  • 保险公司将就洪水速成的损失给民们以补偿。
    The insurance company will recoup the farmers for the loss caused by the flood.
  • 经过四十多年的努力,西藏人民的生活水平普遍有了显著提高,绝大部分牧民的温饱问题已基本解决,一部分牧民已经富裕起来,1991年全区牧民人均纯收入为455元,扣除物价上涨因素,比1979年的159元增长1.6倍。
    Due to efforts made in the past 40-odd years the living standards of the Tibetan people have improved markedly. Most farmers and herdsmen have adequate food and clothing and some have attained relative affluence. In 1991, the average net income of farmers and herdsmen in the region was 455 yuan. Allowing for price increases, the figure was 2.6 times higher than the 159 yuan of 1979.
  • 在另一方面,在接收党员的工作中,也有过关门主义的错误,例如,某一个时期曾经没有着重在产业工人中发展党员,另一个时期又曾经忽视在革命的知识分子中发展党员,在某些村中曾经不注意吸收青年积极分子和妇女积极分子入党,等等。
    At the same time, the mistake of "closed-doorism" was also made in admitting new members. At one time the Party failed to attach importance to recruiting new members from among industrial workers; at another time it neglected to recruit new members from among revolutionary intellectuals; in certain rural areas the Party organizations neglected to recruit activists among youth and women.
  • 毛泽东同志的《〈村调查〉的序言和跋》、《改造我们的学习》、《整顿党的作风》、《反对党八股》等著作,就是这次整风运动的主要文献。
    Among the main documents guiding that movement were his works "Preface and Postscript to Rural Surveys", "Reform Our Study", "Rectify the Party's Style of Work" and "Oppose Stereotyped Party Writing".
  •  使用用薄膜的单位和个人,应当采取回收利用等措施,防止或者减少用薄膜对环境的污染。
    Units and individuals that use agricultural film shall take measures to recycle it or other measures to prevent or reduce environmental pollution by agricultural film.
  • 他们通过高地业维持着人口密集的居住地的生存。高地业技术可以改善贫瘠的热带土壤的排水和养分的循环利用。
    They sustained this dense settlement through raised field agriculture, a technique that improved drainage and recycled nutrients in the poor tropical soil.
  • 全国人大常委会颁布了《防沙治沙法》,国务院颁布了《业转基因生物安全管理条例》、《报废汽车回收管理办法》、《危险化学品安全管理条例》等。
    The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress has promulgated the Law of Sandification Prevention. The State Council has promulgated the Management Rules of the Agriculture GMO Safety, Management rules of Discarded Vehicle Recycling, Management rules of Hazardous Chemicals’ Safety.
  • 对未参加叛乱的奴的土地和其他生产资料实行赎买政策,1300多户未参加叛乱的奴主和代理人的90万克土地和82万多头牲畜由国家支付赎买金4500多万元。
    A policy of redemption was introduced with regard to the land and other means of production of serf-owners who did not participate in the rebellion. The 900,000 ke of land and over 820,000 head of livestock of the 1,300 serf-owners and their agents, who did not participate in the rebellion, were redeemed by the state at a cost topping 45 million yuan.
  • 不是同一奴主的男女奴结婚要缴纳“赎身费”,有的是采取男换男,女换女的交换,有的是婚嫁后,夫妻双方的领属关系不变,将来生男孩归夫方领主,生女孩归妻方领主。
    Male and female serfs not belonging to the same owner had to pay "redemption fees" before they could marry. In some cases, an exchange was made with a man swapped for man and a woman for woman. In other cases, after a couple wedded, the ownership of both husband and wife remained unchanged, but their sons would belong to the husband's owner and their daughters to the wife's owner.
  • 我们发动人民的生产热忱,反对懒汉,组织劳动力并实行调剂,改良种子,解决牲畜具的需要,发动儿童拾粪,号召妇女参加生产,调解租佃关系和主雇关系,以及发动植树、修渠、打井、造水车等事业,所有这些,无一不是非常具体的工作。
    We arouse the people's enthusiasm for production work, criticize idleness, organize and redistribute the labour force, improve seed strains, supply the necessary draught animals and farm tools, mobilize children to collect manure, call upon women to participate in production work, mediate between landlords and tenants and between employers and employees, mobilize the people to plant trees, build irrigation ditches, dig wells, make waterwheels, and so on. These are all very concrete jobs.
  • 这种情况各地区都差不多,大都是由于当地群众并未真正发动起来和组织起来,大多数民还没有分配土地的真实要求,而由外来干部用行政命令、包办代替的方法实行分配的结果。
    These things happened nearly everywhere, mostly because cadres from other areas had land redistributed by administrative orders or redistributed it on behalf of the local people before the people were really aroused and organized and before the majority of peasants really wanted land redistribution.
  • 但是经过分配土地后确定了地权,加以我们提倡生产,民群众的劳动热情增长了,生产便有恢复的形势了。
    [1] But it picks up again as the peasant masses work with greater enthusiasm after the land is redistributed and ownership is settled, and after we have given encouragement to production.
  • 村的土地重新分配(特别是通过政府进行)。
    a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action).
  • 流动人口增加、村人口进入城镇以及人口在不同地域间的重新分布,对传统的经济社会管理体制及相关人口政策产生重大影响;
    the increase of floating population, peasants entering towns and cities and population redistribution in different areas will exert impact on the traditional economic and social management system as well as the relevant population policies;
  • 〔1〕业生产在革命根据地建立的头一二年,往往有些下降,主要地是由于在分配土地期间,地权还没有确定,新的经济秩序还没有走上轨道,以致民的生产情绪还有些波动。
    [1] There was usually a decline in farm output in the first year or two after the establishment of a Red area, chiefly because landownership was not yet settled and the new economic order was not fully established during land redistribution, so that the peasants could not yet set their minds fully on production.
  • 经验证明,当我们在军事上还没有取得面的控制,国民党和地富武装力量还没有在当地被肃清,大多数民还没有分配土地的要求和组织起来,本地的正派的区村干部还没有大批涌现出来,而外来干部又尚未熟悉情况和联系群众的时候,就马上实行土地改革,不仅是主观主义的,而且是冒险主义的。
    Experience has proved that when we do not have an entire area under our control militarily, when the armed forces of Kuomintang and the landlords and rich peasants have not yet been eliminated, when the great majority of peasants are not demanding land redistribution and have not been organized, and when honest local cadres at the district and village levels have not emerged in large numbers and cadres sent in from other areas are not yet familiar with the local conditions and have not forged ties with the masses, an attempt to carry out land reform promptly is not only subjective, but adventurist.
  • 我们到新区不调查不研究,简单地抱着半年完成土改的意愿,不管敌情是否许可,不管群众的和干部的准备程度,忽视了群众工作的艰苦性,把少数勇敢分子的行动误认是大多数群众的行动,把大军进入后群众一时的热劲,误认是多数民已经有了分配土地的觉悟和要求,因而不是有步骤有分别地去领导群众,取得胜利,而是轻率地决定实行土地改革。
    When we arrived in the new liberated areas, we did not investigate and study the situation, but simply planned to complete land reform in six months, without regard to whether or not the enemy's situation permitted it and whether or not the masses and cadres were prepared for it. We overlooked the arduousness of mass work, taking the action of a few reckless persons for that of the overwhelming majority of the masses, and the momentary popular enthusiasm upon the arrival of our army for the awakening of most peasants and their demands for the redistribution of land. Therefore, we did not try to lead the masses in attaining victory step by step and group after group, but just decided recklessly to undertake land reform.
  •  中部地区要加大结构调整力度,推进业产业化,改造传统产业,培育新的经济增长点,加快工业化和城镇化进程。
    The central region should redouble its efforts toward structural adjustment, giving impetus to industrialized operation of agriculture, transforming traditional industries, cultivating new economic growth points and speeding up industrialization and urbanization.
  • 到1994年底,又有1500万人摆脱贫困。全国贫困人口由1990年底的8500万人下降到7000万人,贫困人口占全国村总人口的比重由10.1%下降到8.2%。
    By the end of 1994 another 15 million people were lifted out of poverty, reducing the number of poor people from 85 million in 1990 to 70 million, and the proportion of poor people in the rural population was reduced from 10.1 percent to 8.2 percent.
  • 之间的差别正在缩小。
    The distances between workers and peasants are reducing.
  • 减少农村贫困人口。
    Reducing the population living under poverty line in countryside.
  • 对于今秋减租,民正大做宣传,地主们亦在问减租办法。
    The peasants are doing extensive propaganda for rent reduction in the coming autumn, and the landlords are asking how the reductions are to be carried out.
  • 中国的农村扶贫开发
    Rural China's Poverty Reduction
  • 此外,中国国营企业裁员,以及村劳动人口过剩,均可继续为中国的劳工市场提供庞大的人力资源。
    And in China there is continues access to a huge labour pool made up of redundant state sector workers and surplus labour in rural areas.
  • 他说,我当选是因为上届任职期间“给大家带来了不少实惠”:大力开发旅游资源,使全镇去年实现工业总产值近亿元、民人均收入1500多元。
    He said his reelection was because his last government brought the masses numerous benefits. It made energetic efforts to develop tourism resources, and last year raised the township's industrial and agricultural output value and the farmers' per-capita income to 1 million yuan and over 1,500 yuan respectively.
  • 这里指的不是民群众,主要是一些领导干部。
    Here I am referring mainly to some leading cadres, not to the peasant masses.
  • 第二十三条 国家禁止新建无水污染防治措施的小型化学制纸浆、印染、染料、制革、电镀、炼油、药以及其他严重污染水环境的企业。
    Article 23 The State shall forbid construction of any small enterprises, devoid of measures for prevention and control of water pollution, that seriously pollute the water environment, such as chemical pulp mills, printing and dyeing mills, dyestuff mills, tanneries, electroplating factories, oil refineries and pesticides manufacturers.
  • 靠这种剩余财富,建造起了巴台神殿和希腊雅典卫城的入口,购买了菲迪亚斯的雕刻作品,举办了庆祝盛典,埃斯库罗斯·素福克勒斯、欧里庇得斯和阿里斯托芬的戏剧,就是为这些盛典创作的。
    From such a surplus the Parthenon and the Propylaea were built, the sculptures of Pheidias paid for, and the festivals celebrated, for which AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides,and Aristophanes composed their dramas.
  • 普鲁士农奴制改革
    reform of Prussian serfdom
  • 降低党的立场,模糊党的面目,牺牲工利益去适合资产阶级改良主义的要求,将必然引导革命趋于失败。
    To debase the class stand of the Party, to obscure its distinctive features, to sacrifice the interests of the workers and peasants to suit the needs of bourgeois reformism, is sure to lead the revolution to defeat.
  • 事实表明,不触动封建根基的自强运动和改良主义,旧式的民战争,资产阶级革命派领导的民主革命,以及照搬西方资本主义的其他种种方案,都不能完成救亡图存的民族使命和反帝反封建的历史任务。
    Facts show that neither the self-improvement movements and reformism, the old peasant wars and the democratic revolution led by the revolutionaries of the bourgeoisie that did not touch the foundation of feudalism nor other solutions that ape western capitalism can accomplish the national mission of saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival and the historical tasks against imperialism and feudalism.
  • 素有“八百里秦川文武盛地”之称的关中平原,是国家航天、航空、兵器、机械、电子、仪器、仪表、业等方面的重要科研基地,特别在电子信息、空间技术、光机电一体化、生物工程、新材料和高效节能等高新技术领域的专业优势比较明显。
    The middle plain of Shaanxi entitled with "a prosperous birthplace of civil and military officials of Shaanxi occupying the zones of 4 hundreds of kilometers", is a key scientific and research base in the fields including national aerospace, aviation, weapons, mechanics, electronics, instrument and meter, and farming,etc, in particular, professions take obvious advantages for the high and new technological fields of electronics information, space technology, mechanic-electrical as the whole, biochemical engineering, new material and resources economizing with high efficiency,etc.