  • 在當前情況下,既要正視香港經濟存在的睏難和問題,更要看到香港然擁有的許多優勢。
    Given the current circumstances, it is all the more important not to lose sight of the main advantages of Hong Kong while acknowledging its current economic difficulties and problems.
  • 甚至在都市的四周有許多鄉村地區。
    There are rural pockets even around the city.
  • 一般認為營業情況然良好。
    It was generally acknowledged that the business is still good.
  • 一般認為營業情況然良好。
    It is generally acknowledged that the business is still good.
  • 一般認為營業情況然良好。
    It is generally acknowledged that the business be still good.
  • 傢具生産在很大程度上保持着非機械化-戈登·拉塞爾。
    production of furniture remained largely unmechanized- Gordon Russell.
  • 法利說,"黑人人口中有相當一部分住在底特律(detroit)、芝加哥、紐約的貧民區。這些城市的內城地區還未經歷經濟高度增長。"法利說"那些人跟不上,被遠遠捨棄在一邊。"法利以前是密歇根大學的教授,現任紐約市拉塞爾.
    "There is a considerable fraction of the black population that still lives in inner-city areas -- in Detroit, Chicago, New York City -- that has not been caught up in dynamic economic growth," said Farley, formerly a professor at the University of Michigan and now a vice president of the Russell Sage Foundation in New York City.
  • 未確認收到我24日的信件。
    He still not acknowledge my letter of the 24th.
  • 酸為什麽腐蝕金屬是個問題。
    Why acids eat in metal is still a question.
  • 海洋中畸形魚的出現衹是讓人咄咄稱奇,卻不足以喚醒人類對自然生態的無情和冷漠,當然也無法遏止人類對所謂文明科技的需索無度。
    We click our tongues in wonder at mutant fishes, but they could not awaken us to our ruthlessness and indifference towards the natural environment. Neither can they halt mankind's endless craving for the so-called modern technology.
  • 我以為他已把那封信寄走了,但一個星期後他到我時悔恨交加地說,他發現那封信在他的口袋裏。
    I thought that he had posted the letter, but a week later he come to me in sackcloth and ashes to say that he had found it still in his pocket.
  • 安貞煥遭佩魯賈封殺知遇之恩不忘
    Korean Goal Hero Sacked By Italian Club
  • 由於市場冷清,故今天婉拒貴方報價,但感激不盡。
    It quiet sag. For today decline tkos just the same.
  • 儘管有了大量的印象深刻的應用程序和接口,但linux須等到硬件兼容性問題得到解决以及所有的安裝和設置能在桌面環境中實現後,才能為公司所接受,成為windows替代品。
    Despite the slew of impressive applications and interfaces though, Linux will not be an acceptable corporate alternative to Windows until hardware-compatibility issues are resolved and all aspects of installation and configuration are achievable in the desktop environment.
  • 有尾目兩棲動物一種有尾目的兩棲動物,包括蠑螈和水螈,特徵為幼蟲期的尾巴,在成年期舊存在
    Any of various amphibians of the order Caudata, including the salamanders and newts, in which the larval tail persists in adult life.
  • 這孩子舊相信聖誕老人真正存在。
    The boy still believes in Santa Claus.
  • 然相信有聖誕老人,要是使她這一幻想破滅就於心不忍了。
    She still believes in Santa Claus and it will be cruel to disillusion her.
  • 然相信有聖誕老人,要是使她這一幻想破滅就於心不忍了。
    She still believe in santa claus and it will is cruel to disillusion her.
  • 我說的確確實實他都不信,有疑慮。
    My assurances don't satisfy him: he's still sceptical.
  • 高音;高音薩剋斯管;這個男孩舊有極好的高音;高音譜號。
    soprano voice; soprano sax; the boy still had a fine treble voice; the treble clef.
  • 主教年屆八十,舊象他還是年方十八的小夥子之時被吩咐做的那樣,把那一套講了六十多年的老話繼續講下去。
    A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he is told to say when he was a boy of eighteen.
  • 主教年屆八十,舊像他還是個年方十八的小夥子之時被吩咐要做的那樣,把那一套講了六十多年的老話繼續講下去。
    A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen.
  • 杜卡基斯先生有一次曾坦白地說他喜歡一本關於瑞典土地使用計劃的書。像這樣一位候選人,在到處皆是德國及斯堪的那維亞人的州裏,是容易被接受的。這些人很多崇信社會民主政治中的一個觀念-公理是有計劃、有秩序的。
    A candidate like Mr. Dukakis, who once confessed to enjoying a book on Swedish land use planning, went down well in a state full of Germans and Scandinavians, many of whom still adhere to the notion of planned, orderly justice that is embodied in social democracy.
  • 儘管x射綫已有100年的歷史,計算機x射綫斷層造影術掃描也有25年的歷史,但大多數成像工具相對比較新,還有很大的開發潛力。
    Although X-rays are 100 years old and CT scans 25, most of the tools are still relatively new, with much of their potential still to be tapped.
  • 他在戰爭中受了重傷,現在有傷疤。
    He is badly wounded in the war and still bears the scar.
  • 政府須使持懷疑態度的人相信其政策可行。
    The government must still convince the sceptic that its policy will work.
  • 對於貨幣如何替代易貨貿易的故事,每個上學的孩子都很熟悉,不過在這裏然值得重述一下,因為這個故事闡明了貨幣的性質。
    The story of how money replaced barter is familiar to every schoolchild, but it is worth repetition for the light it throws on the nature of money.
  • 讓我想想:這就是說已經掉了大約四千英裏了,我想……”(你瞧,愛麗絲在學校裏已經學到了一點這類東西,雖然現在不是顯示知識的時機,因為沒一個人在聽她說話,但是這然是個很好的練習。)“……是的,大概就是這個距離。那麽,我現在究竟到了什麽經度和緯度了呢?”
    Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think--' (for, you see, Alice had learnt several things of this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and though this was not a VERY good opportunity for showing off her knowledge, as there was no one to listen to her, still it was good practice to say it over) `--yes, that's about the right distance--but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?'
  • 四,意識形態對立引起的災難——意識形態不再衹是哲學的思辯,而成為政治野心分子和空頭理想主義者的工具,至今是禍害,但往往在各種名義和理論包裝下,難以分辨。
    4.The disaster caused by the antagonism between ideologies. Ideology is no longer a philosophical debate, but a tool employed by ambitious politicians and armchair idealists. Ideology remains a scourge today, but it is often disguised under various names and theories, and therefore hardly discernible.
  • 當時鐘樓尤其還沒有那四衹直至今日然蹲坐在屋頂四角的怪獸,這四衹怪獸看上去像是四個獅身人面像,要人看見新巴黎時非去解開舊巴黎的謎不可①。雕刻傢羅爾衹是到了一五二六年纔把它們安放上去。他一番嘔心瀝血衹掙得二十法朗。再則,就是朝嚮河灘廣場的柱子閣,我們在前面已嚮看官略做介紹了。
    (It lacked, in particular, the four monsters, which, still perched to-day on the corners of its roof, have the air of so many sphinxes who are propounding to new Paris the riddle of the ancient Paris. Rault, the sculptor,only placed them in position in 1526, and received twenty francs for his pains.) There was the Maison-aux-Piliers, the Pillar House, opening upon that Place de Gr鑦e of which we have given the reader some idea;
  • 那些船員然沒有患壞血病之虞。
    The crew remained free from scurvy.
  • 雖然如此,我們相信區議會然能夠繼續發揮重要功能,讓市民有更多機會叁與地方决策,令政府更能體察民情、嚮市民負責。
    Nevertheless, we believe that the DBs will still play a vital role in empowering the community and providing more accountable and responsive district services.