  • 这具木伊成功地经受了这次手术。
    The mummy successfully survived the operation.
  • 这老人上一个时代的遗老。
    The old man is a survival of the past age.
  • 这世界是为美之音乐所驯服了的狂风骤雨的世界。
    This world is the world of wild storms kept tame with the music of beauty.
  • 村游击小组保护全村的利益,提出减租减息;不放松对每一个租佃关系、债务关系和主雇关系至一般的民事案件加以调解等等。
    Other methods include protecting the interests of the whole village by local guerrilla teams through demanding reduced rent and interest rates, and not slackening any efforts in mediating in each and every problem concerning tenancy debt and employer-employee relationships, and even ordinary civil cases.
  • 知天知地,胜不穷。
    Know the weather, know the terrain, and your victory be complete.
  •  知天知地,胜不穷。
    Know the weather, know the terrain, and your victory will be complete.
  • 如果他并不轻视别人对他的微薄帮助,那就证明他更重视的是人心而不是钱财。
    If he is thankful for small benefits, it shows that he weighs men's minds, and not their trash.
  • 很多这种发明是理论发现的直接后果,而且有关自然力的知识的每一次扩展,都会产生丰富的实际应用成果。
    many such inventions having been the direct consequences of theoretic discoveries, and every extension of knowledge of the powers of nature being fruitful of applications to the purposes of outward life.
  • 失败乃成功之母。
    Failure is the mother of success.-- Thomas Paine
  • 抨击各种邪恶势力是一个牧师的职责。
    It is a priest 's job to tilt against the forces of evil.
  • 他们担心在剖开时木伊会变成碎片。
    They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open.
  • 脚趾是舍弃了其过去的手指。
    Toes are the fingers that have forsaken their past.
  • 复仇中最可原谅的一种就是为了报没有法律纠正的那一种仇的;可是在这种情形里那报仇的人也应当留神,他那报复的行为要没有法律惩罚才好;否则他底仇人仍然要占先的,因为二人之间吃亏底比例是二比一也。
    The most tolerable sort of revenge, is for those wrongs which there is no law to remedy: but then, let a man take heed the revenge be such as there is no law to punish: else,a man's enemy is still before hand, and it is two for one.
  • 胜败兵常事,马尔斯自然也有败北的时候。
    As typifying the chances of war, Mars is, of course, not always successful.
  • 统一必以团结为基础,团结必以进步为基础;惟进步能团结,惟团结能统一,实为不易之定论。
    It is an unalterable truth that unification must be based on unity and unity in its turn must be based on progress, and that only progress can bring unity and only unity can bring unification.
  • 清晰的思想以不清晰的文字表现出来,是一个决意不娶之男子的笔调。
    Clear thoughts expressed in unclear language is the style of a confirmed bachelor.
  • 然此公开之汪精卫,尚未语于暗藏之汪精卫也。
    But this only takes care of the open Wang Ching-weis and leaves out the undercover ones.
  • “秀才不出门,全知天下事”,在技术不发达的古代只是一句空话,在技术发达的现代虽然可以实现这句话,然而真正亲知的是天下实践着的人,那些人在他们的实践中间取得了“知”,经过文字和技术的传达而到达于“秀才”之手,秀才能间接地“知天下事”。
    The saying, "without stepping outside his gate the scholar knows all the wide world's affairs", was mere empty talk in past times when technology was undeveloped. Even though this saying can be valid in the present age of developed technology, the people with real personal knowledge are those engaged in practice the wide world over. And it is only when these people have come to "know" through their practice and when their knowledge has reached him through writing and technical media that the "scholar" can indirectly "know all the wide world's affairs".
  • 在敌我交锋的斗争中,经常要发生区域的变化,敌占区可能变为游击区至游击根据地,根据地也可能变为游击区至敌占区,所以我们在指导上,不仅要着眼于有利时的进攻,而且要着眼于不利时的退却,但是无论进攻或退却,都应该有计划、有步骤、有秩序,这样才能巩固与坚持阵地,否则必然引起混乱。
    In our fight with the enemy it may happen that enemy-occupied areas become guerrilla zones and even guerrilla base areas, whereas base areas may become guerrilla zones and even enemy-occupied areas. Such being the case, in giving guidance, we should pay attention not only to the need of offensive action when we are in a favourable position, but also to the need of retreat when we are in an unfavourable position. Both in offensive action and in retreat, we should act in accordance with plans and in a systematic and orderly manner. This is the only way we can hold and consolidate our position and avoid confusion.
  • 不幸不能忍,是大不幸。
    He is unfortunate who can not bear misfortune.
  • 目前,单方面谋取外空军事和战略优势,至控制外空的企图、计划和行动不仅确实存在,并且有新的发展。
    At present, there are intentions, plans and actions to pursue unilateral military and strategic superiority in, and control of, outer space. They are not only real but also growing.
  • tang美国通用食品公司注册商标。
    Tang is the registered trademark of General foods Corporation, USA.
  • 好些中小地主、富农至中农,从前反对农会的,此刻求入农会不可得。
    Many middle and small landlords and rich peasants and even some middle peasants, who were all formerly opposed to the peasant associations, are now vainly seeking admission.
  • 第四,它必须由一村的一致发展到几村至一个区域的一致,才更便利于应付敌人欺骗敌人。
    Fourth, united struggle by one village should develop into united struggle by several villages or even a whole area -- only this can make it easier to deal with the enemy and deceive him.
  • 当地电影院看看电影--实际上,此唯一的娱乐形式。
    Visiting the local cinema-virtually is the only form of entertainment.
  • 去当地电影院看看电影--实际上,此唯一的娱乐形式。
    To visit to the local cinema-virtually the only form of entertainment.
  • 当地电影院看看电影——实际上,此唯一的娱乐形式。
    Visiting the local cinema -virtually is the only form of entertainment.
  • 当地电影院看看电影--实际上,此唯一的娱乐形式。
    Visiting to the local cinema-virtually is the only form of entertainment.
  • 去当地电影院看看电影——实际上,此唯一的娱乐形式。
    To visit to the local cinema -virtually the only form of entertainment.
  • 经济不景气时,银行紧缩放贷,中小企业管理局介入[放贷]。
    During the recession, the S.B.A. has stepped in as banks became more wary of lending.
  • 州警官韦恩·贝内特昨天说,“当初以为弗格森不知枪里有子弹,而是一项意外事件。可是进一步调查证明他当时发怒,他所做的出于本意,根本的问题是他居心如此。”
    "At first, there was a suggestion that Furguson didn't think there was a bullet in the gun, that it was an accident," said State Police Major Wayne Bennett yesterday. "But further investigation indicates he was angry. He meant to do what he did. The bottom line is, there was intent."
  • 健康乃至宝。
    Good health is the best wealth.