  • 俗语说,“拳不手,经不口”,“熟能生巧”几乎成了华文老师在教学时遵奉的金科玉律,不论教的是什么,都要学生多多练习。
    The proverb "practice makes perfect" has been followed religiously by most teachers. Whatever has been taught is followed by more practice.
  • 俗语说,“拳不手,经不口”,“熟能生巧”几乎成了华文老师在教学时遵奉的金科玉律,不论教的是什么,都要学生多多练习。
    The proverb "practice makes perfect" (and Chinese proverbs expressing the same ideas) have been followed religiously by most teachers. Whatever has been taught is followed by practice, practice, and more practice.
  • 放弃放弃或使开;弃权
    To give up or let go of; relinquish.
  • 我已经慢慢练习如何过退休生活,工作了几十年,完全脱总有个过程。
    I have already been trying to gradually get used to retirement. It will take time for me to completely relinquish the work I have been doing for decades.
  • 他不会喜欢走那麽长的距
    He won't relish having to walk all that distance.
  • 徘徊尤指因不愿开而继续逗留;徘徊
    To be slow in leaving, especially out of reluctance; tarry.
  • 多么不情愿,我要开大都会博物馆,那里有开启美的钥匙,这种美又被忽视了。
    It would be with extreme reluctance that I should leave the Metropolitan Museum, which contains the key to beauty-- a beauty so neglected.
  • 然而,在其他地方,不愿让雇员远距工作的事时有发生,而支持这种不愿给雇员自由的等级体系的理由是那儿有数十亿平方英尺的办公场所。
    Elsewhere, however, a considerable reluctance to let the employees go has been occurring. Billions of square feet of office space are there to back up the reluctant hierarchies.
  • 这个孩子不愿意开她的妈妈。
    The child was reluctant to leave her mother.
  • 格林不愿意开她,但他毫无选择余地,非开她不可。
    Green was reluctant to leave her , but he had no choice.
  • 晨雾很不情愿地散开,就像孩子不愿开甜蜜的睡梦。
    Down here it is lifting slowly like a reluctant child leaving her warm sleep.
  • 她依依不舍地开了家,心情很沉重。
    She left her home reluctantly and sick at heart.
  • 我们上班的地方家不过5分钟的车程,埃里卡心中想着,就勉强上班去了。
    We're just five minutes away,Erica told herself now as she reluctantly left for work.
  • 就像有些人不愿意开埋葬着亲人的地方一样,公爵在女儿去世后仍旧留在巴涅尔。一天早上,公爵在一条小路的拐角处遇见了玛格丽特。
    One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres just as people will remain on ground where a piece of their heart lies buried, caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk.
  • 再婚前夫或前妻死亡或婚后的再次结婚
    Remarriage after the death or divorce of one's first husband or wife.
  • 妇女婚和再婚的权利也得到了应有的保障。
    Women's rights with regard to divorce and remarriage are also duly guaranteed.
  • 美国内华达州西部一城市,位于内华达山脉脚下;以其赌场和婚与再婚容易而闻名。
    a city in western Nevada at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains; known for gambling casinos and easy divorce and remarriage.
  • 她与原来的丈夫婚十年后又复婚了。
    She remarry her former husband ten year after their divorce.
  • 婚不到一年就又结婚了.
    Within a year of their divorce he had remarried.
  • 婚之后又和高中时的恋人再婚了。
    After her divorce, she remarried her high school sweetheart.
  • 但是时光飞驰,有很多事情阻碍我了却我的心愿:忙于养家糊口,奔波于世界各地写报道,婚又再结婚,后来又身患重病。
    But as the years raced by, many things got in the way. I helped rear a family, reported from around the world, divorced and remarried and later became seriously ill.
  • 从此我们和他便距越远,高粱舅这个名称,孩子们还能记得,要是真的是见面的时候,也许都会笑问客从何处来了。
    From thence on, we lived far apart from each other. The children can perhaps still remember the nickname " Uncle Gao-liang". But if they were to really meet him, they would probably not recognize him, a scene reminiscent of a line from a Tang poem :"In curious laughter they asked 'Stranger, from whence you come?'."
  • 他们的思想超过客观过程的一定发展阶段,有些把幻想看作真理,有些则把仅在将来有现实可能性的理想,勉强地放在现时来做,开了当前大多数人的实践,开了当前的现实性,在行动上表现为冒险主义。
    The thinking of "Leftists" outstrips a given stage of development of the objective process; some regard their fantasies as truth, while others strain to realize in the present an ideal which can only be realized in the future. They alienate themselves from the current practice of the majority of the people and from the realities of the day, and show themselves adventurist in their actions.
  • 唯心论和机械唯物论,机会主义和冒险主义,都是以主观和客观相分裂,以认识和实践相脱为特征的。
    Idealism and mechanical materialism, opportunism and adventurism, are all characterized by the breach between the subjective and the objective, by the separation of knowledge from practice.
  • 他突然想开这个地方。
    He was seized with deep remorse [terror].
  • 在自然上或者社会上偏远、隔
    remote and separate physically or socially.
  • 任何危险的来源。
    remote from any source of danger.
  • 她的不即不便是她的魅力。
    its allure was its remoteness.
  • ,远隔在空间中被分隔的事实或状态;远
    The fact or condition of being apart in space; remoteness.
  • 在缩微照相技术中,度量副本原始资料远近的程度。第一次缩微后的胶片为第一代缩微胶片。
    In micrographics, a measure of the remoteness of the copy from the original material, the first microfilm representation being the first generation microfilm.
  • 同志们开工作岗位,专门进行整风,机会是很难得的,时间虽很紧,只要我们有改造自己、改造工作的决心,就一定能够收到很大的效果。
    For comrades to leave their posts and devote themselves fully to the rectification movement represents an opportunity that is hard to come by. You may feel pressed for time, but so long as you are determined to remould yourselves and improve your work, you will see enormous results.
  • 流放被强迫开自己的国家
    Enforced removal from one's native country.