Chinese English Sentence:
  • 由肾上腺髓质产生的包肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素的任何一组化学元。
    any of a group of chemicals including epinephrine and norepinephrine that are produced in the medulla of the adrenal gland.
  • 研究资料汇总,包代表了染色体中完整dna信息的dna片断;
    A repository of research materials including ordered sets of DNA fragments representing the complete DNA in chromosomes.
  • 第二类包那些通过互联网或内部网从瘦型客户机上用web浏览器访问公司信息仓库的用户。
    The second category comprises users developing Web browser access from thin clients over the Internet or an intranet to corporate information repositories.
  • 以死亡为主题的组成或包关于死亡的描述的
    Constituting or including a representation of death.
  • 当初,这些名人藏书(包手稿、书信等)的暂收代管者,像领着人家的弃婴一样,曾在新加坡到处找人“领养”,鼻子都碰扁了,正一筹莫展、走投无路时,从长堤彼岸伸出了友谊之手,人家满腔热情要“领养弃婴”,还保证善待这些“弃婴”,你能不喜出望外?
    The “trustees” of these “abandoned babies” ( including original manuscripts and letters), had gone round to look for “adoptive parents” for them, but to no avail. When they were at their wits’ end and getting nowhere, they received a helping hand - all the way from across the Causeway.The people over there were keen to adopt the “unwanted babies” and had promised to treat them well. Could the “trustees”, who had become desperate, not feel overjoyed?
  •  本法所说的父母,包生父母、养父母和有扶养关系的继父母。
    The "parents" referred to in this Law include natural parents and adoptive parents, as well as step-parents who supported or were supported by the decedent.
  • 精神分析一种弗洛伊德发展的人格理论,其中心点是压抑和无意识的力量,还包婴儿期性欲,抵抗,移情等概念这种理论把自我意识分成本我,自我和超我三个部分
    The theory of personality developed by Freud that focuses on repression and unconscious forces and includes the concepts of infantile sexuality, resistance, transference, and division of the psyche into the id, ego, and superego.
  • 文件又强调发展共同责任,包保持美好的环境、鼓励私营机构参与环保工作,以及采纳"污染者自付"原则。
    It emphasised the development of collective responsibility, including sustaining the environment, private sector participation and the adoption of the 'polluter pays' principle.
  • 法院的家事司法管辖权包处理离婚、子女管养及领养事宜。
    Its family jurisdiction involves divorce, custody and adoption matters.
  • 正因本港恪守审慎理财原则,本港的外汇储备(包「财政储备」)已累积至962亿美元,高踞全球第三位。
    Thanks to our prudent financial management, Hong Kong's foreign reserves, which includes our 'fiscal reserve', stood at US$96.2 billion -- the third largest in the world.
  • 正因本港恪守审慎理财原则,在一九九七年年底,本港的外汇储备(包「财政储备」)已累积至928亿美元,高踞全球第三位。
    Thanks to our prudent fiscal management, at the end of 1997, Hong Kong's foreign reserves, foreign exchange reserves, which includes our 'fiscal reserve', stood at US$92.8 billion -- the third largest in the world.
  • 正因本港恪守审慎理财原则,在一九九七年年底,本港的外汇储备(包「财政储备」)已累积至928亿美元,高踞全球第三位。
    Thanks to our prudent fiscal management, as the end of 1997, Hong Kong's foreign reserves, which includes our 'fiscal reserve', stood at US$92.8 billion -- the third largest in the world.
  • 正因香港恪守审慎理财原则,在一九九七年年底,本港的外汇储备(包「财政储备」)已累积至928亿美元,高踞全球第三位。
    Thanks to our prudent fiscal management, at the end of 1997, Hong Kong's foreign reserves, which includes our 'fiscal reserve', stood at US$92.8 billion -- the third largest in the world.
  • 正因本港恪守审慎理财原则,在一九九八年四月底,本港的外汇储备(包「财政储备」)已累积至962亿美元,高踞全球第三位。
    Thanks to our prudent fiscal management, at the end of April 1998, Hong Kong's foreign reserves, which include our 'fiscal reserve', stood at US$96.2 billion, the third largest in the world.
  • 武装力量动员包人民解放军现役部队和预备役部队、武警部队、民兵和预备役人员,以及相应的武器装备和后勤物资动员等,主要任务是平时做好兵员动员准备,在需要时征召预备役人员和适龄公民入伍,保障军队迅速扩编、改编和扩充其他武装组织,并组织参战支前,配合部队作战。
    Mobilization of the armed forces refers to the mobilization of the active and reserve forces of the PLA, the Armed Police Force, the militia and the reserve personnel, as well as the mobilization of appropriate weapons, equipment and logistical materials. Its main task is to prepare in peacetime for manpower mobilization and, in case of need, call up the reservists and other citizens of service age, ensure a quick expansion and reorganization of the PLA, and expansion of the other forces, and organize the masses to support and join in the operations of the armed forces.
  •  征用耕地的补偿费用包土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗的补偿费。
    Compensation fees for land requisitioned include land compensation fees, resettlement fees and compensation for attachments to or green crops on the land.
  • 由一九九八年九月起,申请人除不得拥有住宅物业并符合居港年期规定外,还须通过一项包入息及资产限额的全面经济状况审查,才可入住租住公屋。
    Since September 1998, applicants have been required to satisfy a Comprehensive Means Test which includes both income and assets limits, a no-domestic-property rule and a residency requirement before entry to public rental housing.
  • 在古罗马农村的一种房屋,它包居住地、农舍和院子。
    country house in ancient Rome consisting of residential quarters and farm buildings around a courtyard.
  • 其中p代表个人性格(包人生观、适应力和忍耐力);
    In the equation, P stands for Personal Characteristics (outlook on life, adaptability and resilience);
  • 面对外围环境不明朗,包全球股票市场表现反覆、美国发生九一一事件、日圆疲弱及阿根廷的局势变化,本港的外汇和货币市场仍然表现平静,反映市场对联汇制度的信心,而一九九八年九月推出的技术性改革措施亦对联汇制度发挥了巩固作用。
    The exchange and money markets reacted calmly towards uncertainties in the external environment, including increased volatility in the global stock markets, the events of September 11 in the United States, weakening of the Japanese Yen and the turmoil in Argentina. The resilience of these markets reflected confidence in the linked exchange rate system, which has been reinforced by the technical reforms introduced in September 1998.
  • 这种平等的权利包入学、升学、毕业分配、授予学位、派出留学等各个方面,以及妇女从事科学技术研究和文学艺术创作等。
    These cover school admittance, advancement to higher levels of schooling, job assignment after graduation, conferment of academic degrees and being dispatched for study abroad, plus women's rights to engage in scientific and technological research and literary and artistic creation.
  • 警队有一系列推广价值观的管理策略措施,为上述行动的优先处理项目作支援。这些措施包广泛使用现代科技、着重人力资源管理、更广泛的沟通,以及更有效的资源管理。
    These operational priorities will be supported by a series of management initiatives to promote the Force values through: wider use of modern technology; a focus on human resource management; more widespread communication; and better management of resources.
  • 第九条,概地说就是“尊重知识,尊重人才”八个字,事情成败的关键就是能不能发现人才,能不能用人才。
    The ninth part can be summed up as "respecting knowledge and talented people". The key to success is to identify and employ talented people.
  • 心脏按摩和人工呼吸的急救程序;对虚脱或者没有脉搏和停止呼吸的患者采取的首选措施;试图恢复血液循环以免死亡或者大脑因缺氧受损。
    an emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing; attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen.
  • 麻醉或者呼吸帮助的手术。
    any surgical procedure that involves anesthesia or respiratory assistance.
  • 不包麻醉或者呼吸帮助的手术。
    any surgical procedure that does not involve anesthesia or respiratory assistance.
  • 贸易壁垒通常包关税壁垒和非关税壁垒。
    Trade barriers usually consist of tariff restrictions and non-tariff barriers.
  •  首先,用人公司会看你的申请表,包你的个人简历。
    First, the company will evaluate your application form including your resume.
  • 在地方,建立了省(自治区、直辖市)、地、县残联,对本地包残疾儿童在内的残疾人事业实施服务和管理。
    Also, local disabled persons' federations at the provincial (autonomous regional and municipal), prefecture and county levels have been established to serve the disabled, including disabled children in the region, and administrate their affairs.
  • 一个主教所掌管的地区包一个大教堂和许多较小的教堂。
    The area which a bishop administer have one cathedral and many smaller church.
  • 苏军在希特勒所在的掩体内抓获了一些很有价值的德军俘虏,其中包希特勒的保镖约翰·拉滕胡贝尔、党卫军军官奥托·冈舍、希特勒的座机驾驶员汉斯·鲍尔和牙医助手卡塔琳娜·霍伊泽尔曼。在1945年的大部分时间里他们经常受到提审。
    The Russians had capured the most useful witnesses from Hitler's bunker including Johann Rattenhuber, Hitler's bodyguard, SS adjutant Otto Gunsche, Hans Baur, his pilot, and Katarina Heusermann, a dental assistant and interrogated them for much of 1945.
  • 对数据进行逻辑操作或计算的实现过程或方法,包数据运算时如何在处理机存储器中暂时存放中间结果。
    The performance of logical operations and calculations on data, including the temporary retention of data in processor storage while it is being operated upon.