  • 北美洲有長角的大型緑色蝗蟲;雄螽的前翅上有獨特的器官,摩時産生尖銳的聲音。
    large green long-horned grasshopper of North America; males produce shrill sounds by rubbing together special organs on the forewings.
  • 通過摩身體的一部分發出尖銳的聲音,用於雄性昆蟲,比如蟋蟀蝗蟲。
    make a shrill creaking noise by rubbing together special bodily structures, as of male insects such as crickets or grasshoppers.
  • 樹螽與蚱蜢、蟋蟀同屬葉蟬科的一種緑色昆蟲,雄螽的前翅上有一種獨特器官,摩時産生一種尖銳聲音
    Any of various green insects of the family Tettigoniidae related to the grasshoppers and the crickets, the male of which produces a shrill sound by rubbing together specialized organs on the forewings.
  • 蟋蟀任一種蟋蟀科的昆蟲,有擅長跳躍的長觸角和腿。多種雄性蟋蟀能通過同時摩前翅而發出尖利的唧唧聲
    Any of various insects of the family Gryllidae, having long antennae and legs adapted for leaping. The males of many species produce a shrill chirping sound by rubbing the front wings together.
  • 那臺陳舊的發動機抖動著發出摩的聲音。
    The old engine ground and shuddered.
  • 用初始的齒音發出。
    pronounce with an initial sibilant.
  • 發成噝音;發噝
    To pronounce with a hissing sound; make sibilant.
  • 誰常常早上抹餐具櫃?
    Who often dust the sideboard in the morning?
  • 他擦掉了她的簽名。
    He obliterate her signature.
  • 擦亮銀器和銅器
    Polished the silver and the brass.
  • 把燈弄乾淨非常容易,用濕布一就行了.
    Cleaning the light is simplicity itself; just wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • 大部分路人衹是繞道而行或身而過;
    Most simply detoured or brushed by;
  • 每當粉筆在黑板上打滑時,那磨聲就使得我心煩意亂。
    Whenever the chalk skids across the blackboard it sets my teeth on edge.
  • 快而輕地移動;使過或飛過。
    move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart.
  • 她皮膚容易擦傷。
    Her skin chafes easily.
  • 由於傷而導致皮膚疼痛。
    a skin sore caused by chafing.
  • 破了皮的膝蓋和傷了的手肘。
    skinned knees and scraped elbows.
  • 煤渣將他的臉破了一層皮。
    The coal skinned his face.
  • 他摔倒時破了膝部的皮膚。
    He skinned his knees when fell.
  • 當他的膝蓋破時,他大聲地哭了起來。
    He boohooed when he skinned his knee.
  • 我的肘部撞在墻上破了皮.
    I skinned my elbow against the wall.
  • 這個男孩倒下的時候把皮膚傷了。
    The boy skinned his knee when he fell.
  • 國民黨同我們搞摩,幾個大解放區都有,但最集中的是在晉冀魯豫。
    The Kuomintang had engaged our troops in skirmishes in all the major liberated areas, especially in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan area.
  • 所以說,抗日戰爭時,全國各個解放區都有摩戰,但集中在晉冀魯豫地區。
    So during the War of Resistance Against Japan there had been skirmishes between us and the KMT troops in all the liberated areas across the country, but especially in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan area.
  • 石板時,當心別把它弄碎。
    When you clean off the slate, take care not to break it.
  • 他因速度很快被雪橇的翻轉嚴重傷。
    he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed.
  • 當我就要爬到窗口時,下面有人以諷刺的口吻說:“我想不必在深更半夜窗子吧。”
    I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said:"I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night."
  • 孩子們喜歡在剛亮的地板上溜圈子。
    The children loved sliding round the newly polished floor.
  • 力使嚮下滑的箱子漸漸慢下來後停住。
    Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop.
  • 青腫輕度的肉體傷害,如
    A slight physical injury, such as a scratch.
  • 能使表面光滑以減少摩的物質。
    a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces smooth or slippery.
  • 磨碎機用來摩的東西,如一種帶有邊緣鋒利的切口和孔用來磨碎食物的器具
    One that grates, as an implement with sharp-edged slits and perforations on which to grate foods.