  • 这幅画尚欠润色。
    This painting lacks the finishing touches.
  • 约翰尼正在对他的报告作最后的色。
    Johnny was putting the finishing touches to his report.
  • 他对这幅画作最后的色。
    He went over the painting, giving it the finishing touches.
  • 烤肉时以脂油使不致烤焦并可增加香味。
    Meat is basted to keep it from drying out and to improve its flavour.
  • 源源不断地流向国外。
    Profits are flowing out of the country.
  • 不要选择两种不同的护发品,根据你的需要选择一种就够了:用发乳湿卷发使其顺服,然后头发稍干后再用一点,使之飘动起来顺滑、柔畅;
    Instead of investing in two different styling aids, use one for all of your needs: Apply a hair cream to damp locks to tame frizz, then smooth on a bit when hair is dry to smooth flyaway.
  • 公司又未达到其利预测。
    The company had miss its profit forecast again.
  • 公司又未达到其利预测。
    The company has missed its profit forecast again.
  • 公司又未达到其利预测。
    The company have miss its profit forecast again.
  • 对利的追求,在某种程度上通常会使他节省和积存食物,或者至少会使他不用积存的食物过舒适的生活。
    or, at any rate, which made him forego the application of it, when accumulated, to his personal ease or satisfaction.
  • 使新鲜使凉爽、清洁或湿;使新鲜
    To make cool, clean, or moist; freshen up.
  • 滑轴承是为了减少摩擦。
    The purpose of lubrication bearings is to reduce the friction.
  • 资金利润率价格
    price based on rate of fund-profit
  • 那些企图压低工资以获超额利的公司巨头们
    The corporate giants who try to drive down wages in order to make super profits
  • 金黄色球状花冠的南非草本;原产于加利弗尼亚沿海湿地区;装饰用植物。
    South African herb with golden-yellow globose flower heads; naturalized in moist areas along coast of California; cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 使有光泽对…施加光滑的并有光泽的
    To give a smooth and glossy finish to.
  • 滑剂,缓和剂一种起滑作用的物质,例如甘油或羊毛脂等,通常是粘液或油状的,尤用于减轻因粘膜发炎而引起的疼痛
    A soothing, usually mucilaginous or oily substance, such as glycerin or lanolin, used especially to relieve pain in inflamed or irritated mucous membranes.
  • 维多利亚瀑布地区维持着一种雨林气候,这在当地是十分独特的。瀑布冲向谷底时飞溅出大量水珠,从而使这一地区的空气保持湿
    In the case of Victoria Falls they sustain a rain forest type environment which is very unique to that area and this is due to the constant moisturization of this area by the spray that's being thrown up from the falls as they plunge to the bottom of the gorge.
  • 油石用油滑过的细砂磨刀石,用于细磨
    A fine-grained whetstone lubricated with oil, used for fine sharpening.
  • 滑油涂在轮子上使它转起来更零活一些。
    You put grease on a wheel to make it turn more easily.
  • 用油滑,给…上滑油
    To lubricate with grease.
  • 合成润滑油脂
    synthetic lubricating oil and grease
  • 给我的车添加滑油。
    lubricate my car; grease the wheels.
  • 滑油嘴一个小的突起,通过它滑油枪中的滑油能被注入轴承
    A small projection through which grease in a grease gun can be forced into a bearing.
  • 涂料柔软粘稠的涂抹原料,如泥灰、滑脂或泥浆
    A soft, adhesive coating material, such as plaster, grease, or mud.
  • 给机器加滑油的单调工作。
    an unglamorous job greasing engines.
  • 在那些斤斤计较利和收获物的村子里,他说:“你们瞧瞧昂布伦地方的人吧。
    In villages which were greedy for profit and harvest, he said: "Look at the people of Embrun!
  • 发脂,头油一种加过香料的油膏,特别是用来梳理头发的一种油膏
    A perfumed ointment, especially one used to groom the hair.
  • 毛利是销售额减去生产成本。
    Gross profit is sale minus production cost.
  • 我们的定价政策目的在于赢得35%的毛利
    Our pricing policy aims at producing a 35% gross margin.
  • 为长期发展而牺牲短期利是公司的方针。
    It's the company's policy to sacrifice short-term profits for the sake of long-term growth.
  • 你不能要他们把所获得的利分给你一半。
    You can’t cry halves to the profit they’ve made.