  • 似乎聽到了微的虛幻的鈴聲;截肢者對不存在的肢體産生的幻覺。
    seemed to hear faint phantom bells; the amputee's illusion of a phantom limb.
  • 點:“許多人說他沒有羅卜拖的銳氣”,一位飲料分析傢如是說。
    Weak spot: "A lot of people say that he doesn't have the elan of Roberto," according to one beverage analyst.
  • 安德森博士的研究小組還發現,夫妻雙方中控製力較的一方在情感交匯方面變化最大。
    Anderson's team also found that the partner who had less power in the relationship did most of the changing in terms of emotions.
  • 李爾王在瑞根和高納裏爾殘酷虐待下神志錯亂,在荒野上,他怒斤狂風暴雨,揮舞雙拳,咒駡天宇的冷酷無情、麻木不仁,正像飛蟲捉弄頑童一般,天神也在戲弄虛不堪的老人。第四幕第七場描寫的是李爾發瘋後被帶到多佛蘇醒時的情景。他睜開雙眼,還以為看見了天使般的靈魂——他的女兒考狄莉亞。
    This is where Lear, brought to Dover after having gone mad from the Cruelties of Regan and Goneril and having raged at the howling storm on the heath, shaking his fist at the cruel indifference of the cosmos that toys with weak old men like flies to wanton boys, awakens to what he at first thinks is an angelic apparition- his daughter Cordelia.
  • 的瘦的,瘦骨嶙峋的;骨瘦如柴的
    Thin and bony; angular.
  • 一種新的,更加充滿活力的畫風出現了,同時早期作品中的印象派傾嚮有所削
    A new,more animated,painting style emerged and the impressionist tendencies of earlier work weakened somewhat.
  • 一種新的,更加充滿活力的畫風出現了,同時早期作品中的印象派傾嚮有所削
    A new, more animated, painting style emerged and the impressionist tendencies of earlier work weakened somewhat.
  • 現在應該是消除以大欺小、以強凌,以富壓貧的現象,書寫國際關係史新篇章的時候了。
    It is time that we wrote a new chapter in the annals of international affairs in which the phenomena of the big bullying the small, the strong lording over the weak and the rich oppressing the poor are removed completely from the face of the earth.
  • 我之的因素也依然存在,戰略上的劣勢和被動還未脫離,為了爭取時間,加強國內國際條件,改變自己的不利狀態,沒有戰役和戰鬥的殲滅戰,也不能成功。
    We still have our weakness and have not yet rid ourselves of strategic inferiority and passivity; therefore, unless we fight campaigns and battles of annihilation, we cannot win time to improve our internal and international situation and alter our unfavourable position.
  • 鄰國土地突然“搞搞震”幾下,我們免不了心緒不寧,得勞駕當局出面壓驚,連續幾天“月朦朦鳥朦朦”,大傢就看電視聽廣播,留意空氣污染指數,差點足不出戶,人傢國內風吹草動,咱們的海岸衛隊便有得忙,其脆性和敏感度是可想而知的。
    When an earthquake hit our neighbour recently, we felt the shock of tremors and looked to our government for assurance that things were OK. A few days of hazy skies darkened by forest fires beyond the borders would keep us almost home-confined, attentive to radio or TV announcements of the air pollution situation. And the mere sign of trouble across the sea would put our Coastal Guard on full alert. Understandably, Singapore is sensitive because it is vulnerable.
  • 中國紅軍以小者的姿態出現於內戰的戰場,其迭挫強敵震驚世界的戰績,依賴於兵力集中使用者甚大。
    The Chinese Red Army, which entered the arena of the civil war as a small and weak force, has since repeatedly defeated its powerful antagonist and won victories that have astonished the world, and it has done so by relying largely on the employment of concentrated strength.
  • 歐洲國;小型食蟻動物。
    the lesser powers of Europe; the lesser anteater.
  • 疫苗,菌苗削的或被殺死的病原菌的標本,如細菌或病毒,或病原菌結構的一部分,在配藥時可産生對這種病原體的抗體同時又不可能引起嚴重傳染
    A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration stimulates antibody production against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection.
  • 抗體,免疫體血液或組織針對某種抗原如細菌或毒素而産生的蛋白質物質。抗體消滅細菌或削其作用,中和有機毒素,因而形成免疫力
    A protein substance produced in the blood or tissues in response to a specific antigen, such as a bacterium or a toxin. Antibodies destroy or weaken bacteria and neutralize organic poisons, thus forming the basis of immunity.
  • 蛋白銀商標名稱,作局部消毒用於蛋白銀化合物
    A trademark used for a silver-protein compound employed as a local antiseptic.
  • 一種白色或無色的酸固體,能溶於水和酒精,用於製造玻璃、紙和粘合劑。
    a white or colorless slightly acid solid that is soluble in water and ethanol; used in the manufacture of glass and paper and adhesives and in detergents and as a flux in welding; also used as an antiseptic and food preservative.
  • 說或寫等表達能力受到嚴重削的一種失語癥。
    aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired.
  • 主體四個縱隊就削了,更新也睏難啊,有三個縱隊每個縱隊僅兩個旅,衹有一個縱隊是三個旅,就這樣迎接淮海戰役。
    The other four columns, the main body of the army, was now undermanned and found it hard to get recruits. Of the four columns, three had merely two brigades apiece, and only one had three brigades. It was with these units that we joined in the Huai-Hai Campa.
  • 表面上他看起來軟,但他有隱藏的力氣。
    Apparently, he is weak, but he has hidden strength.
  • 因此患神經衰癥的人更多,吃阿司匹靈藥餅的人更多,患貴族病的人更多,患結腸炎、盲腸炎和消化不良癥的人更多,患腦部軟化和肝髒變硬的人更多,患十二指腸爛潰癥和腸部撕裂癥的人更多,胃部工作過度和腎髒負擔過重的人更多,患膀胱發炎和脾髒損壞癥的人更多,患心髒脹大和神經錯亂的人更多,患胸部平坦和血壓過高的人更多,患糖尿病、腎髒炎、腳氣癥、風濕痺、失眠癥、動脈硬化癥、痔疾、瘻管、慢性痢疾、慢性大便秘結、胃口不佳和生之厭倦的人更多。
    Consequently more neurasthenia, more aspirin, more expensive illnesses, more colitis, appendicitis and dyspepsia, more softened brains and hardened livers, more ulcerated duodenums and lacerated intestines, overworked stomachs and overtaxed kidneys, inflamed bladders and outraged spleens, dilated hearts and shattered nerves, more flat chests and high blood pressure, more diabetes. Bright's disease, beri-beri, rheumatism, insomnia, arterio-sclerosis, piles, fistulas, chronic dysentry, chronic constipation, loss of appetite and weariness of life.
  • 該局負責管理香港專業教育學院、工業訓練中心及能人士技能訓練中心,並執行《學徒制度條例》。
    It administers the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, industrial training centres, skills centres for persons with a disability and the Apprenticeship Ordinance.
  • 對一個政治領袖而言,猶豫含有軟之意
    For a political leader, hesitation is apt to connote weakness.
  • 是粗野愚鈍的;欺凌小者的粗鄙的舉止;她愚鈍的丈夫。
    was boorish and insensitive; the loutish manners of a bully; her stupid oafish husband; aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude.
  • 對弱者傲慢的蔑視
    An arrogant contempt for the weak.
  • 那位太太逐步控製了她那意志薄的丈夫。
    The wife gradually gained ascendancy over her weak will husband.
  • 相反因事件所引起的緊張衹能削而不能加強目擊者的記憶。
    Contrary to a common assumption, the strain of involvement in an accident actually impairs, rather than enhances, eyewitness memory.
  • 意志薄的易被領入歧途的;道德觀念薄
    Easily led astray; morally weak.
  • 根據一個敏銳的外國人的觀察,新加坡人具有雙重性格:對家庭的高度責任感和薄的社會良知,兩者形成一個強烈的對比。
    One astute foreigner has observed that there are two sides to our nature: a highly-developed family conscience contrasted with an under-developed social conscience.
  • 營養障礙任一種機能紊亂,尤指肌肉營養障礙引起的肌肉衰和萎縮
    Any of several disorders, especially muscular dystrophy, in which the muscles weaken and atrophy.
  • 高度重視和不斷加強自身建設,是我們黨從小到大、由到強,從挫折中奮起、在戰勝睏難中不斷成熟的一大法寶。
    Attaching vital importance to and strengthening Party building is a magic weapon with which our Party has grown from a small and weak force to a large and strong one, risen in spite of setbacks and matured gradually in surmounting difficulties.
  • 在計算機安全學中,一種以某些點來吸引潛在攻擊者的技術。
    In computer security, a technique in which certain vulnerabilities are made attractive to a potential attacker.
  • 反對派勢力的企圖
    An attempt to defang the opposition.