Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他的头发杂灰白的颜色。
    His hair is shot with gray.
  • 他的头发中有白发。
    His hair was streaked with gray.
  • 这种料子做克衫太软了。
    This material's too floppy for a jacket.
  • 这种钱是可以这样折叠的。
    It can be folded in this way.
  • 文件按顺序放置文件的容器,如档案柜或文件
    A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order.
  • 天啊!我们都带着同样的文件,看起来一模一样。
    God, we look like sheep- we are all carrying the same folder.
  • 文件;悬挂的文件
    A file folder; a hanging folder.
  • 我去拿你文件时你不要挂断电话。
    Please hang on while I get yoour folder.
  • 第三个档案收集一些相关杂志的剪报。
    The third folder contains a few related magazine clippings.
  • 你也可以保留储存私人文件的“我的文件”。
    You can also keep private the My Documents Folder which holds personal files.
  • 对摺式火柴纸板装有安全火柴并且沿底部有可擦着表层的小薄纸板
    A small cardboard folder containing safety matches and having a striking surface along the bottom.
  • 这档案里是本是报纸的文章,这里则是州外报纸的文章。
    Articles from local newspapers are in this folder and articles from out-of-state newspapers are in this one.
  • 把你的听讲笔记放在活页里,这样在整个课程的进行之中你可以不再加入。
    Keep your lecture notes in a loose-leaf folder so that you can add to them during the course.
  • 总要首先将信件放入相应的文件中,处理完毕后,先打开与学校有关的重要信件文件,回复最重要的电子信件。
    Always put the mail into the appropriate folders first,and when you're finished,head for the important school? related folder first.
  • 如果你拥有网络探测器,你还可以将所有你频繁使用的网址存到收藏中。
    If you have Internet Explorer you can even organise your Favourites folder to include all the websites you frequently use.
  • 现在我们把你寄来的信,另在一个文内,以便回信时查阅,你也可以照办。
    From now on, we will keep your letters in a folder for reference when replying to you; You can do something similar.
  • 现在请选择以下全部项目中哪个项目你想个人化:桌面上影响你屏幕显像的文件
    Now choose which areas you want to personalise from some or all of the following. Desktop Folder. Which determines how your screen looks;
  • “档案”就像抽屉,而“记录”像是个别档案,“同类记录”则像档案里的个别资料。
    The "files" are like drawers, the "records" are like individual folders and the "fields" are like individual bits of information in the folder.
  • 建立和安排好你的电子信件文件,将其分成与学校有关的重要信件文件、亲友通信文件和一个用于笑话、占星预测及其他新闻服务等的杂项文件
    Create and organize your e mail folders into important school related mail,correspondence with friends and family,and a miscellaneous folder for jokes,horoscopes,and other news services.
  • 一种用来放钞票、私人小文件和一些零钱的可折叠的便于携带的
    A folding pocket-sized case for carrying paper money, small personal documents, and sometimes change.
  • 糖果,心糖一种通常有软糖、水果或坚果心并用巧克力或软糖覆面的糖果
    A candy that often has a center of fondant, fruit, or nuts and is coated with chocolate or fondant.
  • 软糖或水果、坚果通常做心的糖果,外面包有一层巧克力。
    a candy that usually has a center of fondant or fruit or nuts coated in chocolate.
  • 请把筷子分开,在大拇指和食指中国间。
    Rest them between the thumb and the forefinger.
  • 首先拇指和中指分开轻轻握住筷子,要像握笔那样,中指紧贴筷子,起食物时中指应紧贴筷子上部,然后像写字一样握紧,就是这个样子。
    First of all you hold them slightly apart between your thumb and forefinger, pressed against the side of your middle finger as if you were holding a pen. To pick up food, you press your forefinger against the up chopstick and they will close in a pen-like movement, like this.
  • 是用荷叶包起一团糯米,里面杂着腊肠、香菇、虾仁、花生仁和熏肉。然后将它蒸熟,蒸的过程中,荷叶的芳香渐渐渗入饭中。
    It is made by wrapping a mound of glutinous rice mixed with sausage, mushrooms, shrimps, peanuts and smoked bacon in a large lotus leaf and steaming it, which allows the nutty fragrance of the leaf to permeate the rice.
  • 她腋下着一个用蓝色纸包着的东西,好像是个相框。
    Under her arm was what looked like a framed picture done up in blue paper.
  • 杂着冻雨的风暴,使得所有的东西都附着上冰。
    a storm with freezing rain that leaves everything glazed with ice.
  • 很多层摞在一起,层间有甜食,常覆盖有霜状白糖的蛋糕。
    cake having layers held together by a sweet filling and usually covered with frosting.
  • 还有那座大厅,金碧辉煌的装饰,扇扇尖拱窗户,尊尊塑像,根根大柱,镂刻成块块图案的宽阔拱顶,这一切今又何在?还有那金灿灿的卧室呢?那只守门的石狮子,耷拉着头,着尾巴,就像所罗门座前的狮子那般;显出暴力在正义面前那副卑躬的模样,这石狮子又在何处?
    and the great Hall with its blue and gold, its Gothic windows, its statues, its pillars, its immense vaulted roof so profusely carved —and the gilded chamber—and the stone lion kneeling at the door with head abased and tail between its legs, like the lions of Solomon’s throne, in that attitude of humility which beseems Strength in the presence of Justice?
  • 五香鹅?夹肉面包?
    Spiced goose meat loaf?
  • 啊,你们俩还是单独去吧!你们不想我硬在你们中间吧。
    On, you two go by yourselves! You don't want me coming along playing gooseberry.
  • 珍和比尔邀我和他们一起去,我谢绝了,因为我不想不识趣地在他们中间
    Jane and Bill asked me to go with them, but I refused because I did not want to play gooseberry