  • 但是,父母可以从“改造新加坡委员会”的成立得到启示,明让孩子选择适合自己的教育的重要性。
    But parents can take the cue from the Remaking Singapore Committee and be aware of giving their children the right kind of education.
  • 我倒觉得伊丽莎·班纳特小姐今儿早上走进屋来的时候,那种神情风度很不错呢。
    I thought Miss Elizabeth Bennet looked remarkably well, when she came into the room this morning.
  • 一个演员提示另一个演员下一步行动所发出的对
    an actor's line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech.
  • 关于这种著作,冒辟疆的《影梅庵忆语》,沈三的《浮生六记》,和蒋坦的《秋镫琐忆》是最佳的例子。
    Of these, Mao Pichiang's Reminiscences of My Concubine, Shen Sanpo's Six Chapters of a Quoted in ihr section on "Smoke and Incense. "Floating Life, and Chiang T'an's Reminiscences Under the Lamp-Light are the best examples.
  • 由此也就可以明,在敌人长期占领的反动的黑暗的城市和反动的黑暗的农村中进行共产党的宣传工作和组织工作,不能采取急性病的冒险主义的方针,必须采取荫蔽精干、积蓄力量、以待时机的方针。
    It is also clear that the Communist Party must not be impetuous and adventurist in its propaganda and organizational work in the urban and rural areas which have been occupied by the enemy and dominated by the forces of reaction and darkness for a long time, but that it must have well-selected cadres working underground, must accumulate strength and bide its time there.
  • 竖直的东半球的多年生植物,有微弱的藿香味的叶子和色或粉色的花;美国非本土的一种植物。
    erect Old World perennial with faintly musk-scented foliage and white or pink flowers; adventive in United States.
  • 他怎么没想过中国的书法都是黑的?比较具有色彩的中国艺术,例如清朝的陶瓷器,是在意大利和尚到了中国之后才出现的。
    Never dawned on him that Chinese calligraphy is all black on white and that the more colourful Chinese art such as the Qing wares emerged only after the advent of the Italian monks.
  • 一种无色有毒的晶状有机酸,见于酢浆草和其他植物中,用于漂、去锈和化学分析。
    a toxic colorless crystalline organic acid found in oxalis and other plants; used as a bleach and rust remover and in chemical analysis.
  • 从血色素中除去亚铁血红素而获得的一种无色蛋质。
    a colorless protein obtained by removing heme from hemoglobin.
  • 甘露醇色呈晶体状能溶于水的微甜的乙醇c6h8(oh)6,用作补充饮食并适用于特殊饮食的甜味剂,在医学实验中用来检查肾功能
    A white, crystalline, water-soluble, slightly sweet alcohol, C6H8(OH)6, used as a dietary supplement and dietetic sweetener and in medical tests of renal function.
  • 对独的准确再现;她的角色一字不差。
    a letter-perfect rendition of the soliloquy she was word-perfect in her part.
  • 这个咏叹调苍的表演;苍的散文,带着沉闷的淡紫色甜香;苍的表演。
    a pale rendition of the aria; pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender; a pallid performance.
  • 比如这次会上提到的瞿秋志,讲他是叛徒就讲不过去,非改正不可。
    Take the question of Comrade Qu Qiubai, who was mentioned at this session.It was unjust to call him a renegade, and that assessment must be corrected.
  • 许多新加坡人,包括受高深教育、地位优越的社会精英,仍然积习难改,时时表现出漠视他人感受的举止。若在文明的社会里,这些行为即使不受到直言谴责,至少也是要遭人眼的。
    Many Singaporeans, including the highly-educated and socially-advantaged elites, still routinely display tardy and inconsiderate character traits which would have been frowned upon, if not outright condemned, in a more polite society.
  • 酪蛋一种由凝乳酶从牛奶中沉淀出来的色、无味、无臭的蛋质。是制作奶酪的原料,也用来制作塑料、胶粘剂、油漆和食品
    A white, tasteless, odorless protein precipitated from milk by rennin. It is the basis of cheese and is used to make plastics, adhesives, paints, and foods.
  • 如果你们试图与那些人重开谈判,那将是费气力。
    You will be trying to make bricks without straw if you attempt to reopen negotiations with those people.
  • 一到深秋,天越来越陆短了。
    As autumn advances the days close in.
  • 他特别擅长素体诗。在他的戏中素体诗的运用总是适应于剧中人物感情的变化。“从纯是日语体的对话到充满激情的独,从妙趣横生的应对到慷慨悲壮的雄辩,从短小精悍的警句到淋漓尽致的描绘”。
    He was especially at home with the blank verse, which adapts itself in his plays to the changing emotions of every speaker, from merely colloquial dialogue to strains: of impassioned soliloquy, from comic repartee to tragic eloquence, from terse epigrams to elaborate description.
  • 请你再把它重复一遍,我没有完全明
    Do you mind repeating that, I didn't quite catch on.
  • 你能重复一遍吗?我不太明
    Would you mind repeating that , I did not quite latch on.
  • 英格兰亨利八世的第二任妻子,伊丽莎一世的母亲(1507-1536);以通奸的罪名被处死。
    the second wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Elizabeth I; was executed on a charge of adultery (1507-1536).
  • 萘一种色结晶化合物,c10h8,从煤焦油或石油提取,并用在染料、蛀虫驱虫剂和炸药的制造中,还用作溶剂
    A white crystalline compound, C10H8, derived from coal tar or petroleum and used in manufacturing dyes, moth repellents, and explosives and as a solvent.
  • 应明宣布,凡愿意悔过者均予以自新之路。
    It should be made clear to the public that all those willing to repent will be given a chance to make a fresh start.
  • 那贼对自己的罪行痛悔不已;归还了珠宝并向警方坦
    Repenting of his crime the thief returned the jewels and confessed to the police.
  • 选举权过去是人成年男子的特权。
    suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males.
  • 成体时变为色的北方小型鲸。
    small northern whale that is white when adult.
  • 新皮在胶原蛋上生长时会生出一种色泽苍,不很柔韧的结疤组织。
    When skin cells grow on the replacement collagen, they produce pale, less flexible material.
  • 瑞士和美国的企业家已经在这里(波恩)注册了一个名为‘星运输公司’的新公司。星公司是原来那艘遭厄运的船的所有者。他们正在寻求投资者以便建造一艘拥有最新技术的泰坦尼克号的复制品,并计划在2002年,即在悲剧发生整90年后由英国驶往纽约。
    Swiss and American entrepreneurs have registered a new company here as the White Star Line -- the name of the owners of the original, doomed vessel -- and are seeking investors to build a technologically updated replica to sail from Britain to New York exactly 90 years after the tragedy, in the year 2002.
  • 病毒各种动物、植物和细菌的简单亚微观寄生虫之一,常引起疾病,主要由核糖核酸或脱氧核糖酸的一个核组成,周围有蛋质包围。离开寄主细胞不能复制本身,病毒通常不被认作为是生物体
    Any of various simple submicroscopic parasites of plants, animals, and bacteria that often cause disease and that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.
  • 酶是阻止非典病毒变异的关键物质。
    A protease is key to the replication of the virus.
  • 由被病毒破坏的细胞制成的蛋质;阻止细菌繁殖。
    a protein produced by cells that have been invaded by a virus; inhibits replication of the virus.
  • 干扰素细胞由于对病毒感染反应而生成的一种糖原蛋,它能防止病毒复制并能对病毒抗原产生抵抗能力
    Any of a group of glycoproteins produced by cells in response to infection by a virus that act to prevent viral replication and have the ability to induce resistance to viral antigens.