姆1986年在一个国会委员会上说,“移民缓解了,有时甚至打破了传统的束缚。
    "At the simplest level one notes the prominence of the foreignborn among American inventors and also entrepreneurs and technicians in new, high-risk industries such as textile manufacturing in the early nineteenth century, investment banking in mid-century, and movie-making in the early twentieth century,” Higham told a congressional committee in l986. "Migration looses and times breaks the bonds of tradition.
  • 斯普林菲尔德美国马萨塞州西南部城市,在康涅狄格边境的康涅狄格河岸。建于1636年,是一个重要的生产中心。人口156,983
    A city of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River near the Connecticut border. Settled in1636, it is an important manufacturing center. Population,156, 983.
  • 美国东北部的一个地区,由现在的缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨塞州和康涅狄格州和罗德岛组成。
    a region of northeastern United States comprising Maine and New Hampshire and Vermont and Massachusetts and Rhode Island and Connecticut.
  • 北安普敦美国马萨赛州中西部斯普林菲尔德北部康涅狄格河上的城市,为史密斯学院(建于1875年)所在地。人口29,289
    A city of west-central Massachusetts on the Connecticut River north of Springfield. It is the seat of Smith College(founded1875). Population,29, 289.
  • 奇科皮美国马萨塞州西南部城市,位于斯普林菲尔德附近康涅狄格河上。始建于约1641年并于1848年从斯普林菲尔德分离出来。人口56,632
    A city of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River near Springfield. It was founded c.1641 and set off from Springfield in1848. Population,56, 632.
  • jdbc以微软的开放数据库连接(odbc)标准为模型,jdbc的类提供了如对几个数据库的同时连接、交易管理、简单查询和调用存储过程等功能。
    Modeled after Microsoft Corp.'s Open Database Connectivity standard, the JDBC classes provide features such as simultaneous connections to several databases, transaction management, simple queries and calls to stored procedures.
  • 第二,认真学习现代化战争知识,学习军兵种联合作战。
    Second, they should help the cadres to conscientiously study modern warfare and combined operations involving various services and arms.
  • 这里那里,还可以看见若干漂亮的府邸,金碧辉煌,高凸在左岸那些如画的顶楼之上,如现在已不复存在的内韦尔公馆、罗马公馆、兰斯公馆,还有克吕尼府第,至今犹存,让艺术家感到宽慰,不过几年前有人连笨猪蠢驴都不如,居然把它的塔楼砍掉了。
    Some fine mansions here and there made magnificent outlines against the picturesque attics of the left bank. The house of Nevers, the house of Rome, the house of Reims, which have disappeared; the Hotel de Cluny,which still exists, for the consolation of the artist, and whose tower was so stupidly deprived of its crown a few years ago.
  • 业主自行决策,无需与伙伴或董事会商量,因此可以迅速将其决策付实施。
    The owners make their own decisions without consultant partners or board of directors, so that they can put their policies into effect quickly.
  • 或许你的清单上应列有如成本控制、产品质量、客户满意程度等内容。
    Your list might include such things as cost containment, quality, or customer satisfaction.
  • 至于那些老生常谈的人生目标,如物质占有、功成名就、舒适享受等等,在我看来都不值一顾。
    The trite objects of human efforts--possessions,outward success,luxury--have always seemed to me contemptible.
  • 早在春秋战国时期,学术上的子百家争鸣不仅为科学技术的进步创造了有利的条件,而且奠定了中国古代科技各大门类的体系基础,形成了传统的特征。
    Way back during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods,the contention among the Hundred Schools of Thought not only created a favourable milieu for the advancement of science and technology, it also laid the foundation for the various categories of ancient science and technology in China, making it a characteristic of tradition.
  • 早在春秋战国时期,学术上的子百家争鸣不仅为科学技术的进步创造了有利的条件,而且奠定了中国古代科技各大门类的体系基础,形成了传统的特征。
    Way back during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods, the contention among the Hundred Schools of Thought not only created a favorable milieu for the advancement of science and technology, it also laid the foundation for the various categories of ancient science and technology in China, making it a characteristic of tradition.
  • 对我的论据,他没有令人信服的答复,因而就诉骂人的语言。
    He had no convincing reply to my argument, so resorted to terms of abuse.
  • 工商行政管理机关依法查处了如“tdk”、“toshiba”、“sony”、“ibm”、“3m”、“esso”、“p&g”、“海飞丝”、“小天才”、“飞利浦”等3000多件涉外商标侵权案件。
    Administrative departments for industry and commerce have investigated and dealt with 3,000 cases involving the counterfeiting and other violations of such foreign trademarks as TDK, Toshiba, Sony, IBM, 3M, ESSO, P&G, Head & Shoulders, Xiaotiancai, and Philips.
  • 报名者的年龄要求在二十七、八岁到三十岁出头,比美国要求的年龄大一些。其意图是要把学生先前的多管理经验带入课堂。
    Candidates had to be in their late 20s or early 30s older than their American counterparts and consequently tended to bring a great deal of previous management experience to the classroom.
  • 此计划作为最优先项目而付实施。
    The project was launched on a crash basis.
  • 当他挪用公款的事败露后,他在公司所取得的一切便付东流了。
    Everything he has achieved in the firm came crashing about his ears when his misappropriation of public funds was brought to light.
  • 当然,这样的成功也带来了一个问题:如到火葬场之类的勇武行为是否是培养冠军所必需的?直到现在,回想起1994年和队员拿起活蛇并咬它们的身体(轻咬)时,金还是浑身发抖。
    Such success, of course, begs a question:Are feats of courage, like trips to the crematorium, necessary to nurture champions? Kim still shivers at the memory of a 1994 episode when she and her teammates had to pick up live snakes and bite their bodies (gently).
  • 白天的电视节目一般是无休无止的肥皂剧,剧情主要是围绕不忠和医疗危机;还有就是聊天节目,主持人引发他们的嘉宾说一些任何理智的人都不愿公于众的个人隐私。
    Daytime shows lean towards endless soap operas with plots that revolve around infidelity and medical crises, and talk shows in which hosts prod their guests to reveal personal details no sane person would want to make public.
  • 电子战。如无线电电子战或各种密码手段。
    Electronic warfare, such as radio-electronic or cryptographic means.