  • “现在呱呱叫啦,”机修工从汽车底下钻出来时道,“我已经把你的消音器换了。”
    "Right as a trivet now," said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the car. "I've replaced your silencer."
  • 你怎么不说话?
    Why do you keep silent?
  • 不出声音的出;只用嘴唇来出词句。
    articulate silently; form words with the lips only.
  • 化学教授劳埃德·史密斯:“这是一种非自动化的计算机-一就象算盘那样,但是我们相信这种计算方式可以象常规计算机一样实现自动化。
    "It's kind of a non-automated computer---an abacus of sorts---hut it's an approach we're confident can be automated like a conventional computer," said Lloyd Smith, a professor of chemistry.
  • 他一声不响地等着,结果我不得不往下
    He waited silently, and so I was forced to go on.
  • 他在心里默默地:那应该是我,那应该是我!
    He said silently to himself: That should be me!That should be me!
  • 他在心里默默地:那应该是我,那应该是我!
    He said silently to himself: That should be me! That should be me!
  • 着,她再也忍不住,呜咽着低声哭了好一会儿。
    With that she broke down completely and sobbed silently for quite a while.
  • 琼吃了一惊,这是很保守的法。她其实是完全惊呆了。
    Saying that Joan was taken aback is to put it mildly. She was completely flabbergasted.
  • 他的美国朋友愣了一下后:“我想现在大家大概已经没有什么分别了。”
    Somewhat taken aback, he replied: I think now we are about the same.
  • 起高科技,常常会想到硅谷。
    People tend to associate the hi-tech industry with the Silicon Valley.
  • 来自密歇根的游客阿兰-梅斯特美克:"我们碰到过几次蝎子占座位的事,不过至今没人被咬伤过。"
    "We've only had a couple of scorpion incidents but no one's been stung yet," said Aaron Mestemaker, a tourist visiting from Michigan.
  • 跟物理学的世纪再见的时候到了。在那个世纪里,人类的成就之一是裂解了原子,并把硅转变成有计算的能力。
    Ring farewell to the century of physics,the one in which we split the atom and turned silicon into computing power.
  • 研究员们介绍,在先前的试验中,电子信号穿过鸡毛芯片的速度是传统硅片的两倍。
    In early tests, electrical signals moved twice as quickly through the feather chip as through a conventional silicon chip, researchers said.
  • 我听日本的丝绸色泽更明快、图案精美,而且他们的离岸价也较低。
    I heard that the Japanese silks are more brightly coloured and beautifully designed and their price is lower on the f. o. b. basis.
  • 还有一件事想与你商量一下,由于我过去从没有从贵公司采购过丝绸,我们的客户要求即付货款90%,换句话,凭呈递单据付款,其余的款项在丝绸运抵温哥华再付款。
    Another thing to be discussed is that since I have never bought silks from you before, our customers demand that 90 per cent of the credit amount be paid on sight, that is, against the presentation of documents. The rest is to be paid after the silks have arrived in Vancouver.
  • 埃及女王克娄巴特拉依靠用羊奶和芦荟洗澡来保持她的美丽外表。这种尖尖的像仙人掌的植物可以在沙漠中和英国人家的窗台上见到。
    Cleopatra allegedly owed her good looks to bathing in goats’milk and aloe vera, the spiky cactus-like plant found in deserts and on British window sills.
  • 她的蠢话近乎胡八道。
    Her silly talk verged on nonsense.
  • 这话说得多蠢!
    What a silly thing to say!
  • 的话很无聊,多有涵养的人也得气得发火.
    His silly chatter would vex a saint.
  • 鉴于vpn市场的复杂性,已有用户提醒未来的vpn购买者要做精明的客户,不要一味听信和接受供应商所的一切。
    Given the complexities of the VPN marketplace, users caution future VPN buyers to be savvy consumers and not sit back and accept whatever the vendor tells them.
  • 对一个在电脑上只以字母和数字为代号的新资讯公民来,有没有华文名真的不是那么重要。
    In fact, to someone who is IT-savvy and recognises only English letters and numbers on a computer, not having a Chinese name is no big deal.
  • 胜任工作俗话,知识就是力量,最好的领导知道他们的实际知识和精通程度是他们人格魅力的一部分。
    Be competent. Knowlege is power, the saying goes, and the best leaders know that their savvy and proficiency are part of their charisma.
  • 当管理人员到网络与主机安全时越来越觉悟到安全的重要性。
    Administrators are becoming more security-savvy when it comes to network and host security.
  • 对此,加尔哥达市市长对记者:"根本没有必要开辟这样一个爱情角。这是个无理要求,就让他们去抗议好了。"
    "There is no need for love zones for romantics. This is a bogus demand. Let them protest," Subroto Mukherjee, mayor of Calcutta, told reporters.
  • 见到相同两事物时,
    Said to draw attention to the similarity of two things
  • 基于模型和要解的想象的相似性的理论明。
    a theoretical account based on a similarity between the model and the phenomena that are to be explained.
  • 一种修辞,使用一个词语表示没有直接明的东西以便联想到相似性。
    a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity.
  • 由于在英国牡蛎上市的季节是在圣詹姆斯节(7月25日)前后,再加上牡蛎外壳与扇贝外壳的相似,因而就产生了一种流行的法:谁在圣詹姆斯节那天吃了牡蛎,谁就会永远不缺钱花。
    As the oyster season in Britain begins round the times of his feast day on July 25, the similarity led to a popular saying that whoever eats oyster on St. James Day will never want for money.
  • 明有关货币兑换的事
    Tell about money exchange
  • 形式,尤指明喻或隐喻
    A figure of speech, especially a metaphor or simile.
  • 校方人员和班上的学生,这两个青年之间自去年九月就酝酿着仇恨,希门尼斯被刺杀乃是最后摊牌。至于仇恨如何开始则无人表示知晓。
    School officials and classmates said the stabbing of Mr.Jimenez was a final confrontation in a feud between the two youths that had been simmering since September. No one claimed to know how the bad blood began.