  • 容器容纳或运输西用的容器,如纸盒、罐子或坛子等
    A receptacle, such as a carton, can, or jar, in which material is held or carried.
  • 大提包大的容器,如包、篮子或手袋,用于把西从一个地方带到另一个地方
    A large receptacle, such as a bag, basket, or pocketbook, used to carry things from one place to another.
  • 聚焦的光线会让西烧起来。
    focused light rays can set something afire.
  • 然而,它需要在这种多样化环境中的人们开放自己。接受异己的西。
    However, it is necessary for people in this environment to be open and receptive to things which are different from theirs.
  • 尤其是在教堂的部的半球形的或拱状的凹室;通常包括祭坛。
    a domed or vaulted recess or projection on a building especially the east end of a church; usually contains the the altar.
  • 克什米尔地区、阿富汗地区和北巴基斯坦地区所说的各种印度语。
    any of a group of Indic languages spoken in Kashmir and E Afghanistan and N Pakistan.
  • 阿富汗北地区的卡菲尔人民所说的一种达尔德语。
    a Dardic language spoken by the Kafir people in NE Afghanistan.
  • 帕坦人阿富汗部和巴基斯坦西北部讲普什图语的一支,占阿富汗人口的多数
    A member of a Pashto-speaking people of eastern Afghanistan and northwest Pakistan, constituting the majority population of Afghanistan.
  • 阿富汗首都和最大城市;位于阿富汗部。
    the capital and largest city of Afghanistan; located in eastern Afghanistan.
  • 为酬答某人的行为而奖给他西。
    act or give something in recognition of someone's behavior.
  • 他在家具什物之间躲西闪,原本只存在他心中的恐惧又成倍地增加了。
    He recoiled from side to side between the various objects and multiplied the hazards that in reality lodged only in his mind.
  • 报偿给予作为回报或补偿的西;报偿
    Something given as requital or recompense; a repayment.
  • 用来弥补损失或伤害的西。
    something given to recompense for loss or injury.
  • 现波斯湾战争已经结束,国务卿贝克开始了华府战后第一椿中外交任务,使[战后]艰巨的修好工作显得十分重要。
    Now that the gulf war has ended, the challenge of reconciliation is being thrown into relief as Secretary of State James A.Baker 3d embarks on Washington's first effort at postwar diplomacy in the Middle East.
  • 英美法和日本之间的矛盾虽已部分缩小,但并未真正协调,而且英法在方的地位又被欧战削弱,因而所谓远慕尼黑会议很难召集;
    it is very difficult to rig up a Far Eastern Munich conference because there has been no real reconciliation between Japan on the one hand and Britain, the United States and France on the other despite some lessening of the contradictions between them, and because the British and French positions in the East have been weakened by the European war;
  • 如果你承认你曾这样做,也许你要重新考虑你正在教的西了。
    If you recognize yourself in these examples, you might want to reconsider what you're teaching.
  • 这种改造过的认识,不是更空虚了更不可靠了的认识,相反,只要是在认识过程中根据于实践基础而科学地改造过的西,正如列宁所说乃是更深刻、更正确、更完全地反映客观事物的西。
    Such reconstructed knowledge is not more empty or more unreliable; on the contrary, whatever has been scientifically reconstructed in the process of cognition, on the basis of practice, reflects objective reality, as Lenin said, more deeply, more truly, more fully.
  • 该署又策划重建5个位于青山、喜灵洲、白沙湾、大榄涌和龙洲的码头。
    It also planned the reconstruction of five existing piers at Castle Peak, Hei Ling Chau, Pak Shan Wan, Tai Lam Chung and Tung Lung Chau.
  • 我被我的想法牢牢地抓住了,从海岸到西海岸建造连锁的价格公道的饭店。
    I was seized by an idea-to put up a chain of affordable hotels, stretching from coast to coast.
  • 目前,中国已初步形成了四个卫星系列——返回式遥感卫星系列、“方红”通信广播卫星系列、“风云”气象卫星系列和“实践”科学探测与技术试验卫星系列,“资源”地球资源卫星系列也即将形成。
    Altogether, four satellite series have been initially developed in China, namely, recoverable remote-sensing satellites, "DFH Dongfanghong" telecommunications satellites, "FY Fengyun" meteorological satellites and "SJ Shijian " scientific research and technological experiment satellites. The "ZY Ziyuan" earth resource satellite series will come into being soon.
  • 邓先生的这个战略设想是,根据生产力发展水平和各方面的条件,部地区先加快发展,然后带动和支持中西部地区发展,最终实现全国各地区共同繁荣和共同富裕。
    Mr.Deng's strategic idea in this respect is, according to the given development level of productive forces and the conditions in various regions, efforts should first be made to expedite the development of the east region and then promote and support the development of central and west regions, thereby eventually achieving the common prosperity and affluence of all regions in the country.
  • 折磨象烤西一样地折磨或让人受苦
    To torture or afflict as if by broiling.
  • 因此,毛泽同志在一九四一、一九四二年发起了伟大的整风运动。
    Therefore, he initiated the great rectification movement of 1941-42.
  • 这是毛泽同志在整风运动中反复讲过的。
    Comrade Mao Zedong said this time and again during the rectification movements.
  • 党中央和毛泽同志为什么提出整风号召呢?
    Why did the Central Committee and Comrade Mao Zedong call for rectification last year?
  • 毛泽同志号召整风当然不是无的放矢,而正是针对着我们的弱点提出来的,是一针见血的指示。
    Comrade Mao Zedong's call for rectification is, of course, not a shot in the dark; it is precisely directed against our weaknesses.
  • 延安整风时,毛泽同志作了《改造我们的学习》、《整顿党的作风》等报告。
    During the Yan'an rectification movement, Comrade Mao Zedong made "Reform Our Study", "Rectify the Party's Style of Work" and other reports.
  • 毛泽同志的《〈农村调查〉的序言和跋》、《改造我们的学习》、《整顿党的作风》、《反对党八股》等著作,就是这次整风运动的主要文献。
    Among the main documents guiding that movement were his works "Preface and Postscript to Rural Surveys", "Reform Our Study", "Rectify the Party's Style of Work" and "Oppose Stereotyped Party Writing".
  • 美国南部的一种百合,具有杯形的花和深红色或猩红色卷曲的花瓣。
    lily of southeastern United States having cup-shaped flowers with deep yellow to scarlet recurved petals.
  • 美国南部攀援半灌木植物,紫红色钟状的大花上有似皮革反曲的萼片。
    scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals.
  • 第一,确立毛泽同志的历史地位,坚持和发展毛泽思想。
    First, affirmation of the historical role of Comrade Mao Zedong and explanation of the necessity to uphold and develop Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 《东方红》
    The East is Red