  • 阿米斯上前一步,击打投手左前方的一个好隔球。
    Amiss plays forward to a well pitched ball outside the off stump.
  • 这两个国家之的和睦友好有助於这一地区的繁荣。
    Amity between the two nation will contribute to the prosperity of the region.
  • 托马斯法官首先在长达12小时35分的听证会中作证,语调时而反抗,时而悲伤,向委员们坚持说他从来未对希尔教授性骚扰,并将自己和他的家人描述成希尔教授和走火入魔的参院同程序所侵害并出卖的受害人。
    Testifying first in a hearing that lasted 12 hours and 35 minutes, Judge Thomas sounded by turns defiant and sorrowful in insisting to committee members that he never sexually harassed Professor Hill, depicting himself and his family as victims who were betrayed by the professor and a Senate confirmation process that has run amok.
  • 中苏两国人民之存在着深厚的友谊。
    Between the peoples of China and the Soviet Union there is a profound friendship.
  • 厄瓜多尔位于哥伦比亚、秘鲁和太平洋之
    Ecuador lies between Columbia, Peru, and the Pacific Ocean.
  • 我们之意见各不相同。
    Among us opinions varied.
  • 在部(局、所、系)之的。
    between or among departments.
  • 在岩石生长的植物。
    plants growing among rocks.
  • 在我们之流传的笑话。
    a running joke among us.
  • 雪松中间的一棵松树
    A pine tree among cedars.
  • 蜜蜂在花嗡嗡作声。
    Bees droned among the flowers.
  • 在应用程序之动态保存/维护绘图
    Dynamically save/maintain mappings among applications
  • 紫罗兰花微露在叶丛
    Violets peeped among the leaves.
  • 我们之间从不争吵。
    We never quarrelled among ourselves.
  • 有一些人在我们中毫无意义地活着。
    some people living insignificantly among us.
  • 希腊人之盛行的风俗
    A custom popular among the Greeks.
  • 猫战两只或一群猫之的战斗
    A fight between or among cats.
  • 它中间有一个洞。
    Among it there is a cave.
  • 代理持有者之的内部不和。
    an internecine feud among proxy holders.
  • 事物各部分之的平衡。
    balance among the parts of something.
  • 灌木丛散布于树林
    Bushes are interspersed among the trees.
  • 雷声在山间回响。
    The thunder echoed amongst hills.
  • 当然,球迷通常是被嘲笑的对象,他们中的极端分子被当成了整个球迷队伍的典型。
    Sports fans, of course, are commonly derided. The extremists amongst them are employed as models for the whole cohort.
  • 在开发小组建立开发社区将加强自我支持能力、提高开发人员的兴趣以及对受欢迎的应用程序的集中使用等。
    The establishment of a development community amongst development groups promotes self-support, developer interest, and a central source of compelling applications.
  • 如选民在选票上选择多于一名候选人,并注明选择的优先次序,则选票可在选民所选择的候选人之转移。
    The vote is transferable amongst the candidates marked on a ballot paper if the elector marks his preferences for more than one candidate.
  • 我正在乱转,又听见他们之有教养的举止的另一例证:起初那年轻人好像对我还友好。
    and, as I wandered round, I heard another specimen of their civil behaviour amongst each other. At first the young man appeared about to befriend me.
  • 电视会议可以完全像电话那样点对点,或者在三个或三个以上地点之开多点的“虚拟”会议,上述两者通常都是使用isdn网。
    Video conferences can be point-to-point exactly like a telephone call, or multipiont enabling "virtual" meetings amongst three or more locations to take place, both most commonly using an ISDN network.
  • 只有这样,人们才会确保那些人力资源中表现出来的所有自由能量能有效地在友好国家更为广泛地进行合作的组织中得到有效利用。
    Only in this way could one make sure that all the free energy potentially present. in the form of human resources is channeled effectively within a wider cooperative organization amongst friendly nations.
  • 吴作栋总理在南大举办的“总理论坛”上指出当其他国家对我国发出攻击性的言论时,大学生之应有一股“沉默的忿怒”。
    In a forum held in the Nanyang Technological University , Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong pointed out that when other countries make offensive remarks about Singapore, there should be a sense of silent indignance amongst our university students.
  • 异性的抚摸,爱抚满怀爱意地拥抱、接吻或爱抚情侣的行为或体验
    The act or practice of amorously embracing, kissing, and caressing one's partner.
  • 流体一种分子之能自由移动并有随容器形状变化趋势的连续的、无定形的物质;液体或气体
    A continuous, amorphous substance whose molecules move freely past one another and that has the tendency to assume the shape of its container; a liquid or gas.
  • 为了缩小处理器与内存条之的差距,为了利用并行处理方法,为了分期清偿生产线的成本,为了充分利用可以安放在单个芯片上的数目显著的晶体管,我们预测2020年最终的微处理器将会完全是一台电脑。
    To narrow the processor-memory performance gap, to take advantage of parallel processing, to amortize the costs of the line and simply to make full use of the phenomenal number of transistors that can be placed on a single chip, we predict that the high- end microprocessor of 2020 will be an entire computer.