  • 欧登塞市在菲恩岛上,位于丹麦南部的城市,其附近的欧登塞是卡特加特海峡的一部。它建立于10世纪,欧登塞是汉斯·克里斯坦·安德森的出生地。人口170,961
    A city of southern Denmark on Fyn Island near the Odense Fjord, an arm of the Kattegat. Founded in the tenth century, Odense is the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen. Population,170, 961.
  • 洛比托安哥拉中西部一城市,位于洛比托(大西洋的一个小)。该市为安哥拉主要港口。人口120,000
    A city of west-central Angola on Lobito Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. It is the country's chief port. Population,120, 000.
  • 大量的史书和文献记载了中国人民早期开发台的情景。
    Many historical records and annals documented the development of Taiwan by the Chinese people in earlier periods.
  • 卡累利河欧洲东北部一地区,主要位于苏联西北部,在芬兰和白海之间。该地区在9世纪时首次被提及,后来受瑞典人的统治,1721年被俄国并吞
    A region of northeast Europe mainly in the northwest U.S.S.R. between the Gulf of Finland and the White Sea. First mentioned in the ninth century, the area later came under Swedish domination and was annexed by Russia in1721.
  • 王平:亚运会上中国台女选手纪政就被称为亚洲“羚羊”。
    Wang Ping: Yes. Ji Zheng, a female Taiwan athlete, was called the Asian "antelope" in the Asian Games.
  • 就阅读程度和经验而言,台读者肯定是成熟而且独立的,不过,《壹周刊》杂志大卖,其他媒体不得不随之起舞,公众人物谈“狗”色变的现象,对台人民来说,接受或者排斥,都是一项考验。
    In terms of standard and experience, Taiwanese readers are no doubt mature and independent. But when Next magazine is selling like hot cakes, other magazines will feel compelled to ape its style. The “doggie teams” also strike terror in the hearts of public figures. Should these phenomena be accepted or rejected? These are issues that Taiwanese need to ponder.
  • 巴那塞斯山希腊中部一座海拔约2,458米(8,060英尺)的山,位于科林斯海的北边,古时候是阿波罗,狄俄尼索和缪斯的圣地,特尔裴就在此山脚下
    A mountain, about2, 458 m(8, 060 ft) high, of central Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth. In ancient times it was sacred to Apollo, Dionysus, and the Muses. Delphi was at the foot of the mountain.
  • 古苏格兰安东尼墙北部的罗马大不列颠,从弗尔斯延伸至克莱德。今天,该词用作对整个苏格兰的一种诗意的称呼
    Roman Britain north of the Antonine Wall, which stretched from the Firth of Forth to the Firth of Clyde. Today the term is used as a poetic appellation for all of Scotland.
  • 当然也有人叫好。在大陆有人叫好,在台、香港和某些外国也有人叫好。
    Of course there are also people--on the mainland, in Taiwan and Hong Kong and abroad--who applaud them.
  • 妥善处理台问题是保证中美关系稳定发展的关键。
    Appropriately handling the Taiwan question is the key to ensuring a steady development of Sino-US relations.
  • 阿拉伯国家合作委员会
    Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
  • 亚洲的一个阿拉伯王国,位于波斯的西北岸;有大量的石油储量。
    an Arab kingdom in Asia on the northwestern coast of the Persian Gulf; a major source of petroleum.
  • 位于印度和阿拉伯之间的印度洋的东北海
    a northwestern arm of the Indian Ocean between India and Arabia.
  • 阿拉伯海的一个海,位于伊朗和阿拉伯半岛之间;波斯油田是世界上高产区之一。
    a shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula; the Persian Gulf oil fields are among the most productive in the world.
  • 阿拉伯海的一个海,与波斯相连。
    an arm of the Arabian Sea connecting it with the Persian Gulf.
  • 波斯的一个岛国;石油收入资助了阿拉伯国家的一些最具有进步性的计划。
    an island country in the Persian Gulf; oil revenues have funded some of the most progressive programs in the Arabian nations.
  • 在大屿山石壁、滘西洲、蒲台岛、长洲、东龙洲、港岛大浪和黄竹坑等地区发现的石刻,大部分是几何图案,相信为百越人所刻,都是有趣的考古发现。
    Interesting archaeological features, almost certainly made by these people, include the rock carvings, most of which are geometric in style, at Shek Pik on Lantau Island; on Kau Sai Chau, Po Toi, Cheung Chau and Tung Lung islands; and at Big Wave Bay and Wong Chuk Hang on Hong Kong Island.
  • 位于俾斯麦群岛西南的南太平洋的一个海
    an arm of the South Pacific southwest of the Bismarck Archipelago.
  • 十月二十五日,中国政府收复台、澎湖列岛,重新恢复对台行使主权。
    On October 25, 1945, the Chinese government recovered Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago, resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan.
  • 一九四三年十二月,中美英三国政府发表的《开罗宣言》规定,日本应将所窃取于中国的包括东北、台、澎湖列岛等在内的土地,归还中国。
    In December 1943, the Cairo Declaration was issued by the Chinese, U.S. and British governments, stipulating that Japan should return to China all the territories it had stolen from the Chinese, including Northeast China, Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago.
  • 阿维南玛群岛波罗的海中的群岛,位于瑞典和芬兰之间的波的尼亚的入口处。该群岛12世纪时为瑞典的殖民地,1809年割让给俄国。第一次世界大战后成为芬兰的一部分
    An archipelago in the Baltic Sea at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland. Colonized in the12th century by Swedes, the islands were ceded to Russia in1809 and became part of Finland after World War I.
  • 十月二十五日,同盟国中国战区台省受降仪式於台北举行,受降主官代表中国政府宣告:自即日起,台及澎湖列岛已正式重入中国版图,所有一切土地、人民、政事皆已置於中国主权之下。
    On 25 October the ceremony for accepting Japan's surrender in Taiwan Province of the China war theater of the Allied powers was held in Taibei. On the occasion the chief officer for accepting the surrender proclaimed on behalf of the Chinese government that from that day forward Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago had again been incorporated formally into the territory of China and that the territory, people, and administration had now been placed under the sovereignty of China.
  • 资料馆座落于西河,预计可于一九九九年底建成。
    The archive building, at Sai Wan Ho, is scheduled to be completed in late 1999.
  • 多年生热带美洲草,在墨西哥干旱各州用作牧草。
    perennial tropical American grass used as pasture grass in arid areas of Gulf states.
  • 海湾
    An arm of the sea.
  • 来自台的旅客人数则升至第二位,达180万人次,占旅客总数17.1%,跌幅为2.1%。
    Taiwan rose to second place, with arrivals of 1.8 million, down 2.1 per cent,and constituting 17.1 per cent of total arrivals.
  • 这些行为助长了台分裂势力的气焰,严重损害了中国的主权和安全,危害了亚太地区的和平与稳定。
    These actions have inflated the arrogance of the separatist forces in Taiwan, seriously undermined China's sovereignty and security and imperiled the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region.
  • 埃奇伍德美国马里兰州东北部一社区,位于巴提莫乐以北切萨皮克的一个海口上。附近是一个美军武器库。人口23,903
    A community of northeast Maryland on an inlet of Chesapeake Bay northeast of Baltimore. A U.S. Army arsenal is nearby. Population,23, 903.
  • 布列斯特法国西北部,大西洋海的一城市。该市的巨大内陆港由黎塞留主教建于1631年,作为军事基地和军火库。人口156,060
    A city of northwest France on an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. Its large landlocked harbor was built in1631 by Cardinal Richelieu as a military base and arsenal. Population,156, 060.
  • 内港,内留作河流或港口专用的人工围起的区域,潮水变化不致使水位受影响
    An artificially enclosed area of a river or harbor designed so that the water level remains unaffected by tidal changes.
  • 我上台湾大学。
    I attend Taiwan University.
  • 我们不赞成台“完全自治”的提法。
    We do not approve of "complete autonomy" for Taiwan.