| - 怀疑……的真诚或坦率。
challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of. - 他的目光落在了一个娇小美丽的身躯,一大堆金色的秀发,一双用询问的神色迎接着他的蓝色眼睛,还有一个那么年轻光洁、却具有那么独特的能力、可以时而抬起时而攒聚的前额上。那额头所露出的表情不完全是困惑、迷惘或是惊觉,也不仅仅是一种聪明集中的专注,不过它也包括了这四种表情。他一看到这一切,眼前便突然闪过一种强烈的似曾相识之感。那是一个孩子,他在跨越那海峡时曾抱在怀里的孩子。那天很冷,空中冰雹闪掠,海里浊浪排空。那印象消失了,可以说像呵在她身后那窄而高的穿衣镜上的一口气一样消失了。镜框上是像到医院探视病人的一群黑种小爱神,全都缺胳膊少腿,有的还没有脑袋,都在向黑皮肤的女神奉献盛满死海水果的黑色花篮--他向曼内特小姐郑重地鞠躬致敬。
As his eyes rested on a short, slight, pretty figure, a quantity of golden hair, a pair of blue eyes that met his own with an inquiring look, and a forehead with a singular capacity (remembering how young and smooth it was of lifting and knitting itself into an expression that was not quite one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm or merely of a bright fixed attention, though is included all the four expressions--as his eyes rested on these things, a sudden vivid likeness passed before him, of a child whom he had held in his arms on the passage across that very Channel, one cold time, when the hail drifted heavily and the sea ran high. The likeness passed away, like a breath along the surface of the gaunt pier-glass behind her, on the frame of which, a hospital procession of negro cupids, several head-less and all cripples, were offering black baskets of Dead Sea fruit to black divinities of the feminine gender--and he made his formal bow to Miss Manette. - 约翰是那么容易受骗,竟毫不怀疑地相信乔的话。
John was so easily fooled that he fell for Joe's story hook, line and sinker. - 她怀孕六个月了。
She's six months gone. - 我对母校怀有眷恋之情。
I have a soft spot for my old school. - 她把孩子从父亲怀里抢了过去。
She tore the child from its father's arms. - 我不得不接受他们的施舍,此事教我耿耿於怀。
It sticks in my throat to have to accept charity from them. - 他最好的乐曲创作灵感来自怀念他的母亲。
His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother. - 她从来不谈及其童年,我怀疑她是否有隐秘的家庭丑事。
She never refers to her childhood; I wonder if she has a skeleton in the cupboard? - 经验主义的怀疑者可以作适当的反应:你是如何知道的?
The empirical skeptic appropriately responds: how do you know? - 使怀疑论者难堪的发明
An invention that confounded the skeptics. - 郑证明了这种怀疑是错误的。
Chung has proved the skeptics wrong. - 怀疑者指出黑人与白人通婚的比率非常小,因此黑人的融合一时不会出现。
Skeptics point to the much smaller proportion of black-white marriages and say it won't happen soon. - 一九九七年七月一日前,香港和世界各地都有不少人对香港前景抱有怀疑,但事实证明他们的看法是错误的。
Before July 1, 1997, there were many skeptics in Hong Kong and around the world, but we proved them wrong. - 但令他们诧异的不是回归之前怀疑论者自信不疑的预言,而是一些我们自己也未能预见的事情。
But they have been transfixed by events we did not see coming, rather than those so confidently predicted by the skeptics before Reunification. - 由于五角大楼一些怀疑论者的抗议,里根政府开始允许伊拉克从美国供货商那里购买一系列范围甚广的"双用途"装备和材料。
Over the protest of some Pentagon skeptics, the Reagan administration began allowing the Iraqis to buy a wide variety of"dual use"equip ment and materials from American suppliers. - 甚至那些明确宣称对动物是否有感情问题持怀疑观点的人也承认许多动物能体会恐惧。这种感受被许多科学家定义为“原始的”情感,不同于“高一级”的情感,例如爱和悲伤。
Even the most strident skeptics of animal passion agree that many creatures experience fear -- which some scientists define as a " primary" emotion that contrasts with " secondary" emotions such as love and grief. - 如果有人对此感到怀疑的话,请他们看看阿富汗吧,在那里,伊斯兰信徒用歌声和热烈的庆祝来欢呼一个极权统治的垮台,让那些怀疑的人去看一看伊斯兰教的历史渊源吧——几百年来伴随该教成长的是永无止境的学习、忍让和进步。
If anyone doubts this, let them look to Afghanistan, where the Islamic "street" greeted the fall of tyranny with song and celebration. Let the skeptics look to Islam's own rich history - with its centuries of learning, and tolerance, and progress. - 自上周某机构宣称已经成功克隆出第一个人类后,12月30日该机构负责人宣布,克隆宝宝和她的母亲已于周一回到自己的家中。此外,该机构还将在一周内向科学家和其他对此事抱怀疑态度的人们提供证据,来证明克隆宝宝确为克隆出来的。
The head of a company that says it has produced the first human clone said on Monday that the mother and baby were home following the child's birth last week and genetic proof demanded by scientists and other skeptics should be available in a week. - 好怀疑的态度;好怀疑的听众。
a skeptical attitude; a skeptical listener. - 不确定不能肯定或怀疑
To be undecided or skeptical. - 她对自己的工作抱着谦逊的怀疑。
she is unassumingly skeptical of her own work. - 我很怀疑他们是否还有机会获胜。
I am rather skeptical about their chance of winning. - 我很怀疑他们是否还有机会获胜。
I'm rather skeptical about their chances of winning. - 我对他们解决这个问题的能力颇为怀疑。
I'm rather skeptical about their ability to solve the problem. - 对这种怀疑态度,我们也允许存在,因为这是正常的。
We allow them to be skeptical, because that is only normal. - 那位领导人很有天赋,能使团体中最持怀疑态度的人都充满热情。
The leader had the gift of being able to infuse enthusiasm into the most skeptical member of the group. - 由于大量乱寄的电子邮件,人们越来越多地怀疑他们向某些网站提供的信息将发生的后果。
Because of junk e-mail, people are getting increasingly skeptical about what's happening with the information they provide to some Web sites. - 那些已经怀疑有线电视服务的用户不可能放心地把诸如远距离工作的重要工作放在有线电视网上完成。
Users who already are skeptical of cable TV service will be unlikely to trust serious work such as telecommuting to a cable network. - 扎实地掌握好华文不仅能提高我们的文化素养,也会大大地有利于英文水准的提高。每当我把这个观点告诉朋友时,他们几乎都报以怀疑的眼光。
Whenever I told my friends that mastering the Chinese language would also help us improve our English, they always gave me skeptical looks. - 意大利一位人类生育学专家日前宣布,他的一位实验对象将于明年年初生下第一个克隆人。然而,许多科学家,甚至包括克隆羊"多莉"之父在内,都对此表示怀疑。
An Italian fertility expert says a patient will give birth to a cloned baby early next year but experts, including one who helped create Dolly the sheep, are skeptical. - 当时我们党内还有人采取怀疑的态度,香港舆论界不管是反对我们的还是赞成我们的,也都有人持怀疑态度,不相信我们是正确的。
At the time, some people in the Party had doubts about that policy, and some of the people in Hong Kong, whether they were for us or against us, were skeptical too and thought it was incorrect.