  • 他勃大怒,一句话未说就揍了那流氓一顿。
    He was so infuriated that without a word he let into the rascal.
  • 她双手突出满了皮疹。
    Her hands broke out in a rash.
  • 他的脸上突长满了皮疹.
    His face broke out in a rash.
  • 她双手突出满了皮疹。
    Her hands have broken out in a rash.
  • 他勃大怒使法官不悦.
    His rash outburst incurred the displeasure of the judge.
  • 身上还有这种疹子,就仍有传染性.
    While you have this rash you are still infectious.
  • 我不能想象,他们会这样贸行事。
    I can't imagine their acting so rashly.
  • 的,设立演说角落,目前时机尚未臻成熟,这是急不来的。
    Obviously, time is not ripe yet for the suggested Speakers' Corner. This is nothing to be achieved rashly.
  • ,绝不能轻易使用武力,因为我们精力要花在经济建设上,统一问题晚一些解决无伤大局。
    Of course, there can be no question of using force rashly, because we have to devote our energies to economic development, and if the question of reunification is postponed, that will do no harm to the overall situation.
  • 在这一方面拒绝历史事实,反对保留有用的东西,贸地脱离现阶段,盲目地跑向可望不可即的、在当前没有现实意义的所谓“新阶段”,同样是不许可的,是有害的,是不利于当前作战的。
    In this connection, it is equally impermissible, disadvantageous and harmful to our present operations to deny the facts of history, oppose the retention of what is useful, and rashly leave the present stage in order to rush blindly towards a "new stage", which as yet is beyond reach and has no real significance.
  • 只有第五次反“围剿”时全不知初战关系之大,震惊于黎川一城之失,从挽救的企图出发,北上就敌,于洵口不预期遭遇战胜利(消灭敌一个师)之后,却不把此战看作第一战,不看此战所必引起的变化,而贸进攻不可必胜的硝石。
    It was only in the fifth counter-campaign that the importance of the first battle was not recognized at all. Taking alarm at the loss of the single county town of Lichuan, our forces marched north to meet the enemy in an attempt to recover it. Then, the unexpected encounter at Hsunkou, which had resulted in a victory (with the annihilation of an enemy division), was not treated as the first battle, nor were the changes that were bound to ensue foreseen, but instead Hsiaoshih was rashly attacked with no assurance of success.
  • -你不能改变自规律!-但是改变就是自规律.--料理鼠王
    -You can't change the nature! -But change is nature. --RATATOUILLE
  • 棘爪机器部件上的一个突出部分,例如在一个观察棘轮装置中控制棘轮运转的棘爪,用来衔接棘轮的齿,以将往复运动转换为旋转运动;反之亦
    A projection on a machine part, such as a pawl for controlling the motion of a ratchet wheel in a watch escapement, that engages the teeth of a ratchet wheel to convert reciprocating motion to rotary motion or vice versa.
  • 对女性而言,事故率随年龄变化不大。主要事故率在少年早期达到高峰,后开始逐渐下降。
    The variation in accident rates by age was much smaller for females with the major accident rate peaking in the early teens and falling thereafter.
  • 发行机构通常会在利率下降的时候这么做,后它可再发行利率较低的债券。
    Suppose interest rates have fallen substantially since the bond was issued,then it would pay the issuer to redeem the bonds early and,at the same time, sell a new issue with a lower coupon rate.
  • 伴随着这些士地覆盖的迅速变化,当地物种灭绝的速率可能很快便大大超过了我们今天所发现的,达到自的1万倍。
    The rates of extinction of local species that accompany these rapid changes in land cover may soon be far in excess of what is found today, reaching as high as 10, 000 times the natural background rate.
  • 而,欧元批评家认为将利率和汇率政策控制权移交给欧洲央行可能意味着行动执行的集中化,这与包含公司运作的各国经济不相适应。
    However, critics of the euro feel that handing over control of interest rates and exchange rate policy to the ECB could mean that action is taken centrally which is inappropriate for the economies in which companies operate.
  • 称赞饭菜"味道好极了"的顾客支付的小费仍在餐费的8%至37%之间。
    Customers who rated a meal as “ excellent” still tipped anywhere between 8% and 37% of the meal price.
  • 布什的努力全无益。事实上,反而有害。他九月份奋力竞选,民意测验赞许率降低5点,目前是百分之三十七,仍在下降。
    Nothing Bush tries works. In fact, everything hurts. His strenuous September campaigning sliced five points off his approval rating, which is at 37 percent and heading south.
  • 惩教署会先行把犯人分类,后送往惩教机构服刑。进行分类时所考虑的因素,包括犯人是否初犯及他们对社会的威胁程度等。
    Prisoners are assigned to institutions according to their security rating,which takes into account, among other things, the risk they pose to the community and whether they are first-time offenders.
  • 当时,那是一个春意盎的早晨,灿烂的阳光普照大地,我和我的邻居们正在观看一位年轻的海军上尉和一位金发士兵工作。
    And now, this spring morning, with the honest light of day on the world, my neighbours and I were watching the young naval lieutenant and the fair-haired rating at work.
  • 某些女子项目也有很大的成绩,但是由于未受到球迷足够的关注,电视收视率不高或者是门票收入上不去,也是很难与男子的同类项目一样受到重视。
    Although some women's events have achieved great results, they have not received enough attention from the fans, and the audience rating of TV and the income of tickets are not high enough, it is hard to get equal attention with that of the men's.
  • 所以,虽我否认说诗人会垄断灵感,但我还是把他们列人命运宠儿这一杰出人才的行列。
    And so, though I may deny poets their monopoly on inspi ration, I still place them in a select group of Fortune's darlings.
  • 下至于养只雌鸡,也是要它生蛋,这些道理,她完全明白,而眼泪只是要流,她自己也没法制止,这才明白眼泪是不同人家讲道理的。
    even a hen is expected to lay eggs. She understood all the rationale, but the tears continued to flow. She couldn't stop them.And till then she realized tears couldn't be used to appeal to reason with others.
  • 哲学上的“唯理论”和“经验论”都不懂得认识的历史性或辩证性,虽各有片面的真理(对于唯物的唯理论和经验论而言,非指唯心的唯理论和经验论),但在认识论的全体上则都是错误的。
    In philosophy, neither "rationalism" nor "empiricism" understands the historical or the dialectical nature of knowledge, and although each of these schools contains one aspect of the truth (here I am referring to materialist, not to idealist, rationalism and empiricism), both are wrong on the theory of knowledge as a whole.
  • 后设想干部制度、机构怎样才比较合理,在后五年通盘解决这个问题。
    Then we can take up the question of how to rationalize our cadre system and administrative structure, a question which should be solved in a comprehensive way during the second five years.
  • 人该年轻时就年轻,该年老时就年老,这是与自同步,这就是和谐。和谐就是美,反之就是丑。
    Let your looks change from young to old synchronizing with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness.
  • 他已年老,而记忆力还好。
    He is aged, but his memory is still good.
  • 爱丽丝想,但一会儿就知道了,小卵石像暴雨似的从窗子扔进来了,有些小卵石打到了她的脸上,“我要让他们住手,”她对自己说,后大声喊道:“你们最好别再这样干了!”
    thought Alice; but she had not long to doubt, for the next moment a shower of little pebbles came rattling in at the window, and some of them hit her in the face. `I'll put a stop to this,' she said to herself, and shouted out, `You'd better not do that again!'
  • 罗瑞先生已经悠闲了许久,刚带着心满意足的神情斟上最后一杯。这位因喝完了足足一瓶酒而容光焕发的老年绅士露出了完全满足的神态。此时那狭窄的街道上却响起了辚辚的车轮声,后隆隆的车声便响进了院子。
    Mr. Lorry had been idle a lo and had just poured out his last glassful of wine complete an appearance of satisfaction as is ever to be found in an elderly gentleman of a fresh complexion who has got to the end of a bottle, when a rattling of wheels came up the narrow street, and rumbled into the inn-yard.
  • 如果他们落在后面,疾病可能会肆虐农户的作物——就好像1988年夏天发生的情况一样,当时英国和北欧的大麦种植者发现以前的抗性作物突间遭受了毁灭性的霉病感染。
    When the breeders fall short, a disease can ravage farmers' crops -- as happened in the summer of 1988, when barley growers in Britain and northern Europe saw their previously resistant crops suddenly succumb to devastating mildew infections.
  • 中国是一个自灾害频繁的国家,大的水灾、旱灾、风灾、冰雹灾等自灾害不断,严重影响了人民生活。
    China frequently suffers the ravages of natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, windstorms and hailstorms, which have adversely affected people's lives.