  • 作平庸的宣传
    Spoon out second-rate propaganda
  • 我曾经被迫誓保密。
    I've been sworn to secrecy.
  • 政府间的关系常常是秘而不的。
    Relations between governments are often swathed in secrecy.
  • 两国之间的关系常常秘而不
    Relations between governments are often wrapped in secrecy.
  • 此外,劳工处就业资讯及推广计划办事处也举办各项传活动,例如求职广场及展览,使雇主及求职者更加认识劳工处所提供的各项就业服务。
    Promotional activities such as job bazaars and exhibitions are organised under the Employment Information and Promotion Programme to enhance the awareness of both employers and job-seekers of the employment services provided by the Labour Department.
  • 选举结果是在欢呼声中布的
    The election result was announced to the accompaniment of loud cheers
  • 年内,协会为几类特定服务对象印备旅游传刊物,开拓具发展潜力的游客市场。
    The HKTA also produced several target-specific brochures in1997 to tap potential market segments.
  • 美国最高法院布阿拉巴马州和地方法令规定的公共汽车上的种族隔离是违法的,从而结束了这次持续了381天的抵制。
    The United States Supreme Court would end the boycott, which lasted 381 days, by declaring that Alabma's state and local laws requiring segregation on buses were illegal.
  • 被选择出来的事实、夸张以及战时传的谎言
    The selected truths, exaggerations, and lies of wartime propaganda.
  • 我们应该赞扬和拥护华北当局与国土共存亡的言。
    We should acclaim and support the declaration of the local authorities of northern China that they will defend the homeland to the death.
  • 1950年7月,吴耀宗等40位各教派负责人,发表《中国基督教在新中国建设中努力的途径》的“三自言”,表明了中国基督徒拥护新中国,摆脱帝国主义势力控制,实现中国教会自治、自养、自传。
    In July 1950, 40 leading figures from various religious denominations headed by Wu Yaozong published the ``Three-Self Declaration,'' titled ``The Way in Which the Chinese Christianity Works for New China's Construction,'' expressing the attitude of Chinese Christians who supported New China, and their determination to cast off imperialist influence and achieve the ``Three Selfs'' (self-administration, self-support and self-propagation) of Chinese churches.
  • 此外,贸易发展局亦加强传香港作为非传统出口货品(例如汽车零件和配件)的采购及分销中心。
    The TDC also intensified efforts to promote Hong Kong as a sourcing and distribution centre for non-traditional exports, such as auto parts and accessories.
  • 七月中,当局在日本大阪举办了一个商务座谈会,藉此扬香港作为亚太区主要商业中心的角色。
    A business seminar in Osaka, Japan, in mid-July promoted Hong Kong's role as a leading business centre in the Asia Pacific Region.
  • 工业贸易署和贸易发展局在二零零零年十二月更出版了两份刊物,传内地加入世贸组织的影响。
    In December 2000, the TID and the TDC had jointly issued a pamphlet and supplement to publicise the implications of China's accession to the WTO.
  • 原来孙中山先生在这个言中说道:“国民党之三民主义,其真释具如此。”
    In the manifesto Dr. Sun Yat-sen said: "Here is the true interpretation of the Kuomintang's Three People's Principles."
  • 参议院已布要媾和。
    The Senate had declared for peace.
  • 极明显的或轰动的传。
    blatant or sensational promotion.
  • 不但如此,他们还耸人听闻地提出什么“反饥饿”、“要人权”等口号,在这些口号下煽动一部分人游行示威,蓄谋让外国人把他们的言论行动拿到世界上去广为传。
    Moreover, they have raised such sensational slogans as "Oppose hunger" and "Give us human rights", inciting people to hold demonstrations and deliberately trying to get foreigners to give worldwide publicity to their words and deeds.
  • 作为对通用汽车公司的布作出的回应,福特推出了自己的防中暑传感器。
    It reacted to the GM announcement by announcing a heatstroke sensor of its own.
  • 宣布一项判决无效
    Set aside a sentence
  • 法官宣布判决。
    The judge pronounced the sentence.
  • 判对…作出判决;
    To pronounce judgment against; sentence.
  • 八福词基督登山训众时布的任何祝福
    Any of the declarations of blessedness made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
  • 古德维伯牧师主持的仪式开始还挺不错,但到他道时就出了问题。
    Reverend Goodvibes performed what started out to be a nice service until he went into his sermon.
  • 颁发军人道德规范,组织创作军人道德组歌,建设全军传文化信息网,完善军营文化设施,连队建立俱乐部,驻地集中的团以上单位建立文化活动中心。
    The PLA has issued an ethical code for servicemen, organized the composition of moral songs, setup a PLA-wide publicity, cultural and information network, improved cultural facilities in barracks, set up cultural clubs in companies, and established cultural centers in units at and above the regiment level.
  • 在那里,进行了抗日军人家属中的工作,召集了各军军人的家属开会,有可能时甚至举行会餐,向他们传解释各种抗日的问题,说明他们的光荣,给以光荣牌匾,并征询他们的意见。
    People there have worked among families of anti-Japanese soldiers, inviting family members of servicemen of every army unit to meetings or even dinner parties, when possible, at which they explained various questions concerning resistance to Japan, showed them the respect they deserve, presented them with honour plaques, and asked for their opinions.
  • 正做出努力来扬总统在解决危机中的作用。
    An attempt was made to play up the president's role in settling the crisis.
  • "今晚秘鲁的人民要为民主政治的胜利而庆祝,"托莱多向聚集在利马市中心谢拉顿酒店门前的人群誓:"兄弟姐妹们,我向你们发誓,我绝不会让你们失望。
    "Tonight Peruvians celebrate the triumph of democracy," Toledo told thousands gathered in front of the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Lima. "I swear, brothers and sisters, I will never let you down."
  • 布免除或原谅;古语。
    absolve or pardon; archaic.
  • 把死囚在判24小时之后处决,比使他在恐惧深渊的边缘颤抖将近3个星期要更为仁慈些。
    It was more merciful to launch the condemned man into twenty-four hours than to keep him shivering on the brink of that dread gulf for three week.
  • 克里斯平罗马鞋匠,和他的兄弟圣克里斯皮尼安致力于传基督教并成为殉教者
    Roman shoemaker who with his brother Saint Crispinian sought to spread Christianity and was martyred.
  • 比恩,罗伊1825?-1903美国得克萨斯州拓荒者,1881年任命自己为治安法官,以一本法律书和一支六发式左轮手枪作为自己判的依据
    American frontiersman in Texas who in1881 appointed himself justice of the peace and handed down judgments based on one law book and one six-shooter.