  • 粗横棱纹织物厚重有棱的丝或人造丝织物,通常用和制作外套和饰品
    A heavy silk or rayon fabric with a corded texture, usually used for coats and trimmings.
  • 有防止对皮肤深层伤害的防护置的剃刀。
    a razor with a guard to prevent deep cuts in the skin.
  • 刀片能够安到剃须刀中刀刃锋利的薄钢片
    A thin, sharp-edged piece of steel that can be fitted into a razor.
  • 包装确实是门学问。
    Packing is a real skill.
  • 就此我有权对你们说,我再一次重申:希望通过提供物资和备,帮助英国以及其它国家维持国家的自由。
    And in so far as I have the privilege to speak for you, I express once more the hope that we have to maintain the ream of freedom in Britain and elsewhere by supplying those defenders with materials and equipment.
  • 就此我有权对你们说,我再一次重申:希望通过提供物资和备,帮助英国以及其它国家维持国家的自由。
    And in so far as l have the privilege to speak for you, I express once more the hope that we have to maintain the ream of freedom in Britain and elsewhere by supplying those defenders with materials and equipment.
  • 捆缚置收割扎束机上把作物扎成束的附件部分
    An attachment on a reaping machine that ties grain in bundles.
  • 战争之后战胜国没有重新武战败国。
    After the war, the defeated country was not rearmed by the victors.
  • 第二个根据地是宁冈、永新、莲花、茶陵四县交界的九陇山,重要性不及井冈山,为四县地方武的最后根据地,也筑了工事。
    The second base, the Chiulung Mountains, is at the juncture of the four counties of Ningkang, Yunghsin, Lienhua and Chaling.It is less important than the Chingkang Mountains, but serves as the rearmost base for the local armed forces of the four counties, and it too has been fortified.
  • 通过这种方式建立起一个病毒如何将其自身粘贴到宿主上的模式,并且分析它如何通过修改软件伪自己。
    In this way it builds up a picture of how the virus attaches itself to the host's software, and how it disguises itself by rearranging that software.
  • 随着美国在“9·11”恐怖袭击后调动武部队,全球注意力聚焦巴基斯坦。由于它在阿富汗军事行动中的分量举足轻重,布什政府开始考虑向巴基斯坦提供周边安全和其他援助,保护核设施。
    As the U.S. mobilized its armed forces in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, the world's attention focused on Pakistan, so crucial to military operations in Afghanistan.The Bush administration began to consider providing Pakistan with perimeter security and other assistance to guard its nuclear facilities.
  • 三桅船有三至五个桅杆且只有前部桅杆有横帆置其余均有纵帆置的帆船
    A sailing ship with from three to five masts of which only the foremast is square-rigged, the others being fore-and-aft rigged.
  • 双桅帆船带两根桅杆的帆船,前桅挂横帆,纵帆置的船挂方形斜桁帆
    A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on the foremast and having a fore-and-aft mainsail with square main topsails.
  • 当电话到达受话人的计算机上时,该机中的同类型卡对声音进行译码和重新组,再将其送入受话人的电话系统。
    When the call got to the recipient's computer, the same kind of card there would decode and reassemble the voice and push it into the recipient's telephone system.
  • 将整个制造物折散并在博物馆里将其重新配起来
    Took the entire artifact apart and reassembled it at the museum.
  • 中桅在纵帆船的紧挨下桅上头的中桅,而在横帆船上则指在上桅之上的桅
    The mast below the topgallant mast in a square-rigged ship and highest in a fore-and-aft-rigged ship.
  • 纵帆船有纵帆置的帆船,例如纵帆船
    A sailing ship, such as a schooner, with a fore-and-aft rig.
  • 独桅纵帆船一种单桅杆的,有纵帆置的帆船,具有两个或多个船首斜帆,其单桅杆的位置比单桅帆船的要稍微靠后一点
    A single-masted, fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel with two or more headsails and a mast set somewhat farther aft than that of a sloop.
  • 是指主帆是纵向的船上的置。
    rig in which the principal sails are fore-and-aft.
  • 这条船从船头到船尾满了货物。
    The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft.
  • 大多数现代化游艇配备的都是前后帆,而老式大帆船的却是横帆。
    Most modern yachts have a fore and aft rig, but the old galleons were squared-rigged.
  • ——重新组建叛乱武
    -- Reorganizing the armed rebel forces.
  • 流窜于其他地区的叛乱武也相继瓦解。
    Armed rebel forces who fled to other places were dissolved.
  • 反叛军汇集成一支武迎战入侵者
    The rebel units coalesced into one army to fight the invaders.
  • 但是,3月17日夜,噶伦索康、柳霞、夏苏等叛乱头目挟持达赖喇嘛逃离拉萨,前往叛乱武的“根据地”山南。
    However, on the evening of March 17, Galoins Surkang, Neuxar and Xaisur and other rebel leaders held the Dalai Lama under duress and carried him away from Lhasa to Shannan, the "base" of the armed rebel forces.
  • 1957年5月在西藏地方政府噶伦柳霞·土登塔巴、先喀·居美多吉的支持下,成立了“四水六岗”叛乱组织,稍后又成立号称“卫教军”的叛乱武,提出“西藏独立”及反对改革的口号,叛乱活动愈演愈烈。
    In May 1957, with the support of Galoins Neuxar Tubdain Tarba and Xainga Gyurme Doje, a rebel organization named "four rivers and six ranges" and later the rebel armed forces named "religion guards" were founded. They raised the slogan of "Tibetan Independence" and "opposition to reform" and further intensified their rebellious activities.
  • 随后,叛乱头目连续召开所谓“人民代表会议”、“西藏独立国人民会议”,加紧组织和扩大叛乱武
    Subsequently, the rebel leaders convened the so-called "people's congress" and "people's conference of the independent state of Tibet," intensifying their efforts to organize and expand armed rebellion.
  • 把反革命武叛乱镇压下去
    Knock off a counterrevolutionary armed rebellion
  •  1959年武判乱是怎样发生的
    How Does the 1959 Armed Rebellion Occur?
  • 1959年3月10日在拉萨发生的全面武叛乱,就是经精心策划而挑起的。
    The climax was the elaborately planned armed rebellion in Lhasa on March 10, 1959.
  • 大席吉松散的、色彩艳丽的非洲服
    A loose, brightly colored African garment.
  • 现在造反者已有成千上万人有了武
    The rebels now have thousands of people under arms.