Chinese English Sentence:
  • 如果认为你的热忱应该发生作用,而它却跟不上你在发其他原则方面的进度时,你可以利用一些简单的练习来刺激你的热忱。
    If you think that your enthusiasm need work, that it hasn't been growing apace with your progress on the other principles, you can stimulate it with some simple exercises.
  • 柯奇士奇热卡哈·阿帕契的领导,他指阿帕契在亚利桑那州抵抗美国军队(1861-1872年)
    Chiricahua Apache leader who directed Apache resistance to U.S. troops in Arizona(1861-1872).
  • 断断续续的鼓掌;不连贯的指;不连贯的音符。
    staccato applause; a staccato command; staccato notes.
  • 《协定》一方面试图告诫前线指官什么时候可以使用地雷,什么时候不能使用地雷;另一方面却又允许他们在战争中自行决定这一协定是否适用。
    While the Convention tried to tell commanders in the field when it was okay to use the weapon and when it was not okay to use the weapon, it also allowed them to make decisions about the applicability of the law in the midst of battle.
  • 呼吸器,吸入器一种产生气体以缓解呼吸或用于吸入药物的装置,尤指装有发性药品的小型鼻腔吸入装置
    A device that produces a vapor to ease breathing or is used to medicate by inhalation, especially a small nasal applicator containing a volatile medicament.
  • 我们要适当扩大国内需求,充分发国内市场潜力。
    We will appropriately expand domestic demand, and fully tap the potential of the domestic market.
  • 他儿子一向金如土。
    His son is apt to spend his money pretty freely.
  • 溶液不易发物质的水溶液
    An aqueous solution of a nonvolatile substance.
  • 意大利水底考古技术服务处的处长克劳迪奥·莫克奇贾尼·卡帕诺指了这次由私人海运公司进行的挖掘工作。
    Claudio Mocchegiani Carpano, the director of Italy's Technical Service for Undeiwater Archaeology, coordinated the excavation, conducted by a private marine cooperative.
  • 因此,就在这种游击区或根据地里面,发生了统一指,即集中指的问题。
    Consequently, the problem arises of setting up a unified or centralized command in such guerrilla zones or base areas.
  • 由于这些人喜欢节俭,而封建贵族子弟霍成性,前者便逐渐取代后者成为大部分土地的所有者。
    As these were a saving class, while the posterity of the feudal aristocracy were a squandering class, the former by degrees substituted themselves for the latter as the owners of a great proportion of the land.
  • 显然,会员国仍需努力清偿其欠款,及时足额履行其财政义务,使联合国恢复财政稳定。唯有这样,才能确保联合国有能力以最大效应发其多种作用,造福我们这一星球上的全体人民。
    Clearly, more is needed from Member States in clearing their arrears and meeting their financial obligations in full and on time to restore the UN to financial stability – which alone can ensure its ability to fulfil its many roles with maximum impact and benefit to the people of our planet.
  • 地氟病中、重病区的改水数量已超过半数,地砷病病区改水措施已发防病作用。
    Over half of the water in the areas with medium and serious endemic fluorine disease has been improved. The water improvement measures in the areas with endemic arsenic disease have played roles in preventing the disease.
  • 她说不清楚,只是一种之不去的不安感。
    There was nothing she could put her finger on, or articulate, just this lingering unease.
  • 地炮射击指挥系统
    field artillery fire direction system
  • 务必使自己养成精益求精的习惯,并以你的爱心和热情发你的这项习惯,如果能使这种习惯变成一种嗜好那是最好不过的了。
    Ascertain what you like best to do,and do it as a labor of love with your heart and soul.Perhaps it will simple be a hobby.That's fine.
  • 水手上岸的第一夜往往霍一番。
    Sailors tend to throw their money about on their first night ashore.
  • 从战舰的指官降到行政职务的船长
    A captain who was reduced from command of a battleship to administrative duty ashore.
  • 布莱兹,皮尔生于1925法国指家和作曲家,创有无调的前卫派音乐作品,有名的如无主的琴槌(1955年)
    French conductor and composer of atonal, avant-garde works, notably Le Marteau sans Ma顃re(1955).
  • 非政府组织和民间社会作用。
    Attaching Importance to the Role of Non-Governmental and Mass Organizations
  • 政治上须使指员、战斗员们认识从游击队到正规军提高一步的必要性,鼓励大家为此而努力,并以政治工作去保障之。
    Politically, it is imperative to get both the commanders and the fighters to realize the necessity of raising the guerrilla units to the level of the regular forces, to encourage them to strive towards this end, and to guarantee its attainment by means of political work.
  • 手以吸引我的注意力。
    He waved his hand to catch my attention.
  • 现在飞行事故多,当然这里面有部队训练不好、飞行员素质差、地面指水平低等问题,但是也要研究飞机质量方面的问题。
    Airplane accidents are numerous nowadays, and of course some are attributable to the poor training of the men, the incompetence of the pilots or the deficiencies of the ground-control crews. But sometimes the fault may lie in the quality of the aircraft.
  • 拍卖商,拍卖人指拍卖的人
    One that conducts an auction.
  • 木槌一种小的木槌,被一指官员或拍卖人使用,以吸引注意、下达命令或确认一笔交易
    A small mallet used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer to signal for attention or order or to mark the conclusion of a transaction.
  • 他穿着一件长袍,袖子卷起而露出丝衬里来,这种袖子叫做“马蹄袖”,当他勃然大怒的时候,他便向下动着右臂或双臂,让卷起的“马蹄袖”放下来,大摇大摆地走出去。
    He wore a gown with the sleeves tucked up at the lower ends showing the silk lining, known as "horse-hoof sleeves, " and when he was greatly displeased, he would brandish his right arm or both arms downwards and with an audible jerk bring the tucked-up "horse-hoof" down, and gracefully wobble out of the room.
  • 司法机关和行政监察、审计等职能部门的作用。
    We should give play to the role of judicial, administrative supervision and auditing organs and other functional departments.
  • 强化行政监察、审计和经济监督,在推进依法行政、反腐倡廉和查处大案要案等方面发了重要作用。
    We stepped up administrative scrutiny, auditing and economic supervision. All this was of great importance in furthering the conduct of government according to law, fighting corruption and building a clean government, and prosecuting major economic cases and irregularities.
  • “八一”起义指部旧址
    Site of the August 1 Uprising Headquarters
  • 为了足够快地向目标开火并击毁目标,将需要一定数量的系统。但真正全部实现自动化(像某些人说的人离开指链)是不可能的。仍将需要地面上的人来提供那种集中指与控制的有效性。
    There will need to be a certain amount of that in order to get fire on target quick enough and to hit the target, and there's no way to really totally automate that -- to take the man out of the loop, as some people say, and still provide the kind of effectiveness that the people on the ground will need.
  • 军队自动化指挥系统
    military automated command system
  • 实际上,全世界的计算机以及自动化系统的每一个独立系统中指计算机或者自动系统如何运行的庞大的计算机程序代码只用两位数来代表年份。
    Virtually all computers and automated systems around the world have only been using two digits in the year field in the voluminous computer code in each system that tells the computer or automated system what to do.