Chinese English Sentence:
  • 采取“退耕还林、封山绿化、以粮代赈、个体承包”的办法,并总结广“林权是核心、给粮是关键、种苗要先行、干部是保证”的经验。
    We systematically returned large tracts of cultivated land to forests and pastures in ecologically fragile areas. Such measures as returning farmland to forests, closing off hills for afforestation, providing grain relief to make up for crop losses and contracting reforesting projects to individuals were adopted. We drew on and spread the experience -- "the right to forest is the core, grain supply is the key, seeds and seedlings should be provided first, and cadres guarantee implementation."
  • 稳步实施金融体制改革。继续进财税、投融资体制改革。
    We should steadily carry out reform of the financial system and continue reforms of the taxation, investment and financing systems.
  • 近几年,国有企业改革取得了很大进展,但是任务仍然相当艰巨,必须继续下大气力进。
    We made great progress in the reform of state-owned enterprises over the past few years, but we still face many difficult problems, and we must continue to work hard and deepen the reforms.
  • 其他各项改革,也要按照完善社会主义市场经济体制的要求积极进。
    We need to deepen other reforms to meet the requirements for improving the socialist market economy. We need to formulate and implement plans for the reform of the investment and fund-raising systems as quickly as possible.
  • 各级法院以学习贯彻修正后的《刑事诉讼法》、进刑事审判方式改革为重心,全面改革和完善审判方式,依法强化了庭审功能、合议庭和独立审判员的职责,加强了对人民群众合法权益的保护。
    Courts at various levels, focusing on studying the amended Criminal Procedure Law and promoting the reform of court trial procedures, have comprehensively reformed and improved the country's trial system. They have intensified the functions of court hearings, the duty and responsibilities of intercollegiate benches and individual jurors in accordance with the law, and strengthened the protection of legitimate rights and interests of the people.
  • 同时,中国国防科技工业大力进和平利用军工技术,充分发挥军工行业的优势,优先发展民用核电、航天、航空和船舶等产业,实现军民相互促进的良性循环。
    Meanwhile, China's defense science, technology and industry, by strongly promoting the peaceful use of military industry technology and bringing the advantages of military industry into full play, gives priority to the development of civilian-use nuclear energy, aerospace, aviation, and shipbuilding industries, and thereby forms a benign circle of mutual military-civilian progress.
  • 含氯氟烃由碳、氢、氯及氟构成的卤烃化合物,曾经作为喷雾容器中进剂及致冷剂被广泛使用,含氯氟烃被认为会导致大气臭氧层的枯竭
    Any of various halocarbon compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, once used widely as aerosol propellants and refrigerants. Chlorofluorocarbons are believed to cause depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer.
  • 丁烷两种气态碳氢化合物的同分异构体中的一种,c4h10,从石油中合成制得,用作家庭燃料、冷却剂和喷雾进剂,也可用作合成橡胶的制造
    Either of two isomers of a gaseous hydrocarbon, C4H10, produced synthetically from petroleum and used as a household fuel, refrigerant, and aerosol propellant and in the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
  • 氟利昂一种用于一些不可燃气体或液体烷属烃的商标,主要用于制冷、空气调节和进剂
    A trademark used for a variety of nonflammable gaseous or liquid fluorinated hydrocarbons employed primarily as working fluids in refrigeration and air conditioning and as aerosol propellants.
  • 一种含氯的碳氟化合物,以前用作制冷剂和喷雾剂罐的进物。
    a fluorocarbon with chlorine; formerly used as a refrigerant and as a propellant in aerosol cans.
  • 革命推翻了独裁政权
    The revolution brought about the downfall of the dictatorial regime
  • 腐败政权被翻受到欢呼喝采。
    The overthrow of the corrupt regime is greeted with cheer.
  • 革命翻了独裁政权。
    The revolution bring about the downfall of the dictatorial regime.
  • 〔3〕辛亥革命是以孙中山为首的资产阶级革命团体同盟会所领导的翻清朝专制王朝的革命。
    [3] The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the autocratic regime of the Ching Dynasty.
  • “你能告诉我第一架用蒸汽机动的收音机是什么时候制造的吗?”“我记不得了,我来查一查。”
    "Can you tell me when the first aeroplane propelled by a steam engine was made? ""I don't remember, I'll look it up."
  • 对于在学校学习得好的,指挥、管理能力比较强的,现代化战争知识学得比较好的,而且思想作风又好的干部,学校可以荐,营的干部可以提拔到团,团的干部可以提拔到师。
    The schools may recommend those students who have done well in their studies, who have good command and administrative abilities, a knowledge of modern warfare and a fine style of work, and who are ideologically sound. Battalion cadres meeting these requirements can be promoted to the regimental level, and regimental cadres to the divisional.
  • 机师本地化计划继续顺利行。该部队现有11名合资格的行动直升机本地机师及6名本地定翼机机师。
    The pilot localisation scheme continues to progress well and the department now has 11 qualified local operational helicopter and six local aeroplane Captains.
  • 兵团的农牧团场、工交建商企业在依法向当地政府纳税的同时,几十年来坚持为新疆各族人民服务的宗旨,积极支援地方建设,每年抽调大批技术人员到附近的县、乡、村举办种植、农机等各类培训班,广先进技术;
    In the past several decades, while paying taxes to local governments as required by the law, the XPCC’s regimental agricultural and stockbreeding farms and industrial, transportation, construction and commercial enterprises have adhered to their aim of serving the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and actively aided the construction of local areas. Each year, they send batches of technicians to adjacent counties, townships and villages to give training courses in growing crops and operating and repairing farm machinery, and to spread advanced technologies.
  • 区域性联合办学积极进。
    Regional joint operation of schools was pushed forward actively.
  • 他们把飞机了进去。
    They wheeled the aeroplane in.
  • 我相信该组织的进一步成长和扩大,将会有利于世界和地区的和平、稳定,也会为进区域经济合作发挥越来越重要的作用。
    We believe that this Organization will serve regional and world peace and stability. It will also play an increasingly important role in advancing regional economic cooperation.
  • 与此同时,对国营工矿交通企业的生产和管理制度进行民主改革,废除官僚资本企业遗留下来的封建把头制等各种压迫和奴役工人的旧制度,消除封建行帮、地域观念造成的隔阂,建立工厂管理委员会和职工代表大会,吸收工人参加工厂管理,实现企业管理的民主化,使工人真正成为企业的主人,并调整旧的工资制度,行劳动保险制度,提高了职工福利,改善了职工生活。
    At the same time, democratic reforms were carried out in the production and management systems of state-run industrial, mining and transportation enterprises.Various old systems which had oppressed and enslaved workers, such as the feudal gangmasters system practiced by bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises, were annulled.The divisive feudal trade associations and regionalism were abolished.Factory management committees and congresses of workers and staff members were established, which absorbed workers into factory management so as to realize democracy in enterprise management and make workers the real masters of their enterprises.Simultaneously, the old wage system was adjusted, a labor insurance system was introduced, and workers and administrative staff's welfare and living standards were improved.
  • 与此同时,对国营工矿交通企业的生产和管理制度进行民主改革,废除官僚资本企业遗留下来的封建把头制等各种压迫和奴役工人的旧制度,消除封建行帮、地域观念造成的隔阂,建立工厂管理委员会和职工代表大会,吸收工人参加工厂管理,实现企业管理的民主化,使工人真正成为企业的主人,并调整旧的工资制度,行劳动保险制度,提高了职工福利,改善了职工生活。
    At the same time, democratic reforms were carried out in the production and management systems of state-run industrial, mining and transportation enterprises. Various old systems which had oppressed and enslaved workers, such as the feudal gangmasters system practiced by bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises, were annulled.The divisive feudal trade associations and regionalism were abolished. Factory management committees and congresses of workers and staff members were established, which absorbed workers into factory management so as to realize democracy in enterprise management and make workers the real masters of their enterprises. Simultaneously, the old wage system was adjusted, a labor insurance system was introduced, and workers and administrative staff's welfare and living standards were improved.
  • 中国在火箭研制初期,已建立起火箭的力学模型,此外也早已确定了飞行过程中的各种外力(如发动机力、空气动力)。
    During the early period of rocket development, China had established a rocket mechanical model and, in addition, had determined various external forces (such as engine thrust and aerodynamics) during the process of flight.
  • 基于空气动力学的进喷气和火箭发动机内部产生高速流。
    a jet or rocket engine based on a form of aerodynamic propulsion in which the vehicle emits a high-speed stream.
  • 远的不说,与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件,当地的土著对外来移民可谓赶尽杀绝,遭殃的不只是一向动国家经济发展却遭妒嫉的华人,连和他们肤色相若但非属同族中人的移民亦遭仇视杀害,杀人手法之残酷教人作呕反感。
    Horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring with regularity in our neighbouring country, separated from us by only a body of water. The indigenous people were merciless towards the immigrants. The victims were not only the Chinese, envied for their contribution towards the development of the national economy. Immigrants who were of similar skin colour but who belonged to a different race were also killed in a brutal and gruesome manner.
  • 与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件,当地的土著对外来移民可谓残忍之至,遭殃的不只是一向动国家经济发展却遭妒嫉的华人,连和他们肤色相若但非属同族中人的移民亦遭残酷、骇人杀害。
    Horrendous ethnic killings have recently been occurring with regularity in our neighboring country, separated from us by only a body of water. The indigenous people were merciless towards the immigrants. The victims were not only the Chinese, envied for their contribution towards the development of the national economy, but immigrants who were of similar skin color but who belonged to a different race were also killed in a brutal and gruesome manner.
  • 为此,要求各地以《条例》为准绳,制定或修改本地的办法和规定,使之与《条例》保持一致。加强调查研究和政策理论研究,随时解决好工作中带倾向性的问题,总结、交流和广先进工作经验,树立典型,纠正偏差,规范运作。
    To this end, different localities are required to formulate and modify the local methodology and rules and align them with the Regulations, strengthen field research and policy and theoretical study, address problems indicative of tendencies, summarize, share and apply widely advanced working experiences and to highlight models of excellence, correct aberrations and regularize operations.
  • 按照政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力的总要求,着眼于打得赢、不变质,注重科技强军,全面进革命化现代化正规化建设,确保军队永远忠于党,忠于社会主义,忠于祖国,忠于人民。
    It should meet the general requirements of being qualified politically and competent militarily and having a fine style of work, strict discipline and adequate logistic support, with a view to enabling itself to win battles and never degenerate, paying attention to strengthening itself through science and technology and building itself into a more revolutionary, modernized and regularized army. We must ensure that the army is forever loyal to the Party, socialism, the motherland and the people.
  • 主张以理校准行为的主义。
    the doctrine that reason is the right basis for regulating conduct.
  • 为此,中国政府决定,将大力进规范收费管理改革。
    Therefore, the government has decided to speed up regulating fees and charges.
  • 该署致力行促进健康、预防疾病、医疗及康复等服务,并与私营及教育机构合作,保障市民的健康。
    It safeguards the community's health through a range of promotional, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services. It also works with the private sector and teaching institutions to protect public health.