Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他们弟俩的性情完全不同。
    The two brothers have entirely different temperaments.
  • 这三弟不久就从抓住他们的那些人手中逃走了。
    The three brothers soon escaped from their captors.
  • 爱筵;团圆筵早期在基督教堂举行的伴有崇拜仪式庆典以表示弟情谊的会餐
    In the early Christian Church, the love feast accompanied by Eucharistic celebration.
  • “慢着,亚瑟,老,”他想说句俏皮话掩饰心中的紧张,“我这次突然来,你家的人肯定受不了。
    "Hold on, Arthur, my boy," he said, attempting to mask his anxiety with facetious utterance. "This is too much all at once for yours truly.
  • 大约也在这时,他还为较不讲究的看客提供一部根据普劳图斯《孪生弟》改写的闹剧。为使人们笑得更加开怀,他给原作添上两个仆人彼此酷肖的情节,与他们逼似的主人相映成趣。
    At much the same time, he supplied less fastidious appetites with a farce which was a free adaptation of the Menoechmi of Plautus, and, that laughter might be the louder, he added to its plot, inventing two servants exactly like each other to balance the close resemblance between their masters.
  • 弟般的感情;亲密的弟关系。
    brotherly feelings; close fraternal ties.
  • 他兄弟讨厌鱼。
    His brother dislike fish.
  • 菲希尔表示不服罪,可他弟表示服罪。
    Fisher put in a plea of not guilty, but his brother put in one of guilty.
  • 弟弄坏了她的洋娃娃,她原谅了他。
    She forgave her brother for breaking her doll.
  • 弟几个组建了一个新公司。
    The brother have forme a new company.
  • 弟五人共同组织合营公司。
    The five brother forme a partnership.
  • 我有四个兄弟。
    I have four brothers.
  • 亲密的兄弟情谊
    A close fraternal tie.
  • [美]共济会, 兄弟会
    a fraternal association [order, society]
  • 立誓入会的人已经被弟会或类似的组织接受为会员而且立誓加入,但仍尚未入会的人
    A person who has been accepted for membership in a fraternity or similar organization and has promised to join but has not yet been initiated.
  • 全体会员为共同目标组成的,如弟会或工会等的会员
    An association of men, such as a fraternity or union, united for common purposes.
  • 我们两国人民之间的弟友谊
    fraternity between our two peoples
  • 一些弟会或协会的地方分支。
    a local branch of some fraternity or association.
  • 立誓加入立誓加入(弟会或类似组织)
    To promise to join(a fraternity or similar organization).
  • 属于弟社团或与之相关。
    of or relating to a fraternity or society of usually men.
  • 这些与世隔绝的人之间有强烈的弟般的情谊。
    There is a strong spirit of fraternity among these isolated people.
  • 弟会成员,工会成员,陪审团成员
    A fellow member, as of a fraternity, trade union, or panel of judges on a court.
  • 是同道(一个弟会或其它宗教团体)成员的男性。
    a male person who is a fellow member (of a fraternity or religion of other group).
  • 昨晚,我们在弟会会议厅漫淡,一直谈到下半夜3点钟。
    Last night at our fraternity house we had a bull session which lasted until three o'clock.
  • 会所用于集会、娱乐或为大学的弟会、姊妹会、教堂、别的社会或宗教组织提供住处的建筑
    A building used for the meetings, entertainments, or living quarters of a fraternity, sorority, church, or other social or religious organization.
  • 男女双方互相允诺不再和其他人约会;大学校园里其标志为给与弟会的徽章。
    a mutual promise of a couple not to date anyone else; on college campuses it is signaled by the giving of a fraternity pin.
  • 我国各弟民族经过民主改革和社会主义改造,早已陆续走上社会主义道路,结成了社会主义的团结友爱、互助合作的新型民族关系。
    Through democratic reform and socialist transformation, all fraternal nationalities in China one after another have long since taken the socialist road, and they have formed a new, socialist type of relationship among themselves -- a relationship of unity, fraternity, mutual assistance and co-operation.
  • 弟对意大利和尚或托钵僧的称呼;
    Used as a title for an Italian monk or friar; brother.
  • 同胞兄弟;同胞姐妹
    Full brothers; full sisters.
  • 哇啊!我不知道这老一喝酒,就会嚎啕大哭。
    Gee! I do not know this guy cry so much when he's drink.
  • 哇啊!我不知道这老一喝酒,就会嚎啕大哭。
    Gee! I do not know this guy will cry so much when he 's drunk.
  • 这家人聚集在客厅里,其中有米尔德里德还有曼梯·里的两个弟吉恩和戴维。
    The family gathered in the living room included Mildred and ML's brothers, Gene and David.